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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 28 OctOber 2022
            Russia may again block Antarctic marine protections

            By NICK PERRY                                                                                                       Ukraine  was  trying  to  re-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    build  its  National  Antarctic
            WELLINGTON,  New  Zea-                                                                                              Research  Center  in  Kyiv,
            land  (AP)  —  Delegations                                                                                          although  ongoing  drone
            from  Russia  and  Ukraine                                                                                          attacks made that difficult.
            are  among  those  meeting                                                                                          “Cracks in the walls, broken
            in Australia this week to de-                                                                                       windows, destroyed equip-
            cide  the  future  of  Antarc-                                                                                      ment led to the impossibil-
            tica’s pristine waters.                                                                                             ity to use these facilities for
            Conservationists  say  new                                                                                          work,” he wrote.
            marine  protected  areas                                                                                            Russia’s delegation did not
            and  rules  to  prevent  over-                                                                                      respond  to  a  request  for
            fishing   are   desperately                                                                                         comment.
            needed,  but  that  Russia                                                                                          Medina    said   the   U.S.
            could use its veto-like pow-                                                                                        backed  the  walkout  be-
            ers  to  once  again  block                                                                                         cause it condemns the war
            progress.                                                                                                           in  Ukraine,  but  it  remains
            Achieving    the   required                                                                                         hopeful  for progress in  Ho-
            consensus     for   action                                                                                          bart.
            among  this  diverse  group                                                                                         “Right now, Russia is block-
            of  27,  which  also  includes                                                                                      ing consensus on adoption
            China,  the  United  States                                                                                         of  three  MPA  (marine  pro-
            and  the  European  Union,   New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, second right, with her partner Clarke Gayford, right,   tected area) proposals, but
            has  always  been  an  im-   are explained the sites by Antarctica New Zealand chief executive Sarah Williamson shortly after   China  is  as  well,”  Medina
            mense challenge.             stepping off the plane in Antarctica, Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2022.                        said. “So we are here trying
            And when two of the mem-                                                                           Associated Press   to  work  through  the  issues
            bers  are  at  war    and  rela-                                                                                    with  both  countries.  Not
            tions  between  China  and  assistant  secretary  in  the  online.                     national  support  and  that  one-on-one    necessarily,
            many     Western    nations  State Department.            It comes as New Zealand’s  Russia had no right to be at  although  we  will  be  trying
            have  deteriorated    con-   In  an  interview  with  The  Prime Minister Jacinda Ard-  the table.                  with the People’s Republic
            sensus  looms  as  an  even  Associated  Press,  Medina  ern makes a rare visit by a  “A state that kills the civilian  of  China  to  work  through
            bigger  obstacle.  Just  this  said Antarctica was “a re-  world leader to Antarctica,  population, destroys the air  the issues informally.”
            month, Russian bombing in  ally  fragile,  crumbling  part  to  see  firsthand  the  scien-  and  ground  civilian  infra-  She  said  Russia  had  been
            Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, par-  of the planet that needs all  tific  research  taking  place  structure  of  another  coun-  using  what  amounts  to  its
            tially  destroyed  Ukraine’s  our  help  to  withstand  the  and  to  mark  the  65th  an-  try  and  defiantly  violates  veto power to block prog-
            Antarctic research center.   challenges  we  face  with  niversary of New Zealand’s  the  basic  provisions  of  in-  ress not only in Hobart but
            Yet  despite  the  enormous  climate change.”             Scott Base.                  ternational law should defi-  at a number of internation-
            political  hurdles,  some  re-  The  meeting  in  Hobart  in  The  two-week  meeting  in  nitely  be  limited  in  its  right  al forums.
            main hopeful that scientific  the  Australian  island  state  Hobart  began  Monday  to participate in the activi-  “It  can  block  consensus.
            arguments will win through.  of  Tasmania  is  the  first  in-  with a mass walkout when  ties of international organi-  That is a huge impediment
            The U.S. is paying more at-  person  gathering  of  the  the Russian delegates start-  zations  such  as  CCAMLR,”  to  our  ability  to  move  for-
            tention to the region under  Commission for the Conser-   ed speaking.                 he wrote in an email.        ward on some things here,
            President  Joe  Biden,  and  vation  of  Antarctic  Marine  Kostiantyn   Demianenko,  Still,  he  acknowledged,  but  other  things  do  go
            this  year  has  sent  a  rela-  Living  Resource  in  three  who  is  leading  the  Ukrai-  Russia remained a member  ahead in a sort of ordinary
            tively high-level delegation  years,  after  the  COVID-19  nian  delegation,  said  they  of the group.            course  of  business,”  Medi-
            led by Monica Medina, an  pandemic  kept  meetings  were  grateful  for  the  inter-   He  said  that  back  home,  na said. q

              U.K. says new PM Rishi Sunak won’t go to U.N. climate conference

                                                                      LONDON  (AP)  —  British  expected to attend.           Prime  Minister  Boris  John-
                                                                      Prime  Minister  Rishi  Sunak  Sunak took office on Tues-  son.
                                                                      will  not  attend  a  major  day,  replacing  Liz  Truss,  A  Sunak  spokeswoman
                                                                      United  Nations  climate  who  stepped  down  af-       said Britain remained com-
                                                                      conference  next  month,  ter  a  seven-week  term  mitted  to  reaching  net
                                                                      the government said Thurs-  in  which  her  tax-cutting  zero  carbon  emissions  by
                                                                      day.  Sunak’s  office  said  plans  sparked  economic  2050,  “and  to  leading  in-
                                                                      the  decision  was  made  and political mayhem.         ternational  and  domestic
                                                                      because  of  “pressing  do-  Officials  from  almost  200  action  to  tackle  climate
                                                                      mestic  commitments”  in-   countries   are   due   to  change.”
                                                                      cluding  preparations  for  gather in Sharm el-Sheikh,  Opposition  Labour  Party
                                                                      an  emergency  budget  Egypt,  starting  Nov.  6  to  spokesman  Ed  Miliband
                                                                      on  Nov.  17  and  does  not  discuss how to tackle glob-  said  Sunak  had  made  “a
                                                                      reflect  a  downgrade  in  al warming at the confer-    terrible decision.”
                                                                      the   Conservative   gov-   ence  known  as  COP27.  “These  summits  matter,”
                                                                      ernment’s    commitment  Britain  hosted  last  year’s  he told the BBC. “They are
              Britain’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak leaves 10 Downing Street for
              the House of Commons for his first Prime Minister’s Questions   to   combating   climate  COP26   conference   in  forcing  mechanisms  for
              in London, Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2022.                    change.  Other  senior  U.K.  Glasgow, Scotland, which  action on the biggest issue
                                                     Associated Press   government  ministers  are  was  attended  by  then-  we face as a world.”q
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