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A28     u.s. news
              Diabierna 16 September 2022

                        Biden plans floating platforms to expand offshore wind power

            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —                                                                                                 Jersey coast set new records,
            The Biden administration                                                                                            she said, and a lease sale also
            on  Thursday  announced                                                                                             was held in North Carolina.
            plans  to  develop  float-                                                                                          Seven lease sales for offshore
            ing platforms in the deep                                                                                           wind projects are planned by
            ocean  for  wind  towers                                                                                            2025.
            that could power millions                                                                                           More than half of the nation's
            of  homes  and  vastly  ex-                                                                                         offshore  wind  resources  are
            pand offshore wind in the                                                                                           in  deep  waters  where  tradi-
            United States.                                                                                                      tional  offshore  wind  foun-
                                                                                                                                dations are not economically
            The plan would target sites in                                                                                      feasible, Haaland said, adding
            the Pacific Ocean off the Cal-                                                                                      that "floating wind will help
            ifornia and Oregon coasts, as                                                                                       us  reach  areas  once  not  at-
            well as in the Atlantic in the                                                                                      tainable.  And  this  is  critical
            Gulf of Maine.                                                                                                      because  floating  wind  will
                                                                                                                                help us build on the admin-
            President  Joe  Biden  hopes                                                                                        istration's goal of 30 gigawatts
            to deploy up to 15 gigawatts                                                                                        of offshore wind by 2030.''
            of  electricity  through  float-  greenhouse  gas  emissions  lead  the  world  on  floating
            ing sites by 2035, enough to  in  half  by  2030.  A  climate-  offshore wind and bring off-  Granholm, a top booster for  The  world's  first  floating
            power 5 million homes. The  and-tax bill Biden signed last  shore wind jobs to more parts  U.S. efforts to promote clean  wind  farm  has  been  oper-
            administration  has  previ-  month  would  spend  about  of our country, including the  energy, said the Biden admin-  ating  off  Scotland's  coast
            ously set a goal of 30 GW of  $375 billion over 10 years to  West Coast.''             istration "is all-in on making  since  2017.  Norway-based
            offshore wind by 2030 using  boost electric vehicles, jump-  Two   pilot   projects   are  floating offshore wind a real  Equinor, which operates the
            traditional  technology  that  start  renewable  energy  such  planned  off  the  north  and  part of our of our energy mix  30-megawatt  Hywind  Scot-
            secures wind turbines to the  as solar and wind power and  central California coast, and a  and  winning  the  global  race  land  project,  is  building  a
            ocean floor.                 develop  alternative  energy  third is planned in southern  to  lead  in  this  space.  And  huge, floating offshore wind
                                         sources like hydrogen.       Oregon, officials said.      that's  why  we  set  this  big,  farm off Norway to provide
            There  are  only  a  handful  of                                                       hairy  audacious  goal''  of  15  electricity for offshore oil and
            floating offshore platforms in  Deepwater areas in the Pacif-  Emerging  technology  for  gigawatts of floating offshore  gas fields.
            the world — all in Europe —  ic especially have potential to  floating  platforms  "means  wind by 2035.
            but officials said the technol-  vastly  expand  offshore  wind  there's  real  opportunity  for                    Lauren Shane, a spokeswom-
            ogy  is  developing  and  could  energy  in  the  U.S.,  McCar-  the American people: an op-  Interior  Secretary  Deb  Haa-  an for Equinor in the Unit-
            soon  establish  the  United  thy and other officials said.  portunity  for  greater  energy  land said her department has  ed  States,  said  the  company
            States  as  a  global  leader  in                         security,  greater  energy  af-  approved  the  nation's  first  is  optimistic  about  floating
            offshore wind.               McCarthy      acknowledged  fordability, cleaner air, clean-  two  major  offshore  wind  offshore  wind.  "We  see  the
                                         that  the  floating  technology  er  water  and  of  course  tens  projects in federal waters and  potential for it. We're always
            The push  for offshore wind  is  at  an  early  stage.  But  she  of thousands of good-paying  has begun reviewing at least  evaluating  opportunities  and
            is  part  of  Biden's  effort  to  said  "coordinated  actions"  in-demand  jobs,''  such  as  10 more.             we're committed to the U.S.,"
            promote  clean  energy  and  by federal and state officials,  electricians,  engineers,  ship                       she said. "We're excited about
            address   global   warming.  working with the private sec-  builders and stevedores, Gra-  An  offshore  wind  lease  sale  the development of offshore
            Biden  has  pledged  to  cut  tor, can position the U.S. "to  nholm said.              off  the  New  York  and  New  wind in the U.S."

