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                      Tuesday 25 July 2023

            Oui, oui: Jill Biden is in Paris to mark the U.S. return to the U.N.’s

            educational and scientific agency

            Continued from Front                                                                   science, and culture.”       U.S.  would  withdraw  from
                                                                                                   The  U.S.  pulled  out  of  the  UNESCO,  citing  anti-Israel
            UNESCO aims to foster glo-                                                             Paris-based organization in  bias.  That  decision  that
            bal collaboration in educa-                                                            2018,  under  then-President  took effect a year later.
            tion, science and culture. It                                                          Donald  Trump,  a  Republi-  The U.S. and Israel stopped
            also designates World Her-                                                             can who claimed UNESCO  financing  UNESCO  after  it
            itage  sites,  deeming  them                                                           was biased against Israel.   voted  to  include  Palestine
            worthy of eternal preserva-                                                            The administration of Biden,  as a member state in 2011.
            tion.                                                                                  a  Democrat,  pushed  to  The  Biden  administration
            The  agency  on  Sunday                                                                rejoin  over  concerns  that  has  requested  $150  million
            condemned  Russia’s  at-                                                               China was filling the void in  for  the  2024  budget  to  go
            tack  on  a  cathedral  in                                                             leadership  created  by  the  toward  UNESCO  dues  and
            Odesa  and  other  heritage                                                            U.S. absence.                arrears.  The  plan  foresees
            sites  in  Ukraine  in  recent                                                         The   administration   an-   similar requests for the ensu-
            days and said it will send a                                                           nounced  in  June  that  it  ing years until the full debt
            team to the Black Sea port   First  lady  Jill  Biden  speaks  during  an  event  with  the  National   would  apply  to  rejoin  the  of $619 million is repaid.
            city to assess damage.       Education  Association  in  the  South  Court  Auditorium  on  the   193-member  organization,  That makes up a big chunk
            In  a  statement,  UNESCO    White House campus, Tuesday, July 4, 2023, in Washington.   which  also  plays  a  major  of  UNESCO’s  $534  million
            noted  that  Odesa’s  his-                                            Associated Press   role  in  setting  international  annual  operating  budget.
            toric  center  was  declared                                                           standards for artificial intel-  Before  leaving,  the  U.S.
            a  UNESCO  World  Heritage  service  members  buried  zations to serve as a coun-      ligence  and  technology  contributed  22%  of  the
            site  earlier  this  year  and  there,  most  of  whom  died  ter  to  nations  that  do  not  education.           agency’s overall funding.
            said  attacks  by  Russian  in  Normandy  and  Brittany  share U.S. values.            The  organization’s  govern-  The  United  States  previ-
            forces  contradict  recent  during World War II.She will  Others  said  Jill  Biden,  who  ing board voted earlier this  ously pulled out of UNESCO
            promises by Russian author-  also stop at the Elysée Pal-  teaches  English  and  writ-  month  to  approve  the  Bi-  under  the  Reagan  admin-
            ities to take precautions to  ace in Paris on Tuesday to  ing at a Virginia community  den plan to rejoin, and the  istration  in  1984  because
            spare such sites across the  catch  up  with  Brigitte  Ma-  college, was best suited to  U.S. delivered a document  it  viewed  the  agency  as
            country.                     cron, a former teacher and  represent the United States  certifying that it would ac-  mismanaged,  corrupt  and
            Before  returning  to  Wash-  the  wife  of  French  Presi-  in Paris on Tuesday.      cept  the  invitation  to  be-  used  to  advance  Soviet
            ington   on    Wednesday,  dent  Emmanuel  Macron.  “The first lady, as a lifelong  come the 194th member of  interests. It rejoined in 2003
            Biden  will  tour  a  historic  The women have met sev-   educator  and  believer  in  UNESCO.                      during  George  W.  Bush’s
            venue  in  France,  Mont-    eral times over the past two  the  power  of  education-  “Our  organization  is  once  presidency.  Bush’s  wife,
            Saint-Michel,  a  1,000-year-  years, including in Washing-  al  opportunity  across  the  again moving towards uni-  Laura, a former elementary
            old Benedictine abbey that  ton  last  December  when  world,  is  honored  to  help  versality,”  UNESCO  Direc-   school  teacher  and  librar-
            was listed as a World Herit-  Macron was on a state visit  celebrate  this  important  tor-General  Audrey  Azou-   ian, spoke at that ceremo-
            age  site  in  1979.  It  sits  on  to the U.S.           milestone,”  said  Elizabeth  lay  said  at  the  time.  She  ny.
            an  island  in  Normandy,  in  Senior Biden administration  Alexander,  a  spokesper-  cast  the  U.S  return  as  “ex-  Standing  in  for  the  presi-
            the  north  of  the  country.A  officials  said  returning  to  son.  “She  looks  forward  to  cellent  news  for  multilater-  dent at home and abroad
            daughter  and  mother  of  UNESCO  fits  President  Joe  raising the flag for the Unit-  alism as a whole. If we want  has become a big part of a
            U.S.  service  members,  the  Biden’s goal of strengthen-  ed  States  once  again  at  to  meet  the  challenges  of  first lady’s unofficial job de-
            first lady will also visit Brittany  ing global partnerships and  the UNESCO headquarters,  our century, there can only  scription, and Jill Biden trav-
            American  Cemetery  and  recommitting  to  American  showing our country’s com-        be a collective response.”   els at least several times a
            Memorial  to  pay  respects  leadership at the U.N. and  mitment  to  international  The Trump administration in  week  to  promote  adminis-
            to the more than 4,400 U.S.  other  international  organi-  cooperation  in  education,  2017  announced  that  the  tration initiatives.q

