Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200618
P. 28

                    Thursday 18 June 2020
            Turkey begins offensive against Kurdish rebels in north Iraq

            By SUZAN FRASER and QAS-                                                                                            Kurdish region.
            SIM ABDUL-ZAHRA                                                                                                     The PKK has led a decades-
            ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Tur-                                                                                          long  insurgency  in  Turkey's
            key said Wednesday it has                                                                                           mainly  Kurdish  southeast
            airlifted  troops  into  north-                                                                                     region.  It  is  considered  a
            ern  Iraq  for  a  cross-border                                                                                     terrorist organization by Tur-
            ground  operation  against                                                                                          key, the United States and
            Turkey's Kurdish rebels.                                                                                            the  European  Union.  The
            The  airborne-and-land  of-                                                                                         conflict  has  led  to  the  loss
            fensive  into  the  border  re-                                                                                     of  tens  of  thousands  lives
            gion  of  Haftanin,  some  15                                                                                       since it started in 1984.
            kilometers  (9  miles)  from                                                                                        Turkey  began  expanding
            the Turkey-Iraq border, was                                                                                         it's  military  footprint  in  Iraq
            launched following intense                                                                                          last  summer  in  an  intense
            artillery  fire  into  the  area,                                                                                   operation  against  PKK  tar-
            said the Defense Ministry in                                                                                        gets  following  the  July  17
            Ankara.                                                                                                             assassination  of  Osman
            The  operation  by  com-                                                                                            Kose  in  the  northern  Iraqi
            mando forces is being sup-                                                                                          Kurdish  city  of  Irbil.  Kose
            ported  by  warplanes,  at-                                                                                         worked for the Turkish Con-
            tack  helicopters,  artillery                                                                                       sulate  there  and  Ankara
            and  armed  and  unarmed                                                                                            has blamed the PKK for his
            drones,  according  to  the   In this Thursday, Jan. 29, 2015 file photo, fighters of the Turkey-based Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK)   killing.
            ministry's statement posted   walk in the damaged streets of Sinjar, Iraq.                                          Turkish  officials  have  said
            on  Twitter.  It  did  not  say                                                                    Associated Press  the  operations  have  fo-
            how  many  troops  are  in-                                                                                         cused  on  cutting  supply
            volved.                      Defense Minister Hulusi Akar  the  official  said,  providing  Keshani,  Shilan,  Menira,  lines  and  transport  routes
            Turkey regularly carries out  overseeing  the  mission  at  the  information  on  condi-  Belbla,  Mezuri,  Awlayi  and  connecting  the  PKK  in  Tur-
            air  and  ground  attacks  a command center in An-        tion  of  anonymity  in  line  Reesha.  Bombings  began  key and Iraq.
            against the outlawed Kurd-   kara.                        with government rules.       Tuesday  night  and  contin-  The presence of PKK rebels
            istan Workers Party, or PKK,  The  development  came  It  was  not  clear  if  the  lat-  ued  throughout  the  day  has  brought  discomfort  to
            which it says maintains bas-  days after Turkey launched  est  offensive  would  target  Wednesday, he said.        senior Iraqi Kurdish officials,
            es in northern Iraq.         an  air  operation  in  the  re-  the Sinjar region, which the  Residents of the villages re-  with one official saying the
            Turkey  has  defended  its  gion,  which  the  Defense  Turkish  government  says  fused  to  leave  their  farm-   areas  where  PKK  function
            past  operations  into  north-  Ministry  said  hit  suspected  has  become  a  new  base  lands  because  it  is  their  are  a  "no  man's  land."  He
            ern Iraq, saying neither the  PKK targets in several loca-  for  PKK  commanders.  A  only  source  of  livelihood,  spoke on condition of ano-
            Iraqi  government  nor  the  tions in Iraq's north, includ-  video provided by the Turk-  he said.                  nymity to discuss the oper-
            regional  Iraqi  Kurdish  ad-  ing Sinjar, and targeted 81  ish Defense Ministry showed  Zagros Hiwa, spokesperson  ations.
            ministration have acted to  rebel hideouts.               Akar  addressing  the  com-  for the military wing of the  Kawa  Sheikhmous,  a  PKK
            remove PKK insurgents who  A  Turkish  military  official  mandos,  saying  they  "will  PKK, said fighting was con-  official  who  was  in  Iraq's
            allegedly use Iraq's territory  said  the  operation  began  make history once again."  tinuing in the Haftanin area  northern   Kurdish   region
            to stage attacks on Turkey.  with artillery units targeting  "Turkey  continues  its  fight  along a 200-kilometer (125-  Tuesday, criticized the Iraqi
            The  ministry  said  Wednes-  some  150  suspected  PKK  against  terrorists  using  the  mile) front line.         government  for  not  taking
            day's  operation,  dubbed  positions and was followed  rights based on internation-    "These  operations  are  part  a  stronger  stance  against
            Operation  Claw-Tiger,  fol-  by an aerial attack involv-  al  law,"  said  Omer  Celik,  of Turkey's plan to expand  Turkish incursions.
            lows  "increasing  harass-   ing  F-16s,  drones  and  at-  deputy  chairman  of  Presi-  in  the  area  as  they  did  in  "We condemn this act and
            ment  and  attempts  to  at-  tack helicopters.           dent  Recep  Tayyip  Erdo-   Libya and Syria," he said.   consider it against the inter-
            tack"  military  outposts  or  Some  of  the  commandos  gan's ruling party.           Baghdad  summoned  An-       ests of the people," he said.
            bases  in  Turkey.  It  said  the  crossed the border by land  Delsher   Abdulsata,   the  kara's  ambassador  to  Iraq  "Our  message  to  the  Iraqi
            Turkish forces would target  while other units were trans-  mayor  of  Batifa  village  in  , Fatih Yildiz, on Tuesday to  government is that it should
            other  "terror"  groups  in  the  ported  by  helicopters.  The  the Haftanin area of Dohuk  protest  Turkey's  offensive  not  tolerate  this  interfer-
            region,  but  did  not  name  troops had begun to enter  province,  said  Turkish  forc-  against PKK targets in north-  ence  in  the  sovereignty  of
            them, and shared videos of  PKK  hideouts  in  Haftanin,  es  entered  the  villages  of  ern Iraq's semi-autonomous  Iraq."q

