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A30     world news
              Diabierna 16 September 2022

                          Pope keeps Moscow dialogue open even if it's uncomfortable

            ABOARD  THE  PAPAL                                                                                                  a defense is not only right but
            PLANE (AP) — The Vati-                                                                                              "also an expression of love for
            can  plans  to  keep  open                                                                                          your  country."  But  he  said
            paths  of  dialogue  with                                                                                           the  motivation  behind  such
            Russia,  even  if  doing  so                                                                                        fighting is key.
            "smells," Pope Francis said
            Thursday,      reaffirming                                                                                          "It can be immoral if it's done
            Ukraine's  right  to  defend                                                                                        with  the  intention  of  pro-
            itself.                                                                                                             voking  more  war  or  selling
                                                                                                                                weapons or getting rid of the
            Francis spoke at length about                                                                                       weapons that you don't need
            Russia's war in Ukraine and                                                                                         anymore," he said.
            the  need  for  peace  during  a
            press  conference  while  trav-                                                                                     Lamenting that wars are rag-
            eling home from Kazakhstan.                                                                                         ing  around  the  planet,  he
            Francis had visited the former                                                                                      recalled that when he was 9
            Soviet republic to participate                                                                                      years old, in 1945, he learned
            in an interfaith peace confer-                                                                                      the  value  of  peace  as  word
            ence that, in its final commu-                                                                                      spread  in  Buenos  Aires  that
            nique,  called  on  all  political                                                                                  World War II had ended.
            leaders  to  stop  conflict  and
            bloodshed  "in  all  corners  of                                                                                    "Even  today,  I  can  see  my
            our world."                                                                                                         mother  and  the  neighbor
                                         "I  don't  exclude  dialogue  hoped his trip to Nur-Sultan  another  meeting  was  pos-  weeping with joy because the
            Francis  has  long  touted  the  with  any  power  that  is  in  in  Kazakhstan  would  pro-  sible between the two world  war had ended. We were in a
            need for dialogue, even with  war, even if it's the aggressor,"  vide  a  chance  to  meet  with  religious leaders but must be  South American country, far
            antagonists  and  countries  Francis  said.  "It  smells,  but  the head of the Russian Or-  prepared well in advance.  away. But these people, these
            that are hostile to the Catho-  you have to do it. Always take  thodox  Church,  who  has                           women, knew that peace was
            lic  Church.  He  reaffirmed  a step forward, with the hand  justified  the  Kremlin's  war  At  the  same  time,  though,  bigger than all wars. And they
            that  policy  in  comments  outstretched, because the al-  in  Ukraine  on  spiritual  and  Francis  affirmed  that  it  was  wept  with  joy  when  peace
            about Russia, China and even  ternative is to close the only  ideological  grounds.  Patri-  "morally   acceptable"   for  was made."
            Nicaragua,  where  the  gov-  reasonable door to peace."  arch Kirill bowed out of the  Ukraine  to  receive  weapons
            ernment  has  been  cracking                              conference  last  month,  but  to defend itself against Mos-  "I won't ever forget that," he
            down on the church.          In  that  vein,  Francis  had  his envoy who attended said  cow's invasion. He said such  said.

                          Concerns grow as Nigeria’s inflation surges to 17-year high

            ABUJA,     Nigeria    (AP)  The  rise  in  inflation  was
            —  Nigeria’s  consumer  driven by “a disruption in the
            inflation  surged  to  a  17-  supply  of  food  products,  an
            year  high  in  August  2022,  increase  in  import  cost  due
            its  statistics  agency  said  to  the  persistent  currency
            Thursday, signalling more  depreciation  and  a  general
            hardship  for  citizens  and  increase  in  the  cost  of  pro-
            businesses in Africa’s larg-  duction,” the statistics agency
            est economy.                 said.
                                         The  food  inflation  rate  in
            The  Nigerian  National  Bu-  August 2022 was 23.1%, the
            reau  of  Statistics  (NBS)  re-  statistics agency said, blaming
            ported in its latest consumer  increases in prices of some of
            price index that inflation rose  the most common food items
            to 20.5% in August, up from  in  Nigeria  including  bread,
            19.6%  in  July  this  year  and  cereals and tubers.
            17% in August last year.
                                         The  17-year  high  consumer
            It is the seventh consecutive  inflation — more than dou-  from citizens and businesses  subsidies  have  gone  up,  im-  damaged  crops  across  huge
            monthly increase in Nigeria’s  ble the Central Bank of Ni-  in Nigeria, a country of more  pacting the price of retail pet-  swathes of farmland in Nige-
            inflation  this  year  and  the  geria’s  9%  target  —  draws  than 200 million people.  rol which is key to businesses  ria’s  north  —  might  further
            highest since 2005.          more  concerns  of  hardship                              in the Nigerian market,” said  impact food prices.
                                                                      Despite  being  Africa’s  larg-  Ese Osawmonyi with the La-
                                                                      est economy and one of the  gos-based  SBM  Intelligence  The  flour  market  is  one  of
                                                                      continent’s top oil producers,  research firm.            the worst hit by rising infla-
                                                                      corruption,  insecurity  and                              tion in Nigeria. Some baker-
                                                                      lack of good governance have  The   security   challenges  ies  are  now  shutting  down
                                                                      caused  economic  hardship  which have led to the death  operations  amid  dwindling
                                                                      to many in this West African  of thousands in the last year  profits,  according  to  Em-
                                                                      country.                     in  Nigeria’s  north  have  also  manuel Onuorah,  who runs
                                                                                                   further pushed food inflation  a bakery in the nation’s capi-
                                                                      Analysts  also  see  “exter-  higher  by  limiting  supplies  tal, Abuja.
                                                                      nal shocks” from the war in  from some of Nigeria’s big-
                                                                      Ukraine  as  a  contributing  gest  food-producing  states,  “People are closing,” Onuor-
                                                                      factor  to  Nigeria’s  grow-  said analyst Osawmonyi.     ah said of the hardship faced
                                                                      ing  inflation.  With  the  ris-                          by bakers and other business-
                                                                      ing  price  of  oil  and  gas,  for  That  is  in  addition  to  fears  es. “It is no longer profitable
                                                                      instance,  “our  importation  that  floods  —  which  have  for us. You just sustain your-
                                                                      numbers  and  payment  of  displaced  many  homes  and  self.”
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