                                                                      Biden administration sues Texas

                                                                      governor over Rio Grande buoy barrier

                                                                      roughly 1,000-foot (305-me-  In  anticipation  of  the  law-  warned Texas in a letter last
                                                                      ter)  line  of  bright  orange,  suit,  Abbott  sent  President  week that the state had un-
                                                                      wrecking  ball-sized  buoys  Joe Biden a letter Monday  til Monday to commit to re-
                                                                      that  the  Biden  administra-  that defended Texas’ right  moving the barrier or face
                                                                      tion  says  raises  humani-  to install the barrier. He ac-  a lawsuit. The letter said the
                                                                      tarian  and  environmen-     cused Biden of putting mi-   buoy  wall  “poses  a  risk  to
                                                                      tal  concerns.  The  suit  also  grants  at  risk  by  not  doing  navigation, as well as pub-
                                                                      claims that Texas unlawfully  more  to  deter  them  from  lic safety, in the Rio Grande
                                                                      installed  the  barrier  along  making  the  journey  to  the  River,  and  it  presents  hu-
            Migrants who crossed the Rio Grande from Mexico walk past   without permission near the  U.S.                       manitarian concerns.”
            large buoys being deployed as a border barrier on the river in   border city of Eagle Pass.  “Texas will see you in court,  The  state  deployed  the
            Eagle Pass, Texas, Wednesday, July 12, 2023.              The buoys are the latest es-  Mr.   President,”   Abbott  buoys   without   notifying
                                                     Associated Press   calation  of  Texas’  border  wrote in his letter.      the  International  Boundary
            By PAUL J. WEBER and         bott  over  a  floating  bar-  security operation that also  The  Biden  administration  and  Water  Commission  or
            VALERIE GONZALEZ             rier  that  the  state  placed  includes razor-wire fencing,  has  said  illegal  border  the U.S. Army Corps of En-
            Associated Press             on the Rio Grande to stop  arresting  migrants  on  tres-  crossings  have  declined  gineers. Mexico’s secretary
            AUSTIN,  Texas  (AP)  —  The  migrants from crossing into  passing charges and send-   significantly  since  new  im-  of  state  asked  the  federal
            Justice   Department    on  the U.S. from Mexico.         ing  busloads  of  asylum-   migration  rules  took  effect  government  to  intervene,
            Monday  sued  Texas  Re-     The lawsuit asks a court to  seekers  to  Democratic-led  in May.                      saying  the  barrier  violates
            publican  Gov.  Greg  Ab-    force  Texas  to  remove  a  cities in other states.      The  Justice  Department  international treaties.q
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