            South Africa says 2 pandemics now, virus and gender violence

            JOHANNESBURG  (AP)  —  coronavirus  cases  on  the  ers, many of them women,  Africans lined up to buy. But  comprehension."
            South  Africa  now  faces  African  continent  —  more  who have said the 100 days  he  said  cases  of  abuse  of  South  Africa  has  long  had
            two pandemics, COVID-19  than  80,000  —  and  half  of  of restrictions have inflicted  women and children have  a serious problem with such
            and  the  violence  against  those  cases  have  been  enormous financial pain.        "increased dramatically."    violence,  but  Ramaphosa
            women  and  children  that  confirmed  over  the  past  Restaurants  will  now  be  "It  is  with  the  heaviest  of  draw  a  direct  connection
            has  risen  sharply  since  al-  two  weeks,  President  Cyril  able  to  offer  sit-down  hearts  that  I  stand  before  between  it  and  alcohol
            cohol  sales  were  allowed  Ramaphosa  said  in  a  na-  meals. Hotels, cinemas and  the  women  and  the  girls  abuse.  "Of  course  it  is  not
            again on June 1, the presi-  tional address.              hairdressers  can  operate.  of  South  Africa  this  eve-  alcohol  that  rapes  or  kills
            dent  said  Wednesday  as  "What  was  once  a  distant  Non-contact sports like golf  ning to talk about another  woman or a child. rather it
            he announced further eas-    disease  is  coming  much  and tennis can resume.         pandemic that is raging in  is the actions of the men of
            ing of lockdown measures.  closer," he said.              Ramaphosa  did  not  give  our  country:  the  killing  of  our  country,"  he  said,  but
            Twenty-one  women  and  But  he  announced  fur-          comprehensive  data  on  women  and  children  by  "we  need  to  draw  lessons
            children have been killed.   ther  lockdown  easing  un-  the  jump  in  violent  crime  the  men  of  our  country,"  from  this  lockdown  and
            South  Africa  has  between  der  pressure  from  business  since June 1, when alcohol  he said, calling it a "brutal-  protect  our  society  from
            a third and a quarter of all  leaders and informal work-  sales  returned  and  South  ity  that  defies  any  form  of  the abuse of alcohol."q
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