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WORLD NEWS Tuesday 25 July 2023
North Korea fires 2 short-range ballistic missiles
By KIM TONG-HYUNG ingful information about
Associated Press King to maximize leverage
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — and add urgency to U.S.
North Korea fired two short- efforts to secure his release.
range ballistic missiles into Some say North Korea may
its eastern sea, South Ko- try to wrest concessions
rea’s military said Tuesday, from Washington, such as
adding to a recent streak tying his release to the Unit-
in weapons testing that is ed States cutting back its
apparently in protest of the military activities with South
U.S. sending major naval Korea.King’s crossing came
assets to South Korea in a at a time of high tensions
show of force. in the Korean Peninsula,
In its third round of launch- where the pace of both
es since last week, North North Korea’s weapons
Korea fired the missiles demonstrations and the
just before midnight from United States’ combined
an area near its capital, military exercises have in-
Pyongyang, South Korea’s tensified in a tit-for-tat cy-
Joint Chiefs of Staff said. It cle. In between the ballistic
said both missiles traveled In this photo provided by South Korea Defense Ministry, the USS nuclear-powered submarine USS and cruise missile launches
around 400 kilometers (248 Annapolis docks at a South Korean naval base on Jeju Island, South Korea, Monday, July 24, 2023. last week, North Korea’s
miles) before landing in wa- Associated Press defense minister also is-
ters off the Korean Peninsu- sued a veiled threat, say-
la’s eastern coast. by test-firing ballistic and an War, declined to com- North Korea also had not ing the Kentucky’s docking
Its statement called North cruise missiles last week in ment about the state of responded to messages in South Korea could be
Korea’s missile launches a apparent demonstrations the inquiry to North Korea sent by U.S. civilian or mili- grounds for the North to use
“grave provocation” that that it could make nuclear or say what the command tary officials. a nuclear weapon against
threatens regional peace strikes on South Korea and knows about Pvt. Travis The U.S. still has not been it. North Korea has used
and stability. deployed U.S. naval ves- King’s condition. able to ascertain King’s similar rhetoric before, but
The launches came hours sels. Also on Monday, the “I am in life an optimist, condition, a senior adminis- the statement underscored
after South Korea’s navy American-led U.N. Com- and I remain optimistic,” tration official said Monday how strained relations are
said a nuclear-propelled mand said it has started “a Harrison said during a news in Washington. Asked if U.S. now.
U.S. submarine the USS An- conversation” with North conference in Seoul. officials had a better under- The United States and
napolis arrived at a port Korea about a U.S. soldier In Washington, State Dep- standing of whether King South Korea have expand-
on Jeju Island. That under- who ran into the North last tartment spokesman Mat- intended to defect, the of- ed their combined military
scored the allies’ efforts week across one of the thew Miller said North Korea ficial said they still had “no exercises and increased
to boost the visibility of world’s most heavily forti- had only “acknowledged” indication about what was regional deployments of
U.S. strategic assets in the fied borders. receiving the U.N. message going on in his mind that U.S. aircraft and ships, in-
region to intimidate the Andrew Harrison, a British last week and had not pro- day.” The official was not cluding bombers, aircraft
North. Last week, the USS lieutenant general who vided any information or authorized to comment carriers and submarines to
Kentucky became the first is deputy commander at commented further since publicly and spoke on the counter the nuclear threats
U.S. nuclear-armed subma- the U.N. Command, which then. condition of anonymity. posed by North Korea,
rine to come to South Ko- oversees implementation “There have been no new Analysts say North Korea which has test-fired around
rea since the 1980s. North of the 1953 armistice that contacts since last week,” may wait weeks or even 100 missiles since the start
Korea reacted to its arrival ended fighting in the Kore- Miller said, adding that months to provide mean- of 2022.q
Radical British preacher Anjem Choudary is charged with directing
a terrorist organization
LONDON (AP) — High-profile was outlawed by the British was arrested at Heathrow
British radical preacher An- government in 2010. Airport the same day after
jem Choudary appeared in It has since operated “un- arriving on a flight.
a London court on Monday, der many names and guis- Hussein, from Edmonton,
charged with leading a ter- es,” including the Islamic Alberta, is charged with
rorist organization. Thinkers Society, prosecu- membership in a proscribed
Choudary, 56, was charged tors say,. organization.
Sunday with three counts Prosecutors allege Prosecutors say he worked
under the Terrorism Act: Choudary gave lectures for online with Choudary to
directing a terrorist orga- the Islamic Thinkers Society provide “a platform” for the
nization, membership in a “on the establishment of an group’s views.
banned organization and Islamic state in Britain and Neither man entered a plea
addressing meetings to how to radicalize people,” during separate hearings at
encourage support for the the BBC reported. Westminster Magistrates’
organization between June He was arrested at his home Court.
This is a Friday, April 3, 2015 file photo of Anjem Choudary, a 2022 and this month. in London in July 17. Both were ordered de-
British Muslim social and political activist and spokesman for
Islamist group, Islam4UK, speaks following prayers at the Central Prosecutors say the charges He was charged alongside tained until their next hear-
London Mosque in Regent’s Park, London. relate to the radical Muslim with Canadian national ing at the Central Criminal
Associated Press group al-Muhajiroun, which Khaled Hussein, 28, who Court on Aug. 4. q