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                                                                                                       sports Diaranson 1 Juni 2022

                                   Nelly Korda returns to golf not a moment too early

            By DOUG FERGUSON                                                                                                    and now belongs to Jin Young
            AP Golf Writer                                                                                                      Ko,  who  beat  out  Korda  for
            Nelly  Korda  has  a  coach                                                                                         the Race to CME Globe title
            who  knows  all  about  top                                                                                         in the final event last year.
            golfers returning from an                                                                                           The  U.S.  Women's  Open
            injury,  how  patience  and                                                                                         has  no  shortage  of  compel-
            belief can be just as criti-                                                                                        ling  angles  this  year  at  Pine
            cal as any physical therapy.                                                                                        Needles.  The  prize  money
                                                                                                                                of  $10  million  is  the  richest
            Among  the  messages  Jamie                                                                                         in  women's  golf.  Michelle
            Mulligan offered the 23-year-                                                                                       Wie West is back in the area
            old Korda is that no one ever                                                                                       where she won her only ma-
            returned from an injury too                                                                                         jor at Pinehurst No. 2. Anni-
            late, even if that means start-                                                                                     ka Sorenstam is playing at age
            ing  on  the  biggest  stage  in                                                                                    51, eligible from winning the
            women's golf.                                                                                                       U.S. Senior Women's Open.
            "I didn't want my first event                                                                                       The  LPGA  Tour  is  showing
            back being the U.S. Women's                                                                                         balance  again  with  13  win-
            Open,"  Korda  said  with  a                                                                                        ners in 13 events. Korda feels
            smile after playing nine holes                                                                                      as though she's starting from
            at  Pine  Needles.  "I  was  just                                                                                   scratch, and it can feel like a
            more thinking like I want to                                                                                        sprint — the Women's Open,
            be 100%, and that's all I was                                                                                       then a title defense in Michi-
            thinking.  And  then  when  Coach  of the Year, has  been  LPGA titles, her first major at  belief.    "Even  when  you're  gan and the Women's PGA.
            I  was  100%,  I  was  going  to  running Virginia for 22 years  the  Women's  PGA  Champi-  sitting there, nothing is going  But  at  least  she's  starting,
            set my eyes on what event I  and has a long list of pupils.  onship, a rise to No. 1 in the  to happen with your golf," he  even  if  the  expectations  are
            could come back at."         One  was  John  Cook,  who  world  and  an  Olympic  gold  said.  "It's  been  fun  to  watch  minimal.
            Korda  hasn't  played  since  had to stop midway through  medal in Tokyo.              her prepare."                "To tee up and to hit my first
            Feb.  5,  when  she  wrapped  the 1989 season because of a  And  then  she  started  2022  In  some  respects,  the  U.S.  shot on Thursday. That is as
            up  a  three-week  start  to  the  broken hand. He rose to No.  with  COVID-19,  followed  Women's  Open  last  year  at  far as I'm looking right now,"
            LPGA season in Florida with  3  on  the  PGA  Tour  money  by  a  blood  clot  two  months  Olympic Club is where it all  she  said.  "I've  been  out  of
            a tie for 15th. About a month  list  a  few  years  later.  More  later.  "She  understood  the  began for Korda. She missed  competition since early Feb-
            later, she was gearing up for  recently was Patrick Cantlay,  big  picture,"  Mulligan  said  the cut and then began a run  ruary,  and  I'm  honestly  just
            the California swing that in-  whose back injury was so se-  Tuesday at Pine Needles in a  that  took  over  the  LPGA  grateful  to  be  out  here.  I'm
            cluded the first major of the  vere it kept him out for the  brief chat after working with  Tour.                   going to take it one step at a
            year when she felt swelling in  better part of three years.  big sister Jessica Korda before  Korda won the Meijer LPGA  time.  I'm  not  expecting  too
            her left arm.                To  see  Korda  deliver  such  meeting Nelly on the range.  Classic  in  Michigan,  came  much.
            Turns out it was a blood clot  an athletic, graceful swing is  "She understood she needed  down  to  Atlanta  and  won  "Honestly,  I'm  trying  not  to
            in  the  subclavian  vein,  and  to be easily impressed. What  to  take  the  right  steps.  You  the  KPMG  Women's  PGA  think about it too much, and
            she had surgery in April. The  also caught Mulligan's atten-  can't come back too late. She  to reach No. 1 in the world,  I'm  just  more  grateful  that
            rehab was in California so she  tion  was  how  she  handled  used her full capacity to train  and  then  a  month  later  was  I'm out here, I'm being able
            could  be  close  to  Mulligan,  an injury that kept her away  in  order  to  mend  the  right  posing  on  the  top  podium  to compete, and I'm seeing all
            the CEO of Virginia Country  for longer than Korda would  way, to keep her composure  with an Olympic gold medal  the girls, too."
            Club in Long Beach.          have wanted.                 and be comfortable with it."  draped around her neck.     Mulligan  would  be  the  first
            Mulligan,  honored  in  Janu-  She was coming off the best  There was one other message  The No. 1 ranking didn't last  to  tell  her  it  was  worth  the
            ary  as  the  PGA  Teacher  &  year in women's golf — four  from Mulligan related to the  long at the start of this year  wait.

