Page 9 - aruba-today-20221028
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                                                                                                           LOCAL Friday 28 OctOber 2022

            Service Anniversaries celebrated at the Hilton

            Palm beach. – On Thursday  Aruba  Caribbean  Hotel
            evening, October 21, 2022,  when it first opened in 1959.
            Hilton  Aruba  Caribbean  In  the  mid-80s  it  became
            Resort & Casino celebrated  later known as The Golden
            and honored 37 of its team  Tulip. In the year 2000, the
            members  and  their  long-   resort  finalized  renovations
            term careers.                and  became  a  flagship
                                         Radisson  Resort,  and  in
            The evening began with a  2015, it became a beloved
            heart-felt speech given by  Hilton property.
            General  Manager  Vasco  Throughout  the  years  and
            v.  Baselli,  in  Papiamento,  transition  of  hotel  brands,
            thanking team members for  loyal  team  members  re-
            their loyal service through-  mained.
            out  the  years.  The  resort  Glenn  Farro,  Director  of
            celebrated  25,  30  and  Human        Resources    said
            35  years  of  service  for  37  “We call ourselves Charter
            team-members,  represent-    Members.  I  am  proud  to
            ing  a  total  of  1,055  years  have been recruited when
            of experience and tenure.  the resort reopened as The  In the words of Elinor Roos-
            This  staggering  number  of  Golden Tulip, signaling the  evelt, “true hospitality con-
            loyal  team-members  re-     beginning  of  Aruba’s  tour-  sists  of  giving  the  best  of
            flects on the resort’s history,  ism boom”.               yourself to your guests”.
            and on the opportune mo-     “You  are  an  inspiration  The  Hilton  Aruba  Carib-
            ment  at  which  educated  to  us  all”,  shared  General  bean  Resort  &  Casino  en-
            locals were looking to tran-  Manager,  Vasco  v.  Baselli.  joys  a  rich  history  and  a
            sition from the oil industry to  “Your  work-ethic  and  loy-  rich  tradition  of  heartfelt
            tourism.                     alty are admirable and the  warmth  and  genuine  Aru-
            The Grande Dame of Palm  joy  with  which  you  serve  ban hospitality.q
            Beach  was  known  as  the  our  guests  is  exceptional”.
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