Page 7 - aruba-today-20221028
P. 7

                                                                                                           local Friday 28 OctOber 2022
            Cyclists activity to bring awareness in the community

            ORANJESTAD  –  Yesterday                                                                                            ber at ex-Bushiri Hotel from
            morning, IBiSA held a press                                                                                         6am  to  12pm  covering  a
            conference  to  present  in-                                                                                        distance  of  50km.  “A  long
            formation regarding a Bike                                                                                          distance, and this is the rea-
            to  bring  awareness  in  the                                                                                       son to do this for the mem-
            community  regarding  the                                                                                           ber  clubs.  This  is  not  going
            risks  cyclists  face  when                                                                                         to  be  open  for  everyone,
            training  or  competing  on                                                                                         but only those who have a
            public roads.                                                                                                       bike and can cycle a long
                                                                                                                                distance.  This  is  important
            Gelisa Angela, representa-                                                                                          to know”, Erasmus said.
            tive and member of Biking                                                                                           The long distance was cho-
            Squad  Aruba  explained                                                                                             sen  because  they  want
            that  this  foundation  was                                                                                         to  ride  through  every  dis-
            established   about    two                                                                                          trict  and  neighborhood  of
            years ago by Rubert Paesh,                                                                                          Aruba in order to bring the
            with the goal of improving                                                                                          message to everyone.
            health,  riding  and  having
            fun.                                                                                                                They  have  space  for  500
            Currently they have about    ness”, Angela commented.  using the road, so that both  pening  to  cyclists  or  other   participants  15  years  and
            50  members,  and  every                                  can  be  aware  of  safety  people who use the streets.   older,  which  means  that  it
            week most of them are ac-    Edgar  Erasmus  from  IBiSA  in  traffic,  to  respect  each                           will be a large group taking
            tive,  training  at  different   declared that the bike ride  other.  The  goal  is  also  for  IBiSA  is  helping  with  the   to  the  road.  “And  for  this
            parts  of  the  island,  since   has  the  goal  of  bringing  dog  owners  to  make  sure  process  of  organization  of   reason  we  as  IBiSA  ask  for
            most  of  them  have  road   awareness to motorists, but  to  keep  their  dogs  inside  this activity which will take   motorists  to  be  mindful  on
            bikes  to  use  on  the  roads   also cyclists when they are  to  prevent  anything  hap-  place on the 6th of Novem-  this day, that a large group
            and reach trails and mondi.                                                                                         of  cyclists  will  be  on  the
                                                                                                                                road”, Erasmus said. He also
            Similarly there are other or-                                                                                       indicated that they have a
            ganizations that also prac-                                                                                         permit  for  this  activity  and
            tice  and  train,  particularly                                                                                     will  count  with  help  from
            when  there  are  upcoming                                                                                          the Police Department and
            competitions.  But  sadly,                                                                                          the Red Cross. Each club is
            according to Angela, they                                                                                           responsible  for  their  mem-
            have noticed that recently                                                                                          bers,  Erasmus  said,  which
            there are a lot of accidents                                                                                        means that if they get tired
            in  Aruba  with  cars  hitting                                                                                      they will be taken care of.
            cyclists,  dogs  coming  out
            and  attacking  and  biting                                                                                         Erasmus  announced  that
            the  cyclists,  and  causing                                                                                        next  week  they  will  be
            physical  and  emotional                                                                                            publishing  different  videos
            damage.                                                                                                             on  social  media  and  their
                                                                                                                                website,  as  well  as  visiting
            For  this  reason  they  came                                                                                       radio  stations  to  bring  the
            with  the  initiative  to  have                                                                                     message  of  awareness  to
            an  awareness  Bike  Tour                                                                                           the  community  the  entire
            Ride  and  for  this  they  ap-                                                                                     week.
            proached  the  minister  of
            Sport,  Mr.  Endy  Croes  as                                                                                        Minister  of  Education  and
            well as minister of Transport,                                                                                      Sport,  Mr.  Endy  Croes  was
            Nature, Integrity and Senior                                                                                        also  present  at  the  press
            Affairs,  Mr.  Ursell  Arends  to                                                                                   conference. He said that a
            discuss  how  together  with                                                                                        few months ago he was ap-
            IBiSA,  the  Department  of                                                                                         proached by the leader of
            Public  Health  (DVG)  and                                                                                          Biking Squad Aruba, Rubert
            the ministry of Sport to get                                                                                        Paesh and the board. They
            this  activity  going  for  the                                                                                     told the minister of their ex-
            6th of November.                                                                                                    perience  when  cycling  on
            “We  understand  the  com-                                                                                          the  road  during  training
            ments of drivers saying that                                                                                        and  how  many  incidents
            there  are  disrespectful  cy-                                                                                      take place. He decided to
            clists, but we must say that                                                                                        bring IBiSA on board to or-
            sadly  the  respect  that  we                                                                                       ganize  this  activity,  which
            do not receive is a lot more                                                                                        took more than a month of
            among  the  motorists,  par-                                                                                        preparation.
            ticularly  when  we  are  on
            the  road.  They  don’t  give                                                                                       IBiSA  is  also  preparing  an-
            us enough space and you                                                                                             other Bike Tour for the 18th
            need  to  see  to  pull  all  the                                                                                   of November at the Sports
            way  to  the  side  for  them                                                                                       Center  in  San  Nicolas  with
            not  to  hit  you.  This  is  why                                                                                   a shorter route, where more
            we need to create aware-                                                                                            people can participate.q
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