                               Prescod clocks 9.93 to win 100 meters at Golden Spike

            OSTRAVA, Czech Repub-        Prescod  showed  blistering  ish  first  in  12.56  seconds.  ing  in  her  farewell  season,  the men's high jump.
            lic (AP) — British sprinter  pace  over the last  20 meters  Pia  Skrzyszowska  of  Poland  with  the  American  having  In the rarely contested wom-
            Reece  Prescod  became  to surge ahead of Yohan Blake  was  second  in  12.65  ahead  announced that she is retiring  en's 300 hurdles, Femke Bol
            the first European man to  of  Jamaica  and  clock  a  per-  of  American  Nia  Ali,  who  at the end of the year.  of  the  Netherlands  clocked
            break 10 seconds in the 100  sonal  best  time  despite  run-  clocked 12.69 in third.  Ethiopia's  Lamecha  Girma  the  fastest  time  ever  to  win
            meters this season, clock-   ning into a headwind. Blake  Seven-time  Olympic  cham-   dominated  the  men's  3,000  in 36.86, more than one sec-
            ing  9.93  seconds  to  win  was second in 10.05.         pion  Allyson  Felix  finished  steeplechase  with  a  world-  ond faster than the previous
            the Golden Spike meet on  In  the  women's  100  meter  second  in  the  women's  200,  leading  time  of  7  minutes,  best  of  38.16  set  by  Zuzana
            Tuesday.                     hurdles,  Olympic  champion  more than half a second be-  58.68 seconds.               Hejnova in 2013. The event
                                         Jasmine    Camacho-Quinn  hind Aminatou Seyni of Ni-      Another Olympic champion,  does  not  have  an  official
                                         of  Puerto  Rico  recovered  ger  who  won  in  22.21.  The  Gianmarco  Tamberi  of  Italy,  world record.
                                         from  a  slow  start  to  fin-  36-year-old Felix is compet-  cleared  2.30  meters  to  win  Jerome Blake of Canada won
                                                                                                                                the men's 200 in a photo fin-
                                                                                                                                ish ahead of U.S. sprinter Eli-
                                                                                                                                jah Hall, with both clocking
                                                                                                                                Kenyan 17-year-old Emman-
                                                                                                                                uel Wanyonyi won the men's
                                                                                                                                800  in  1:44.15  while  Diribe
                                                                                                                                Welteji  led  an  Ethiopian
                                                                                                                                sweep of the women's 1,500
                                                                                                                                in 3:59.19 ahead of Ayal Dag-
                                                                                                                                nachew and Netsanet Desta.
                                                                                                                                World  champion  Anderson
                                                                                                                                Peters of Grenada claimed the
                                                                                                                                men's javelin with a throw of
                                                                                                                                87.88 meters.
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