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                    Thursday 18 June 2020
            The special secret sauce in John Legend's album: the Grammys

            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  At  the                                                                                         ing the uncertainty and the
            2020    Grammy     Awards,                                                                                          turmoil of this time," he said.
            John    Legend    excitedly                                                                                         "Some  of  those  songs  feel
            walked around with "a spe-                                                                                          more  poignant  now  than
            cial secret," as he puts it: He                                                                                     they would have were we
            had  just  finished  recording                                                                                      not going through these cri-
            a  batch  of  songs  and  felt                                                                                      ses in America."
            like his new album was near                                                                                         Like  the  rest  of  the  world,
            done.                                                                                                               Legend  has  been  home-
            And though he performed                                                                                             bound  since  the  pandem-
            and  won  his  11th  gramo-                                                                                         ic, which has slowed down
            phone at the show, he pro-                                                                                          some of his projects outside
            ductively  used  the  week                                                                                          of music. "We produce a lot
            where  most  of  the  music                                                                                         of shows that had to pause
            industry flocks to Los Ange-                                                                                        production,"  said  Legend,
            les to add new flavor to his                                                                                        an  EGOT  holder  who  won
            album.                                                                                                              his  Emmy  and  Tony  as  a
            At  the  Grammys  he  met                                                                                           producer.
            Koffee,  who  made  history                                                                                         But  he's  still  getting  major
            when  she  became  the                                                                                              work done. He finished the
            youngest  artist  to  win  the                                                                                      mixing  and  mastering  pro-
            best  reggae  album  Gram-                                                                                          cess of his album remotely,
            my,  eventually  collaborat-  In this June 13, 2020 photo, singer-songwriter John Legend appears during a photo session at The   he  filmed  the  rest  of  "The
            ing  with  her  on  a  song  for   Bel Air Hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif., to promote his latest album "Bigger Love."   Voice" from his couch, and
            "Bigger  Love,"  his  seventh                                                                      Associated Press  he  taped  the  ABC  vari-
            album  out  Friday.  And  a                                                                                         ety  special  "John  Legend
            day  before  the  awards  DJ Khaled and others. "I re-    including Charlie Puth, An-  much  to  bring  hope  and  and  Family:  A  Bigger  Love
            show  at  the  white-hot  an-  member  how  emotional  I  derson Paak, Ryan Tedder,  jobs and education to the  Father's  Day,"  to  premiere
            nual Roc Nation brunch, he  was the day of the Gram-      Ester  Dean,  Teddy  Geiger,  community."                 Sunday.
            sought out rapper Rapsody  mys  when  Kobe  passed  Tayla  Parx  and  Raphael  "We  made  a  record  with  And  thanks  to  Instagram
            —  who  is  signed  to  Jay-Z's  away.  It  was  such  a  crazy  Saadiq,   who   executive  Nipsey that will last forever,"  Live,  he'll  be  able  to  go
            company — and asked her  time."                           produced the album.          he  said.  "That's  a  beautiful  head-to-head  with  Alicia
            to rap on one of his songs.  Legend said Rapsody wrote  But  Legend's  collabora-      thing that's come from it."  Keys  in  the  latest  "Verzuz"
            Legend  said  listening  to  two verses for his song, ask-  tion  with  Hussle  is  still  get-  Legend, 41, said the some  battle series Friday.
            Rapsody's  verse  on  "Re-   ing him which he preferred.  ting love a year after its re-  of  the  songs  on  "Bigger  "It's  really  a  celebration  of
            member  Us"  brings  him  to  "This  was  the  one  that  just  lease. On Monday "Higher"  Love"  have  a  strong  and  music and our mutual love
            tears,  especially  when  the  immediately hit me. I loved  earned two nominations at  resilient  impact  in  a  similar  and respect for each other.
            skilled  lyricist  name-drops  her  referring  to  Kobe  and  the  BET  Awards,  including  vein of "Higher." Though he  I consider her my sister," said
            Kobe  Bryant,  who  died  on  Nipsey  and  Biggie  and  video of the year. The clip  created  the  album  before  Legend,  who  sang  back-
            the  day  of  the  Grammys,  some  of  the  other  artists  was filmed not long before  the  coronavirus  pandemic  ground  vocals  for  Keys'
            and  Nipsey  Hussle,  who  we lost, but also some art-    Hussle died.                 and  the  protests  advocat-  2003  hit  "You  Don't  Know
            Legend  won  his  most  re-  ists that are still with us that  "What  a  video  to  go  out  ing for black lives that have  My  Name"  and  opened
            cent Grammy with for their  made  records  that  were  on — in his neighborhood,  erupted around the world,  for the songstress on his first
            song "Higher."               important to us."            elevated above the neigh-    he said the songs still reso-  major tour.
            "It's so epic. It makes me cry.  Legend's  album  also  fea-  borhood, looking down on  nate.                       "We're  going  to  have  fun
            I listen to it sometimes and  tures  collaborations  with  it," Legend said. "He was so  "It wasn't written in response  and  celebrate  music,  cel-
            it makes me tear up," said  Jhené Aiko and Gary Clark  proud of his neighborhood  to  exactly  what's  happen-      ebrate  black  music,  cel-
            Legend,  who  performed  Jr., while a pack of all-star  and his community. He had  ing  in  this  moment,  but  I  ebrate Juneteenth togeth-
            "Higher" at the Grammys in  producers  and  songwriters  invested  so  much  in  the  feel like it could be a lift for  er," he added. "It is a battle,
            tribute  to  Hussle  alongside  also  help  on  the  project,  community  and  done  so  people who are experienc-  but it's not."q

            '30 Rock' cast reuniting to tout new NBC, cable schedules

                                                                      By LYNN ELBER                Bravo and Oxygen.            work  together  again  for
                                                                      LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Tina  It's  a  special  born  of  the  NBC," series executive pro-
                                                                      Fey,  Alec  Baldwin,  Tracy  coronavirus     pandemic,  ducers Fey and Robert Car-
                                                                      Morgan  and  other  "30  which  kept  NBCUniversal  lock said in a statement. "To
                                                                      Rock" stars are reuniting for  and  other  media  com-    quote  Kenneth  the  page,
                                                                      a corporate cause: to pro-   panies  from  the  mid-May  there  are  only  two  things
                                                                      mote  the  shows  and  stars  tradition   of   presenting  we love in this world, televi-
                                                                      that will be part of the new  their  2020-21  schedules  to  sion and everyone."
                                                                      season for NBC and its NB-   crowds of ad buyers in New  The  mid-season  will  bring
                                                                      CUniversal cable siblings.   York City.                   freshman  series  including
                                                                      Described  as  a  "one-time,  The cast of the Emmy-win-   "Mr. Mayor," a Fey-Carlock
                                                                      commercial-free  event"  —  ning,  2006-13  sitcom  will  sitcom  starring  Ted  Dan-
                                                                      other  than  the  extended  be  in  character,  including  son  and  Holly  Hunter,  and
                                                                      ad  it  represents  for  NBCU-  Jack  McBrayer's  enthusias-  "Young  Rock,"  inspired  by
                                                                      niversal  —  the  reunion  will  tic network page, the com-  Dwayne Johnson's life and
                                                                      air July 16 on NBC and be  pany said Tuesday.             produced  by  and  starring
             In this April 18, 2018 file photo, Tina Fey attends the Tribeca Film   shown  on  cable  channels  "We're  all  happy  to  have  the pro wrestler-turned-ac-
            Festival world premiere of "Love, Gilda" in New York.     including   USA   Network,  this  excuse  to  (remotely)  tor. q
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