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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 18 June 2020
            Continued from Front         business with 15 employees  have  to  work  to  remove
            HEALTH CARE BENEFITS         or  more.  But  some  states  from our system."
            Transgender  workers  and  have  laws  that  do  cover  Mosby  filed  a  federal  dis-
            people  in  same-sex  rela-  those workers.               crimination  lawsuit  against
            tionships  often  face  dis-  Fifteen states have nondis-  the city for her termination.
            parities in access to health  crimination laws that cover  RELIGIOUS REASONS
            care. Employers play a role  all employers, regardless of  In their ruling, the Supreme
            because  they  work  with  size, according to Freedom  Court  judges  made  clear
            insurance  companies  to  for  All  Americans.  Another  that  they  weren't  going  to
            decide  which  treatments  22  states  have  laws  that  make a call on whether a
            should  be  covered  under  cover workers at employers  business  can  fire  an  em-
            their  employees'  health  in-  with  at  least  two  employ-  ployee for religious reasons,
            surance plans.               ees or more.                 leaving that an open ques-
            For example, an insurance  Connecticut,  for  example,  tion.  "It kind of punted on
            plan that a company crafts  extends  the  protections  to  those  issues  and  said  we
            for  employees  may  cover  workplaces  with  at  least  can address these at a lat-   In this Oct. 8, 2019, file photo, supporters of LGBTQ rights hold
            hormone  treatments  for  a  three  employees,  and  Ar-  er date," said Todd Anten,   placards in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington.
            woman undergoing meno-       kansas  extends  it  to  em-  a lawyer at Quinn Emanuel.                                           Associated Press
            pause,  but  it  might  not  ployers with nine, Freedom  Employers  that  have  reli-
            cover hormone treatments  for All Americans said.         gious objections to employ-  not  have  access  to  paid  "It makes you feel like your
            that a doctor prescribes for  UNIFORMS                    ing  LGBT  people  might  be  family  leave  to  care  for  a  situation is odd, when that's
            a transgender patient. And  Dress  codes  and  uniforms  able  to  raise  those  claims  newborn. But among those  not  typically  how  I  feel
            same-sex  couples  some-     can present challenges for  in a different case, Justice  that  have  access  to  fam-  about my situation."
            times  are  shut  out  of  ben-  transgender   employees.  Neil Gorsuch wrote for the  ily leave, the policies often  RECOGNIZING       LGBTQ
            efits such as access to fer-  Rachel Mosby, who was the  court.                        favor  birth  mothers,  said  WORKERS
            tility  treatments,  which  are  fire chief in Byron, Georgia,  BATHROOMS              Gabriel Dobson, 34, a gay  Many  employers  may  not
            in some states only offered  says she was fired from her  Another issue the Supreme  man who is married to an-      know  how  many  LGTBQ
            to couples that are not the  job after she began show-    Court  said  it  wouldn't  de-  other man.                people  it  employs,  which
            same gender.                 ing  up  to  work  in  feminine  cide  this  week:  same-sex  Dobson left his last job be-  makes it hard to make sure
            Treatments  for  HIV,  which  dress suits and skirts instead  bathrooms   and   locker  cause he felt his employer  they're  invited  or  included
            the  Centers  for  Disease  of  one  of  the  masculine  rooms.                        was not promoting him be-    in particular programs.
