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sports Diabierna 16 September 2022
Griner, Whelan families Roger Federer says he is retiring from pro
to meet Biden amid US- tennis at age 41
Russia talks
well event will be the Laver
Cup in London next week.
That is a team event run by
his management company.
Federer is married and he
and his wife, Mirka — a ten-
nis player, too; they met as
athletes at an Olympics —
have two sets of twins.
He leaves with a total of 103
tour-level titles on his sub-
stantial resume and 1,251
wins in singles matches, both
second only to Jimmy Con-
Roger Federer is retiring in the form of injuries and nors in the Open era, which
from professional tennis surgeries. I've worked hard began in 1968. Federer's re-
at age 41 after a series of to return to full competi- cords include being the old-
knee operations, closing tive form," Federer wrote on est No. 1 in ATP rankings
a career in which he won Twitter. "But I also know my history — he returned to
20 Grand Slam titles, fin- body's capacities and limits, the top spot at 36 in 2018 —
ished five seasons ranked and its message to me lately and most consecutive weeks
No. 1 and helped create a has been clear." there (his total weeks mark
golden era of men's tennis was eclipsed by Djokovic).
with rivals Rafael Nadal Federer has not competed
and Novak Djokovic. since Wimbledon in July When Federer won his first
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden plans 2021, and so, in that sense, Grand Slam title at Wimble-
to meet at the White House on Friday with family Federer posted what he his news is not all that sur- don in 2003, the men's re-
members of WNBA star Brittney Griner and Mich- called a "bittersweet decision" prising. cord for most was held by
igan corporate security executive Paul Whelan, via social media on Thursday, Pete Sampras, who had won
both of whom remain jailed in Russia, the White less than a week after 23-time But he had appeared at an his 14th at the U.S. Open the
House announced Friday. major champion Serena Wil- event marking the 100-year year before in what turned
liams played what is expected anniversary of Centre Court out to be the last match of the
The separate meetings are to be the first in-person en- to the last match of her ca- at the All England Club this American's career.
counter between Biden and the families and are taking reer. July and said he hoped to
place amid sustained but so far unsuccessful efforts by come back to play there "one Federer would go on to blow
the administration to secure the Americans’ release. The Combined, the exits by two more time." way past that, ending up with
administration said in July that it had made a “substantial of the greatest athletes in 20 by winning eight cham-
proposal” to get them home, but despite plans for the their sport's history represent He also had said he would pionships at Wimbledon, six
White House meetings, there is no sign that a break- a significant turning of the return to tournament action at the Australian Open, five
through is imminent. page. in his home country at the at the U.S. Open and one at
Swiss Indoors in October. the French Open. His 2009
Friday’s meetings, which both families have long sought, "As many of you know, the trophy at Roland Garros al-
are intended to underscore the administration’s commit- past three years have pre- In Thursday's announce- lowed Federer to complete a
ment to bringing home Griner, Whelan and other Amer- sented me with challenges ment, Federer said his fare- career Grand Slam.
icans jailed abroad, as well as to “connect with them on a
human level as they undergo an ordeal that the Russian
government has imposed on them,” said one of the of- James Rodríguez
ficials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity as the
meetings had not yet been publicly announced. joins Greek champion
Negotiations have been complicated by the tense rela- Olympiakos
tions between Washington and Moscow over Russia’s
invasion of Ukraine. PIRAEUS, Greece (AP) — Former Real
Madrid and Bayern Munich attacking
Biden spoke by phone in July with Griner’s wife, Cher- midfielder James Rodríguez has joined
elle, and with Whelan’s sister, Elizabeth, but both fami- Olympiakos, the Greek club said Thurs-
lies have also requested in-person meetings. On Friday, day.
Biden plans to speak at the White House with Cherelle
Griner and with the player’s agent in one meeting and The 31-year-old Colombian will be reunit- officially terminated his previous contract
with Elizabeth Whelan in the other. ed with former Madrid teammate Marcelo, shortly before Thursday’s announcement. “It
who signed with the Greek champions last was a difficult decision but a good decision,”
Cherelle Griner, for instance, told The Associated Press week. The pair were cheered by more than James said. “This is a new chapter in my life
in an interview in June that she was dismayed after the 35,000 fans after appearing at Giorgos Karais- and I’m very excited about it.”
failure of a phone call from her wife that was supposed kakis Stadium in Piraeus to watch Olympia-
to have been patched through by the American Embassy kos take on Freiburg in the Europa League. The Colombian is joining his fifth club since
in Moscow left the couple unable to connect on their The crowd chanted “He’s here. He’s here!” scoring six goals for his country at the 2014
fourth anniversary. and “James Rodríguez!” moments before the World Cup in Brazil.
game started as the player held up his No. 10
Administration officials say work on hostage and detain- Olympiakos jersey. James has made 86 appearances for Colom-
ee cases persist regardless of whether a family receives a bia and scored 24 goals, but his club career
meeting with the president, though there is also no ques- James moved from Qatari club Al-Rayyan has often failed to match his national team
tion that such an encounter can help establish a connec- and officials from the Greek club said he had success. His 11-year run at major European
tion. signed a one-year agreement with an option clubs ended in 2021 with a lackluster spell in
to extend the deal for 12 months. Al-Rayyan the Premier League at Everton.