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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 16 September 2022

             2 busloads of migrants dropped off near VP                                              Retail sales up 0.3% in Aug.

                                      Harris’ residence                                                 from July amid inflation

                                                                      tic  bags  of  their  belongings
                                                                      carried  with  them  over  the
                                                                      border,  before  moving  to  a
                                                                      nearby church. Harris' office
                                                                      had no immediate comment.

                                                                      After  migrants  seeking  asy-
                                                                      lum  cross  the  U.S.-Mexico
                                                                      border,  they  spend  time  in
                                                                      a U.S. Customs and Border
                                                                      Protection  facility  along  the
                                                                      border  until  they  are  gener-
                                                                      ally released into the U.S. to
                                                                      wait out their cases. Republi-
                                                                      cans say Biden's policies en-
                                                                      courage  migrants  to  vanish
                                                                      into the U.S.; Democrats ar-
                                                                      gue the Trump-era policy of
                                                                      forcing migrants to wait out   NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  the  anxiety  level.  Overall
                                                                      their asylum cases in Mexico   Americans  picked  up  spending  has  slowed  and
                                                                      was inhumane.                  their  spending  a  bit  in  shifted increasingly toward
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  der to his state. Arizona Gov.                                      August  from  July  even  necessities like food, while
            Two  buses  of  migrants  Doug  Ducey  also  has  ad-     DeSantis  flew  two  planes    as  surging  inflation  on  spending  on  electronics,
            from the U.S.-Mexico bor-    opted this policy, and Florida  of  immigrants  to  Martha's   household   necessities  furniture, new clothes and
            der were dropped off near  Gov.  Ron  DeSantis  also  got  Vineyard on Wednesday. And    like  rent  and  food  took  other  non-necessities  has
            Vice  President  Kamala  in on the act recently. It was  last week, Abbott sent about    a toll on family budgets.  faded.
            Harris'  home  in  residen-  first  dreamed  up  by  former  75 migrants to Chicago.
            tial Washington on Thurs-    President Donald Trump.                                     U.S. retail sales rose an un-  On  Thursday,  it  appeared
            day morning in the bitter                                 District of Columbia Mayor     expected  0.3%  last  month  that the U.S. dodged a na-
            political  battle  over  the  Abbott tweeted that he'd sent  Muriel  Bowser  declared  a   after  falling  0.4%  in  July,  tional  freight  rail  strike,
            Biden     administration's  the buses that arrived Thurs-  public  emergency  last  week   the  Commerce  Depart-  which could have sent re-
            immigration policies.        day: "We're sending migrants  over  the  continued  arrival   ment  said  Thursday.  Ex-  tail prices higher.
                                         to her backyard to call on the  of  buses  of  migrants.  The   cluding business at gas sta-
            Texas  Gov.  Greg  Abbott  has  Biden  Administration  to  do  district   earlier   requested   tions, sales rose 0.8%.  Still,  inflation  remains
            been busing migrants out of  its job & secure the border."  National  Guard  assistance                            stubbornly high. Lower gas
            Texas  to  cities  with  Demo-                            to help stem a "growing hu-    Sales at grocery stores rose  costs slowed U.S. inflation
            cratic  mayors  as  part  of  a  About  two  dozen  men  and  manitarian  crisis"  prompted   0.5%  ,  helped  by  rising  for a second straight month
            political strategy this year be-  women  stood  outside  the  by the arrival of thousands of   prices in food      in August, but most other
            cause he claims there are too  U.S.  Naval  Observatory  at  migrants,  but  the  Pentagon                         prices across the economy
            many  arrivals  over  the  bor-  dawn,  clutching  clear  plas-  rejected the request.   There was, however, weak-  kept going up — evidence
