Page 10 - aruba-today-20221028
P. 10

Friday 28 OctOber 2022 locAl

            The Italian Consul in Maracaibo, Dr. Petito visited Aruba and Curaçao

            Oranjestad  -  Promise  is
            debt…..    As   announced
            during  the  mission  of  last
            February,  the  Italian  Con-
            sul in Maracaibo, Dr. Petito,
            kept his word and, together
            with two staff members, vis-
            ited Aruba and Curaçao to
            once again fulfill the many
            requests  and  requirements
            of his fellow citizens who re-
            side on these islands.

            The  mission  began  on  Fri-
            day last week in Curaçao,
            where  residing  Italian  citi-
            zens  were  received  at  the
            World  Trade  Center  for  a  the  accompanying  staff  and provide the necessary  Development, Mr. Geoffrey  again to hold a visit in the
            long  afternoon  of  work  in  members,  received  fellow  assistance.                 Wever, LL.M, and some fel-   first  quarter  of  next  year,
            order to process and com-    citizens  residing  in  Aruba                             low Italian nationals.       where he also hopes to visit
            plete all their requests and  at  the  Hyatt  Place  Aruba  The  idea  of  this  appoint-                           Bonaire.q
            other  matters.  On  this  oc-  Airport, where from early in  ment was born from a real  Dr.  Petito  has  promised
            casion,  the  Consul  also  the  morning  till  late  after-  necessity,  given  the  large
            took  the  opportunity  to  noon  to  attend  to  all  their  number of both Italian citi-
            interview  some  Italian  na-  requests and other matters,  zens residing in Aruba and
            tionals  who  have  applied  which  were  complete  to  visiting  Italian  tourists,  and
            as  candidates  to  replace  everybody’s satisfaction.    the  growing  business  inter-
            the  current  Honorary  Con-                              est in the island.
            sul of the Italian Republic in  The  mission  of  the  consul
            Curaçao, Mrs. Pruneti, who  had  an  additional  goal  The  formal  appointment
            wishes  to  resign  from  this  here too: to appoint a con-  of  the  consular  correspon-
            function  in  the  near  future  sular correspondent for Ita-  dent  took  place  in  meet-
            after a long period of com-  ly in Aruba, in the person of  ing room of the Hyatt Place
            mitment.                     Mrs.  Neyda  La  Porta  Pelliz-  Aruba  Airport  in  the  pres-
                                         zari,  who  will  be  looking  ence  of  the  Aruban  Minis-
            On Sunday, the Consul, to-   after  the  Italian  residents’  ter  of  Economy,  Commu-
            gether with Mrs. Pruneti and  needs  and  requirements  nication  and  Sustainable

            TGI Friday received Jersey from Gold Medalists

            Palm  Beach  -  During  the  one of their Uniform Jersey  cently won gold medals in  Restaurant  Manager  Che-      receive  for  their  "Wall  of
            official  re-opening  of  TGI  and gave it to TGI Friday as  the  Asuncion  2022  South  la  de  Lannoy  was  very  Fame"  where  they  will  be
            Friday  the  2  gold  bowling  a token of appreciation.    America  Games  that  was  pleased to receive this gift  showing  more  of  our  local
            medalists Kamilah and Abi-                                held in Paraguay.            in  the  name  of  TGI  Friday  talents.q
            gail Dammers autographed  Kamilah  and  Abigail  re-                                   as this is the first Jersey they
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