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A4   U.S. NEWS
                      Tuesday 25 July 2023
            Miami’s police chief shot himself while with wife, Florida media

            report. He survived

            By FREIDA FRISARO                                                                                                   said. “We ask you to please
            Associated Press                                                                                                    keep him in your prayers.”
            FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP)                                                                                          The  state’s  law  enforce-
            — The director of the Miami-                                                                                        ment  agency  said  no  one
            Dade  Police  Department                                                                                            else was injured and there
            was in stable condition af-                                                                                         is no threat to the commu-
            ter surgery in a Tampa area                                                                                         nity.
            hospital,  the  Miami-Dade                                                                                          Details regarding Ramirez’s
            mayor  said  Monday,  amid                                                                                          injury  or  how  it  happened
            reports  from  local  media                                                                                         were not immediately con-
            that he had shot himself.                                                                                           firmed by state or Miami of-
            Alfredo  “Freddy”  Ramirez,                                                                                         ficials.
            52, was in Tampa for a law                                                                                          “We  will  provide  informa-
            enforcement  conference,                                                                                            tion  as  it  becomes  avail-
            officials said.                                                                                                     able,” the Miami-Dade Po-
            “Following  a  critical  injury                                                                                     lice Department statement
            in  Tampa  yesterday,  Chief                                                                                        said.
            Ramirez is hospitalized and                                                                                         A  spokeswoman  for  Mi-
            in  critical  but  stable  con-                                                                                     ami-Dade  Mayor  Daniella
            dition,”  said  Miami-Dade                                                                                          Levine  Cava  told  The  AP
            County    Mayor    Daniella                                                                                         that  the  mayor  traveled
            Levine  Cava,  adding  that                                                                                         to  Tampa  after  the  shoot-
            “that “All that matters right                                                                                       ing  to  “support  Director
            now is Chief Ramirez’s well-  Newly appointed Miami-Dade Police Department director Alfredo “Freddy” Ramirez talks during   Ramirez and his family.” She
            being.”                      the press conference at Miami-Dade Police Department Headquarters on Wednesday, January   deferred  all  other  inquiries
                                         8, 2020, in Miami.
            Hillsborough  County  Sheriff                                                                      Associated Press   to the state’s law enforce-
            Chad  Chronister  told  Tam-                                                                                        ment investigating agency.
            pa  TV  station  WFLA  that  time.                        Dade  police  veteran  and  Law  Enforcement  said  it,  A Tampa police report said
            Ramirez  shot  himself  Sun-  The  Associated  Press  has  was  leading  the  largest  along with the Florida High-  officers were called to the
            day night during a domes-    not  independently  con-     law  enforcement  agency  way  Patrol,  is  investigating  downtown  Marriott  Water-
            tic  dispute  after  stopping  firmed  those  accounts  of  in  the  southeastern  U.S.  In  the “incident.”        side  regarding  reports  of
            his  car  along  Interstate  75  the  shooting.  But  accord-  May, he announced his in-  “We  have  been  advised  a  man  pointing  a  gun  at
            south of Tampa, where the  ing  to  a  Tampa  police  re-  tention to seek election for  by  local  law  enforcement  himself  outside  the  hotel
            sheriff’s  conference  was  port,  Ramirez  had  pointed  the  newly-created  role  of  agencies that our Director,  during an argument with a
            underway.                    a gun at himself during an  sheriff  in  2024,  signaling  his  Alfredo  ‘Freddy’  Ramirez,  woman. The report did not
            The  Miami  Herald  and  argument Sunday, showing  desire  to  remain  the  lead-      has  suffered  a  critical  in-  include  the  name  of  the
            WPLG      reported     that  there  were  issues  before  ing  law  enforcement  offi-  jury in the Tampa area,” a  woman  with  Ramirez,  but
            Ramirez’s  wife,  Jody,  was  the reported shooting.      cial.                        statement from the Miami-    the local news outlets iden-
            traveling  with  him  at  the  Ramirez is a 27-year Miami-  The  Florida  Department  of  Dade  Police  Department  tified her as his wife.q

             Minneapolis backs off arrests for psychedelic plant use

            The Associated Press         depression  and  post-trau-  ple,”  Frey  said  in  a  state-  Some  researchers  believe  fer  a  final  determination.
            MINNEAPOLIS  (AP)  —  Min-   matic stress disorder.       ment. “With a rise in deaths  psilocybin,  the  compound  The  FDA  designated  psilo-
            neapolis  is  backing  away  “Experts  are  telling  us  that  of  despair  in  our  city,  and  in psychedelic mushrooms,  cybin  as  a  “breakthrough
            from  enforcing  laws  that  these  plants  help  people,  in  our  society,  the  data  is  changes the way the brain  therapy”  in  2018,  a  label
            criminalize  buying  psyche-  and that’s the business we  showing  that  these  plants  organizes  itself  and  can  that’s  designed  to  speed
            delic  plants  or  using  them  should be in – helping peo-  can help be a remedy.”    help users overcome things  the  development  and  re-
            in private.                                                                            like  depression,  alcoholism  view of drugs to treat a seri-
            Mayor  Jacob  Frey  on  Fri-                                                           and  post-traumatic  stress  ous condition. MDMA, also
            day ordered police to stop                                                             disorder.  A  drug  that’s  re-  known as ecstasy, also has
            using  taxpayer  dollars  to                                                           lated to the anesthetic ket-  that  designation  for  PTSD
            enforce  most  laws  against                                                           amine was cleared by the  treatment. The FDA in June
            hallucinogenic plants. Min-                                                            FDA  to  help  people  with  released draft guidance for
            neapolis  still  prioritizes  en-                                                      hard-to-treat depression.    researchers designing clini-
            forcing laws against selling                                                           But  medical  experts  cau-  cal trials testing psychedel-
            psychedelic  plants,  bring-                                                           tion  that  more  research  is  ic drugs as potential treat-
            ing them to schools or using                                                           needed on the drugs’ effi-   ments for a variety of medi-
            them while driving.                                                                    cacy and the extent of the  cal  conditions.  The  Biden
            Minneapolis  Police  Chief                                                             risks of psychedelics, which  administration   has   also
            Brian  O’Hara  in  a  state-                                                           can cause hallucinations.    provided  to  the  National
            ment said he stands by the                                                             The  American  Psychiatric  Institutes  of  Health  and
            mayor’s decision.                                                                      Association  has  not  en-   other agencies funding for
            Announcing the order, Frey   A  vendor  bags  psilocybin  mushrooms  at  a  pop-up  cannabis   dorsed  the  use  of  psyche-  dozens  of  projects  study-
            cited the potential for hal-  market  on  May  24,  2019.  Minneapolis  is  backing  away  from   delics  in  treatment,  noting  ing psychedelic drugs with
            lucinogenic  plants  to  treat   enforcing laws that criminalize psychedelic plants.   the  Food  and  Drug  Ad-    potential benefit for mental
                                                                                  Associated Press
            mental  illnesses  including                                                           ministration  has  yet  to  of-  and behavioral health.q
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