                                                                                                     ening in some areas of dis-  that  inflation  remains  a
                                                                                                     cretionary  spending  with  heavy  load  for  American
               Fewer Americans file for jobless benefits                                             Americans  fully  aware  of  households.
                                                                                                     inflation's bite. Business at
                                       again last week                                               restaurants ticked up 1.1%,  Consumer   prices   rose
                                                                                                     but  the  pace  has  slowed.  8.3%  from  a  year  earlier
                                                                                                     Sales  at  furniture  stores  and  0.1%  from  July.  But
                                                                                                     fell 1.3%. Online sales fell  the  jump  in  "core"  prices,
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  ployment benefits inched up  ernment's  count  of  unem-            0.7% last month after Am-  which  exclude  volatile
            The number of Americans  by  2,000  for  the  week  that  ployed people rose.            azon's  Prime  Day  boosted  food and energy costs, was
            applying  for  unemploy-     ended Sept. 3, to 1.4 million.                              e-commerce sales in July.  especially  worrisome.  It
            ment  benefits  fell  again                               The U.S. economy has been                                outpaced  expectations  and
            last week to a four-month  Hiring in the U.S. in 2022 has  a  mixed  bag  this  year.  Eco-  "Retailers  would  probably  sparked  fear  that  the  Fed-
            low  even  as  the  Federal  been remarkably strong even  nomic growth has declined in   like  to  be  growing  more,  eral  Reserve  will  increase
            Reserve  continues  its  ag-  in  the  midst  of  rising  inter-  the first half of 2022, which,   especially relative to infla-  interest rates more aggres-
            gressive  interest  rate  cuts  est rates and weak economic  by some informal definitions,   tion, but I'm not sure they  sively and raise the risk of a
            to  bring  inflation  under  growth. The Federal Reserve  signals a recession.           could  realistically  hope  recession.
            control.                     has aggressively raised inter-                              for  much  more,"  said  Ted
                                         est rates in an effort to bring  But  businesses  remain  des-  Rossman,  senior  indus-  The government's month-
            Applications  for  jobless  aid  down inflation, which gener-  perate to find workers, post-  try  analyst  at  Bankrate.  ly  report  on  retail  sales
            for the week ending Sept. 10  ally also slows job growth.  ing  more  than  11  million   com. "Consumer spending  covers about a third of all
            fell by 5,000 to 213,000, the                             job  openings  in  July,  mean-  habits  are  changing  as  the  consumer  purchases  and
            Labor  Department  reported  Earlier this month, the Labor  ing there are almost two job   pandemic continues to re-  doesn't  include  spending
            Thursday.  That's  the  fewest  Department  reported  that  vacancies  for  every  unem-  cede and inflation remains  on  most  services,  ranging
            since late May.              employers  added  still-strong  ployed American.            high."                    from plane fares and apart-
                                         315,000  jobs  in  August,                                                            ment rents to movie tickets
            First-time  applications  gen-  though less than the average  Some  of  that  so-called  pain   Consumer  spending  ac-  and doctor visits. In recent
            erally reflect layoffs.      487,000  a  month  over  the  has  already  begun,  particu-  counts  for  nearly  70%  of  months,  Americans  have
                                         past  year.  The  unemploy-  larly  in  the  housing  and   U.S. economic activity and  been  shifting  their  pur-
            The  four-week  average  for  ment rate ticked up to 3.7%,  technology  sectors.  Online   Americans  have  remained  chases away from physical
            claims, which offsets some of  its highest level since Febru-  real  estate  companies  Red-  mostly  resilient  even  with  goods  and  more  toward
            the  weekly  volatility,  fell  by  ary, but for a healthy reason:  Fin  and  Compass  recently   inflation  near  four-decade  travel, hotel stays and plane
            8,000 to 224,000.            Hundreds  of  thousands  of  announced job cuts as rising   highs.  Yet  surging  prices  trips as the threat of the vi-
                                         people  returned  to  the  job  interest rates have tripped up   for everything from mort-  rus fades.
            The  number  of  Americans  market, and some didn't find  the housing market.            gages  to  milk  have  upped
            collecting  traditional  unem-  work right away, so the gov-
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