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                      Tuesday 25 July 2023
            UN chief urges Russia to revive grain deal with Ukraine, warning

            ‘the most vulnerable’ will suffer

            By FRANCES D’EMILIO                                                                                                 U.N.  World  Food  Program
            Associated Press                                                                                                    regained a top supplier, al-
            ROME (AP) — The U.N. chief                                                                                          lowing  725,000  metric  tons
            on  Monday  urged  Russia                                                                                           of  humanitarian  food  aid
            to  resume  the  internation-                                                                                       to leave Ukraine and reach
            ally  brokered  deal  so  that                                                                                      countries  on  the  brink  of
            grain can be shipped from                                                                                           famine,  including  Ethiopia,
            Ukraine’s  Black  Sea  ports,                                                                                       Afghanistan and Yemen.
            saying  that  otherwise,  the                                                                                       The  deal’s  suspension  as
            world’s  most  vulnerable                                                                                           well  as  Russian  attacks
            among the hungry will suf-                                                                                          on  the  Black  Sea  ports  of
            fer  the  worst  consequenc-                                                                                        Ukraine  have  irked  Russian
            es.                                                                                                                 ally  China  and  as  well  as
            U.N. Secretary-General An-                                                                                          developing  nations  heav-
            tonio  Guterres  made  the                                                                                          ily dependent on the ship-
            appeal during a speech in                                                                                           ments to feed their people.
            Rome at the opening of a                                                                                            Besides the grain deal, the
            three-day food summit.                                                                                              effects  of  climate  change
            With  the  recent  collapse                                                                                         on  food  production  and
            of  the  Ukraine-Russia  grain                                                                                      distribution will figure in dis-
            deal, “the most vulnerable                                                                                          cussions at the Rome sum-
            will pay the highest price,’’                                                                                       mit.
            Guterres  said.  He  lament-                                                                                        “We  need  food  systems
            ed  that  there  are  already   U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres, left, and Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni arrive for the   that  can  help  end  this
            negative effects on global   opening session of a three-day U.N. Food and Agriculture Agency’s summit on food systems in   senseless  war  on  our  plan-
            wheat and corn prices.       Rome, Monday, July 24, 2023.                                                           et,’’  Guterres  said.  “Trans-
            Wheat  prices  have  risen                                                                         Associated Press   formation means new, sus-
            more than 14% since Mon-     half of all sunflower oil.   Black  Sea  Initiative,  in  line  sian  exports  of  food  and  tainable food systems that
            day,  when  Russia  pulled  “For my part, I remain com-   with  my  latest  proposal,”  fertilizer  to  the  world  are  can  reduce  the  carbon
            out of the grain deal, and  mitted  to  facilitating  unim-  Guterres  said,  urging  the  met.                     footprint  of  food  process-
            corn  prices  are  up  more  peded  access  to  global  international    community  The accord had been bro-        ing,  packaging  and  trans-
            than 10%.                    markets  for  food  products  to stand united to find solu-  kered by the United Nations  portation.’’
            Both Russia and Ukraine are  and  fertilizer  from  both  tions for the issue.         and Turkey as a way to keep  Such  transformation  also
            “essential  to  global  food  Ukraine  and  the  Russian  Russia’s  refusal  to  renew  grain flowing to developing  demands    that   govern-
            security,’’  the  U.N.  leader  Federation  and  to  deliver  the  accord  triggered  the  countries,  especially  in  Af-  ments and businesses “take
            said.  He  noted  that  they  the food security every per-  deal’s  collapse  earlier  this  rica  and  the  Middle  East,  stronger  and  faster  action
            have  historically  account-  son  deserves,’’  Guterres  month.                       despite the war unleashed  to  tackle  the  climate  crisis
            ed for 30% of global wheat  said.  “I  call  on  the  Russian  It said the Black Sea Initia-  by Moscow against Ukraine  and  deliver  environmental
            and  barley  exports,  a  fifth  Federation  to  return  to  tive  would  be  suspended  in February 2022. When the  and  climate  justice,’’  he
            of all maize and more than  the  implementation  of  the  until  demands  to  get  Rus-  grain  deal  was  struck,  the  added.q

             Mayor of Ecuador port city slain in shooting that kills 1 other,

             wounds 4

            QUITO,  Ecuador  (AP)  —  ing  involved  in  the  attack  tention under police surveil-  A  motive  for  the  attack,  Quito,  on  a  section  of  Pa-
            The  mayor  of  Ecuador’s  were receiving medical at-     lance.                       which    occurred    while  cific  coast  used  by  gangs
            third  largest  city  was  slain                                                       the  mayor  was  making  a  to move large shipments of
            Sunday  in  a  shooting  that                                                          neighborhood visit, was not  drugs to other parts of the
            killed one other person and                                                            immediately disclosed.       Americas and Europe.
            wounded  four  more,  in-                                                              President  Guillermo  Lasso  Ecuador is gripped by a se-
            cluding  two  suspected  at-                                                           wrote  on  Twitter  that  he  rious  outbreak  of  violence
            tackers, officials said.                                                               had  instructed  the  coun-  that  authorities  attribute
            Agustín Intriago, a 38-year-                                                           try’s highest police author-  to  disputes  among  orga-
            old  lawyer,  belonged  to                                                             ity  to  locate  those  respon-  nized  crime  groups.  The
            the local Better City move-                                                            sible.  Police  reported  that  government  is  also  grap-
            ment  in  the  port  city  of                                                          specialized  units  were  de-  pling with a surge in crime
            Manta  and  was  recently                                                              ployed at the scene.         that  includes  armed  at-
            re-elected  to  a  term  that                                                          The  victim’s  sister,  Ana  In-  tacks, kidnappings, robber-
            began in May.                                                                          triago, wrote on her Twitter  ies  and  extortion.  Authori-
            On  his  Twitter  account,  In-                                                        account  that  “this  crime  ties also said Sunday that a
            terior Minister Juan Zapata                                                            cannot  go  unpunished.  ...  battle  between  rival  gang
            reported  Intriago’s  slaying   Soldiers leave the after taking control of the Litoral Penitentiary   Let’s not let them win.”  members  held  in  a  prison
            and  the  other  casualties.   where  a  riot  broke  out  that  so  far  has  left  5  prisoners  dead,   Manta  is  about  260  kilo-  in  Guayaquil  had  resulted
            He  said  the  two  wounded   according  to  a  statement  from  authorities,  in  Guayaquil,   meters  (160  miles)  south-  in  the  five  inmates  being
            people  suspected  of  be-   Ecuador, Sunday, July 23, 2023.          Associated Press   west  of  Ecuador’s  capital,  killed and 11 wounded.q
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