                            Mortgage rates hit 6%, first time since 2008 housing crash

            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  from  5.89%  last  week.  The  cooled off a housing market  Recently,        faster   inflation  er  three-quarters  of  a  point
            Average  long-term  U.S.  long-term  average  rate  has  that  has  been  hot  for  years.  and  strong  U.S.  economic  when the central bank's lead-
            mortgage  rates  climbed  more  than  doubled  since  a  Many  potential  home  buy-   growth have sent the 10-year  ers  meet  next  week.  Some
            over 6% this week for the  year  ago  and  is  the  highest  ers  are  getting  pushed  out  Treasury  rate  up  sharply,  to  fear  the  Fed  could  raise  the
            first  time  since  the  hous-  it's been since November of  of  the  market  as  the  higher  3.45%.               rate by a full point, following
            ing  crash  of  2008,  threat-  2008,  just  after  the  housing  rates have added hundreds of                      consecutive  jumbo  increases
            ening  to  sideline  even  market collapse triggered the  dollars to monthly mortgage  The Fed has raised its bench-  of three quarters of a point at
            more  homebuyers  from  Great  Recession.  One  year  payments.  Sales  of  existing  mark  short-term  interest  its last two meetings.
            a rapidly cooling housing  ago, the rate stood at 2.86%.  homes in the U.S. have fallen  rate four times this year, and
            market.                                                   for  six  straight  months,  ac-  Chairman Jerome Powell has  The  government  reported
                                         Rising  interest  rates  —  in  cording  to  the  National  As-  said that the central bank will  that  U.S.  economy  shrank
            Mortgage buyer Freddie Mac  part  a  result  of  the  Federal  sociation of Realtors.  likely  need  to  keep  interest  at  a  0.6%  annual  rate  from
            reported  Thursday  that  the  Reserve's  aggressive  push  to                         rates high enough to slow the  April through June, a second
            30-year  rate  rose  to  6.02%  tamp down inflation — have  The average rate on 15-year,  economy "for some time" in  straight quarter of economic
                                                                      fixed-rate mortgages, popular  order to tame the worst infla-  contraction, which meets one
                                                                      among  those  looking  to  re-  tion in 40 years.         informal sign of a recession.
                                                                      finance their homes, rose to                              Most  economists,  though,
                                                                      5.21% from 5.16% last week.  More inflation data this week  have said they doubt that the
                                                                      Last year at this time the rate  suggests that while gas prices  economy is in or on the verge
                                                                      was 2.19%.                   have  retreated  significantly  of a recession, given that the
                                                                                                   since  early  in  the  summer,  U.S. job market remains ro-
                                                                      Mortgage  rates  don't  neces-  prices for most other neces-  bust.
                                                                      sarily mirror the Fed's rate in-  sities  have  actually  gone  up,
                                                                      creases, but tend to track the  panicking investors who fear  Applications  for  jobless  aid
                                                                      yield on the 10-year Treasury  a possible recession if the Fed  fell  again  last  week  and  re-
                                                                      note.  That's  influenced  by  a  keeps boosting rates.   main  at  their  lowest  level
                                                                      variety  of  factors,  including                          since  May,  despite  the  Fed's
                                                                      investors' expectations for fu-  Most  economists  forecast  moves  to  tame  inflation,
                                                                      ture inflation and global de-  that  the  Fed  will  jack  up  its  which has a tendency to cool
                                                                      mand for U.S. Treasurys.     primary  lending  rate  anoth-  the job market as well.
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