            Control and Prevention says  suits she had been wearing  Jerame Davis, executive di-   cause he is black and gay.  Some big employers do al-
            disproportionately  affects  for the last decade. Mosby  rector of LGBTQ workplace  Now, at a company that's  low employees to indicate
            gay and bisexual men, are  spent  more  than  $500  of  advocacy  group  Pride  at  more  culturally  inclusive,  on  their  human  resources
            sometimes  shortchanged  fire department money on  Work,  said  employers  right  Dobson  is  facing  subtler  forms that they are LGBTQ,
            by insurance plans.          the  suits,  but  was  issued  now  have  a  lot  of  leeway  challenges.  His  new  com-  like  they  do  for  gender
            "Some  HIV  drugs  may  be  a  written  reprimand  and  in  how  they  respond  if  a  pany  offers  16  weeks  of  and  race,  said  M.V.  Lee
            outright not covered by in-  required  to  pay  the  de-  colleague  doesn't  want  family  leave  to  a  mother  Badgett,  an  economics
            surance  at  all,  or  may  be  partment  back.  When  she  a  transgender  person  to  who  gives  birth  to  a  child,  professor  and  co-director
            covered  with  copays  or  bought herself male suits a  use  the  same  restroom  or  but  only  four  weeks  to  a  of  the  Center  for  Employ-
            deductibles that make the  decade  earlier,  there  had  locker  room  as  them.  Of-  parent  who  did  not  give  ment Equity at the University
            drug  essentially  inaccessi-  been no issue.             ten  times,  the  transgender  birth.  That's  making  him  of  Massachusetts  Amherst.
            ble," Suffredini said. "It's like  "These  implicit  biases  and  person  is  singled  out  and  wonder  how  he  and  his  "I  think  employers  that  are
            the  functional  equivalent  systemic     discrimination  asked to use a different fa-  husband would manage if  trying to be proactive and
            of denying coverage alto-    against  people  that  are  cility, which isn't ideal, Davis  they adopt a child.      are looking at gender gaps
            gether."                     others,  none  of  that  has  said.                       "When  you  are  both  non-  or  maybe  racial  wage
            SMALL BUSINESSES             gone  away,"  Mosby  said.  "We  shouldn't  be  singling  birth parents and you have  gaps,  they  should  try  to
            Not all workers are protect-  "It's  still  there,  and  that's  out individuals," he said.  a child, who is going to get  think about ways that they
            ed by the Civil Rights Act of  what  we  have  to  fight  PARENTAL LEAVE               that time off to take care of  could do the same for LGBT
            1964, which only applies to  against.  That's  what  we  Most workers in the U.S. do  the  child?"  Dobson  asked.  people," Badgett said.q

              Administration seeking rollbacks on tech company protections

              By MICHAEL BALSAMO and  speech on the internet.                                                                  legal  protection  if  an  on-
              MARCY GORDON                Companies such as Twitter                                                            line  platform  purposefully
              WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  and  Facebook  are  grant-                                                             solicited  third  parties  to
              Justice Department is pro-  ed  liability  protection  un-                                                       sell  illegal  drugs  to  minors,
              posing  that  Congress  roll  der  the  Communications                                                           exchange  sexually  explicit
              back  legal  protections  for  Decency  Act  because                                                             photos or video of children
              online  platforms  such  as  they  are  treated  as  "plat-                                                      or engage in other criminal
              Facebook,  Google  and  forms," rather than "publish-                                                            activity, the official said.
              Twitter that generally could  ers,"  which  can  face  law-                                                      The official was not autho-
              not be held legally respon-  suits over content. Without                                                         rized to discuss the matter
              sible for what people post  that   shield,   companies                                                           publicly  before  the  formal
              on the sites.               could  face  lawsuits  from                                                          announcement and spoke
              The  proposed  changes  to  people who feels wronged                                                             on condition of anonymity.
              Section 230 of a major tele-  by  something  someone                                                             The  department  said  its
              communication  overhaul  else has posted.                                                                        proposals are aimed "at in-
              from 1996 come weeks af-    One of the administration's   This April 26, 2017, file photo shows the Twitter app icon on a   centivizing platforms to ad-
              ter President Donald Trump  requests  is  that  Congress   mobile phone in Philadelphia.                         dress the growing amount
              signed an executive order  strip the civil immunity pro-                                         Associated Press of  illicit  content  online,
              challenging  the  protec-   tections  for  tech  compa-                                                          while  preserving  the  core
              tions  that  have  served  as  nies that may be complicit  platforms,  according  to  a  cial. For example, the pro-  of  Section  230's  immunity
              a  bedrock  for  unfettered  in unlawful activity on their  Justice  Department  offi-  posal  would  remove  the  for defamation." q
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