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A4   U.S. NEWS
                    Friday 28 OctOber 2022
            Oregon could be 1st state to make health care a human right

            By ANDREW SELSKY                                                                                                    of the state to ensure that
            Associated Press                                                                                                    every  resident  of  Oregon
            SALEM, Ore. (AP) — Oregon                                                                                           has  access  to  cost-effec-
            voters  are  being  asked  to                                                                                       tive,  clinically  appropriate
            decide  whether  the  state                                                                                         and affordable health care
            should  be  the  first  in  the                                                                                     as a fundamental right.”
            nation to amend its consti-                                                                                         It  goes  on  to  say  that  the
            tution  to  explicitly  declare                                                                                     state’s obligation “must be
            that affordable health care                                                                                         balanced against the pub-
            is  a  fundamental  human                                                                                           lic interest in funding public
            right.                                                                                                              schools and other essential
            State Sen. Elizabeth Steiner                                                                                        public services.”
            Hayward,  a  main  sponsor                                                                                          But it doesn’t define “cost-
            of  the  legislation  behind                                                                                        effective,  clinically  appro-
            the  ballot  measure,  said                                                                                         priate  and  affordable,”  or
            making  health  care  a  hu-                                                                                        who is supposed to be foot-
            man  right  is  a  value  state-                                                                                    ing the bill.
            ment  and  is  not  aimed  at                                                                                       The Oregon Health Author-
            pushing Oregon to a single-                                                                                         ity says 94% of Oregonians
            payer  health  care  system,                                                                                        already  have  insurance
            a  longtime  goal  of  many                                                                                         coverage,  and  that  more
            progressives.                                                                                                       are eligible for the Oregon
            But  opponents  warn  the    A nurse talks to a patient in the emergency room at Salem Hospital in Salem, Ore., on Aug. 20,   Medicaid plan or a subsidy
            amendment  could  trigger    2021.                                                                                  to reduce the cost of com-
            legal  and  political  woes                                                                        Associated Press  mercial health coverage.
            and open the door to law-                                                                                           But  Steiner  Hayward  not-
            suits.                       “The  bill  doesn’t  fund  any  promises  like  that,”  Steiner  called the new ballot mea-  ed  that  having  insurance
            Measure  111  got  onto  the  system  to  deliver  on  that  Hayward said.             sure  “a  critical  first  step  to  doesn’t guarantee access.
            Nov.  8  ballot  because  the  promise,”  then-Senate  Re-  Oregon has a history of be-  creating an Oregon where  “We  know  that  we  have
            Legislature,  where  Demo-   publican  Leader  Fred  Gi-  ing  a  trendsetter  for  other  everyone can afford to be  health  care  deserts  in  the
            crats  hold  a  majority,  re-  rod  said  when  the  resolu-  liberal states: It was the first  healthy.”          state.  We  know  that  our
            ferred  the  issue  to  voters  tion was debated in March  to  legalize  suicide  for  the  Those  signing  a  statement  primary care system is over-
            last  year.  There  were  ear-  2021.                     terminally  ill  and  was  the  of  support  in  the  voters’  stretched,”  she  said.  “We
            lier efforts, including in 2018  Steiner  Hayward  recently  first  to  designate  itself  as  pamphlet included the Or-  need to be thinking about
            as  then-President  Donald  told  The  Oregonian/Or-      a  sanctuary  state  to  pro-  egon  Nurses  Association;  how  do  we  change  all  of
            Trump  tried  to  dismantle  egonLive  that  if  the  mea-  tect immigrants living in the  Providence  Health  &  Ser-  those things to ensure that
            former  President  Barack  sure passes next month, the  country  illegally.  The  state  vices  a nonprofit Catholic  having  good  health  insur-
            Obama’s health care law,  state’s  current  resources  has  also  expanded  cov-       health  care  system  with  ance  means  having  good
            but they died in the state-  can  handle  any  financial  erage  on  abortions  and  multiple  hospitals;  the  Or-  access to health care.”
            house.                       impact  in  the  immediate  other reproductive services  egon  Academy  of  Family  The  measure  was  long
            Republican      lawmakers  future.  But  she  would  not  regardless  of  income,  citi-  Physicians; and the Service  championed  by  Demo-
            consistently  opposed  ef-   rule out possible future tax  zenship  status  or  gender  Employees    International  cratic  state  Rep.  Mitch
            forts  to  ask  voters  to  en-  increases  to  help  provide  identity.               Union,  the  largest  labor  Greenlick, who died in 2020
            shrine health care as a right  that health care.          Three dozen organizations,  union in Oregon.              at  age  85,  a  year  before
            in  Oregon’s  163-year-old  “Can  I  guarantee  no  new  including  health  workers,  The proposed amendment  the  Legislature  approved
            constitution.                taxes?  No.  I  don’t  make  unions   and    educators,  states:  “It  is  the  obligation  putting it on the ballot. q

            First-ever female commissioner to lead NYC fire department

                                                                      NEW YORK (AP) — New York  oversee  a  department  of  Blasio and former President
                                                                      City  Mayor  Eric  Adams  on  17,000, including firefighters  Barack  Obama,  before
                                                                      Thursday appointed acting  and  emergency  medical  joining  the  department  in
                                                                      Fire  Commissioner  Laura  workers.                       an  administrative  role  in
                                                                      Kavanagh to lead the de-     Her  appointment  as  com-   2014.  She  was  named  first
                                                                      partment on a permanent  missioner  represents  prog-     deputy  commissioner  in
                                                                      basis,  making  her  the  first  ress  for  a  department  2018.
                                                                      female commissioner in the  seeking  to  diversify  after  As  first  deputy  commis-
                                                                      157-year  history  of  the  Fire  decades  as  a  white  male  sioner and acting commis-
                                                                      Department of New York.      bastion.                     sioner,  Kavanagh  oversaw
                                                                      “Laura Kavanagh is a prov-   As  of  August  there  were  the department’s handling
                                                                      en and tested leader, and  141  female  firefighters  in  of the COVID-19 pandemic
                                                                      I’m  proud  to  announce  the FDNY, the most since a  and  its  response  to  trag-
                                                                      her  historic  appointment  lawsuit  forced  the  depart-  edies including a Bronx fire
                                                                      today,”  the  Democratic  ment to hire women as fire-     that killed 19.
                                                                      mayor said.                  fighters in the 1980s.       She is a graduate of Whitti-
                                                                      Kavanagh,  40,  has  served  Kavanagh has never been  er College in California and
            New  York  City  Fire  Commissioner  Laura  Kavanagh,  right,  and
            New  York  Mayor  Eric  Adams,  left,  hold  an  NYFD  badge  after   as  acting  commissioner  a firefighter herself.She was  has  a  master’s  degree  in
            Kavanagh was sworn in during a ceremony at FDNY Engine 33/  since  the  retirement  of  a  senior  adviser  to  former  public  administration  from
            Ladder 9, Thursday, Oct 27, 2022 in New York.             Commissioner  Daniel  Ni-    Mayor  Bill  de  Blasio,  and  Columbia University.q
                                                     Associated Press   gro  in  February.  She  will  a  campaign  staffer  for  de
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