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A26    U.S. NEWS
                    Thursday 18 June 2020
            Bolton says Trump asked China to help him get reelected

            By ZEKE MILLER, DEB RIECH-                                                                                          reelection. Lighthizer spoke
            MANN and JILL COLVIN                                                                                                at  a  Senate  hearing  on
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-                                                                                            trade issues and was asked
            dent  Donald  Trump  asked                                                                                          about  Bolton's  recollection
            China's  Xi  Jinping  during                                                                                        of events.
            a  2019  summit  meeting  to                                                                                        "Absolutely  untrue.  Never
            help  his  reelection  pros-                                                                                        happened.  I  was  there.  I
            pects  by  purchasing  more                                                                                         have  no  recollection  of
            American  farm  products,                                                                                           that  ever  happening.  I
            according  to  a  new  book                                                                                         don't believe it's true. I don't
            by  former  Trump  national                                                                                         believe it ever happened,"
            security adviser John Bolton                                                                                        Lighthizer said. "Would I rec-
            that is highly critical of the                                                                                      ollect  something  as  crazy
            president.                                                                                                          as that? Of course, I would
            Bolton called Trump's effort                                                                                        recollect it."Trump continu-
            to shift the June 2019 con-                                                                                         ally pandered to Xi, Bolton
            versation  to  the  U.S.  elec-                                                                                     wrote.  At  a  White  House
            tion a stunning move, and                                                                                           Christmas  dinner  in  2018,
            wrote  that  it  was  among                                                                                         Bolton  said  Trump  asked
            innumerable conversations                                                                                           why the U.S. was sanction-
            that  "formed  a  pattern  of                                                                                       ing China over it treatment
            fundamentally  unaccept-                                                                                            of  Uighurs.  China  suspects
            able behavior that eroded                                                                                           Uighurs,  who  are  predomi-
            the  very  legitimacy  of  the    In this Sept. 30, 2019, file photo, former national security adviser John Bolton gestures while speak-  nantly  Muslim  and  cultur-
            presidency."                 ings at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.              ally  and  ethnically  distinct
            Overall,  Bolton  wrote,  be-                                                                      Associated Press   from the majority Han Chi-
            cause  staff  had  served                                                                                           nese population, of harbor-
            him  so  poorly,  Trump  "saw  office. Several other former  the  conversation  to  the  Tuesday by Simon & Schus-  ing  separatist  tendencies.
            conspiracies  behind  rocks,  officials have written books,  coming  U.S.  presidential  ter, has been the subject of  In  recent  years,  China  has
            and  remained  stunningly  but they have been almost  election,  alluding  to  Chi-    a  lengthy  battle  between  dramatically  escalated  its
            uninformed  on  how  to  run  entirely  flattering  of  the  na's  economic  capability  Bolton   and   the   White  campaign against them by
            the White House, let alone  president. Other former of-   to affect the ongoing cam-   House. The Trump adminis-    detaining more than 1 mil-
            the  huge  federal  govern-  ficials have indicated they  paigns,  pleading  with  Xi  tration  insists  that  the  pre-  lion  people  in  internment
            ment."  Bolton  said  that  were saving their accounts  to ensure he'd win," Bolton  publication review process  camps  and  prisons,  which
            while  he  was  at  the  White  of  their  time  working  for  said.  "He  stressed  the  im-  was never completed and  China   calls   vocational
            House, Trump typically had  Trump until after he left of-  portance  of  farmers,  and  sued  Bolton  this  week  to  training centers.
            only two intelligence brief-  fice in order to speak more  increased   Chinese   pur-  try  to  delay  publication  of  "At  the  opening  dinner  of
            ings a week "and in most of  candidly.                    chases  of  soybeans  and  the book, saying it contains  the  Osaka  G-20  meeting,
            those, he spoke at greater  As for the meeting with the  wheat in the electoral out-   classified information.      with  only  interpreters  pres-
            length than the briefers, of-  Chinese president in Osaka,  come."                     U.S.   Trade   Representa-   ent,  Xi  explained  to  Trump
            ten on matters completely  Japan,  Bolton  wrote  that  Bolton wrote that he would  tive  Robert  Lighthizer  said  why he was basically build-
            unrelated to the subjects at  Trump  told  Xi  that  Demo-  print  Trump's  exact  words,  Wednesday  that  he  at-  ing  concentration  camps
            hand."                       crats were hostile to China,  "but the government's pre-  tended  a  meeting  be-      in  Xinjiang,"  Bolton  wrote.
            Bolton's book paints an un-  according to the 577-page  publication review process  tween  Trump  and  Xi  at  "According to our interpret-
            varnished portrait of Trump  book. The Associated Press  has decided otherwise."       the Group of 20 nations in  er, Trump said that Xi should
            and    his   administration,  obtained  a  copy  in  ad-  The book, titled "The Room  Osaka, but he never heard  go ahead with building the
            lending the most vivid, first-  vance  of  its  release  next  Where  It  Happened:  A  Trump  pleading  with  Xi  to  camps,  which  he  thought
            person account yet of how  week.                          White    House    Memoir,"  buy more agriculture prod-    was exactly the right thing
            Trump  conducts  himself  in  "He then, stunningly, turned  which is set to be released  ucts to ensure he would win  to do. "q
            With storms in May, lawmaker wants a longer hurricane season

                                                                      By MIKE SCHNEIDER            vember,  but  Murphy  said  letter.  "Accordingly,  an  of-
                                                                      Associated Press             there  has  been  at  least  ficial season that does not
                                                                      ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Even  one  named  storm  before  accurately  predict  major
                                                                      though the six-month Atlan-  June 1 in each of the past  storm  activity  could  result
                                                                      tic  hurricane  season  lasts  six years.                 in  readiness  being  com-
                                                                      as  long  as  a  typical  Major  In  2020,  three  tropical  promised and people and
                                                                      League  Baseball  season,  storms — Arthur, Bertha and  property being harmed."
                                                                      a  Florida  congresswoman  Cristobal — formed in mid-     NOAA  has  received  the
                                                                      thinks it needs to be longer.  May and the beginning of  congresswoman's         let-
                                                                      Democratic     U.S.   Rep.  June, she said.               ter  and  the  agency  looks
                                                                      Stephanie    Murphy     on  "This  presents  a  practical  forward  to  discussing  the
                                                                      Wednesday  sent  a  letter  problem, because govern-      topic  with  her,  spokesman
                                                                      to  the  National  Oceanic  ment officials and residents  Christopher Vaccaro said.
                                                                      and  Atmospheric  Adminis-   in  hurricane-prone  states  "I  don't  think  there  is  any
                                                                      tration  requesting  that  the  use  this  season  to  inform  reason to lengthen the hur-
            Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Gimenez, right, gives a tour   start of the official hurricane  their funding choices, pub-  ricane  season,  since  we
            to  Acting  Secretary  of  Homeland  Security,  Chad  Wolf,  of  the   season  be  in  mid-May.   lic  awareness  campaigns,  haven't had a hurricane in
            Miami-Dade Emergency Operations Center, Monday, June 8,   The  current  season  goes  and     preparation   deci-   May in 50 years," Klotzbach
            2020, in Doral, Fla.
                                                     Associated Press   from  June  through  No-   sions,"  Murphy  said  in  the  said in an email.q
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