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A30    LOCAL
                     Diaranson 1 Juni 2022

                                Canada to cap the market for handguns with new law

            By ROB GILLIES                                                                                                      pacity  magazines  under  the
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Criminal Code.
            TORONTO  (AP)  —  Ca-                                                                                               "Canada  can  teach  us  a  lot,"
            nadian  Prime  Minister                                                                                             tweeted  Bruce  Heyman,  a
            Justin  Trudeau's  govern-                                                                                          former  U.S.  ambassador  to
            ment  introduced  legisla-                                                                                          Canada  under  the  Obama
            tion  Monday  that  would                                                                                           administration.
            put a freeze on importing,                                                                                          Trudeau said his government
            buying  or  selling  hand-                                                                                          recognizes  the  vast  majority
            guns.                                                                                                               of Canadians who own guns
                                                                                                                                are responsible but the level
            "We are capping the number                                                                                          of gun violence is unaccept-
            of handguns in this country,"                                                                                       able.  Mendicino  said  they
            Trudeau said.                                                                                                       are aware the announcement
            The  regulations  to  halt  the                                                                                     could  lead  to  a  rush  to  buy
            growth  of  personally  owned                                                                                       guns  before  the  law  is  en-
            handguns  is  expected  to  be                                                                                      acted  and  urged  Parliament
            enacted this fall.                                                                                                  to pass it as soon as possible.
            "It will be illegal to buy, sell,                                                                                   The  new  measures  are  as-
            transfer or import handguns                                                                                         sured of passing in Canada's
            anywhere  in  Canada,"  the                                                                                         Parliament  as  the  ruling
            prime minister said. Families                                                                                       Liberals  and  leftist  opposi-
            of  shooting  victims  joined                                                                                       tion  New  Democrats  have
            him at a press conference in                                                                                        enough votes.
            Ottawa.                      Canada has taken in a genera-  easy  access  to  guns,  though  removal of gun licenses from  Pierre Poilievre, who is run-
            Canada  already  has  plans  to  tion.                    the U.S. population also is far  people involved in acts of do-  ning  to  be  leader  of  the
            ban  1,500  types  of  military-  "Countries  that  do  a  good  larger than Canada's.  mestic  violence  or  criminal  Conservative party, said law-
            style  firearms  and  offer  a  job of controlling guns do a  Blair  noted  guns  are  often  harassment, such as stalking.  abiding  gun  owners  should
            mandatory buyback program  good  job  of  controlling  gun  smuggled  in  illegally  from  The bill would create a new  be  respected  and  dangerous
            that  will  begin  at  the  end  violence," Mendicino said in  the U.S., which he noted has  "red flag" law allowing courts  criminals should be jailed.
            of  the  year.  Trudeau  said  if  an interview with The Asso-  one of the largest small arms  to require that people consid-  "Other  than  using  firearms
            someone really wants to keep  ciated Press.               arsenals in the world.       ered  a  danger  to  themselves  for sport shooting and hunt-
            their assault weapon it will be  Bill  Blair,  minister  of  emer-  The  government  plans  to  or others surrender their fire-  ing,  there  is  no  reason  any-
            made completely inoperable.  gency  preparedness,  said  fight gun smuggling and traf-  arms to police. The govern-  one  in  Canada  should  need
            Canada  already  expanded  Canada is very different from  ficking  by  increasing  crimi-  ment said the measure would  guns in their everyday lives,"
            background checks.           the United States.           nal penalties, providing more  guard the safety of those ap-  Trudeau  said.  "We  need  less
            Trudeau  has  long  had  plans  "In Canada, gun ownership is  tools  to  investigate  firearms  plying  through  the  process,  gun violence.
            to  enact  tougher  gun  laws  a privilege not a right," Blair  crimes  and  strengthening  often  women  in  danger  of  "We  cannot  let  the  gun  de-
            but  the  introduction  of  the  said. "This is a principal that  border  measures.  Trudeau  domestic  abuse,  by  protect-  bate became so polarized that
            new  measure  comes  after  differentiates ourselves from  said  increased  funding  al-  ing their identities.     nothing gets done. We cannot
            mass  shootings  in  Uvalde,  many other countries in the  ready helped border officials  The  government  said  it  will  let that happen in our coun-
            Texas, and Buffalo, N.Y., this  world, notably our colleagues  double the amount of smug-  require rifle magazines to be  try.  This  is  about  freedom.
            month.                       and friends to the south."   gled  guns  confiscated  at  the  permanently  altered  so  they  People should be free to go to
            Public Safety Minister Marco  Canada  has  had  far  fewer  U.S. border.               can  never  hold  more  than  the supermarket, their school
            Mendicino called the legisla-  mass shootings than the U.S.  The government also said the  five rounds and will ban the  or  their  place  of  worship
            tion the most significant step  in  part  because  of  a  lack  of  bill would also allow for the  sale and transfer of large-ca-  without fear."

                                                                          Group urges ICC to probe alleged use of

                                                                                              mines in Libya war

                                                                      According to the New York-   Moammar Gadhafi, who was  unmarked        anti-personnel
                                                                      based watchdog, new data has  later  killed.  It  has  for  years  mines.  The  tablet  was  ob-
                                                                      emerged  from  Libyan  dem-  been  split  between  rival  ad-  tained  by  the  BBC  in  early
                                                                      ining  groups  linking  merce-  ministrations, each backed by  2021.  A  U.N.  panel  of  ex-
                                                                      naries  from  Russia's  Wagner  different militias and foreign  perts  said  earlier  this  week
                                                                      Group to the use of "banned  powers.                      it considers the device to be
                                                                      booby traps" in Libya during  Lama Fakih, HRW's director  authentic.
                                                                      an  offensive  by  east-based  for Mideast and North Afri-
                                                                      Libyan  forces  trying  to  cap-  ca, said a "transparent and in-
                                                                      ture  the  capital  of  Tripoli  ternational" inquiry is needed
                                                                      from rival militias.         to  look  into  the  use  of  land
                                                                      The  Wagner  Group  backed  mines around Tripoli.
                                                                      the  offensive  of  the  east-  The group said that a demin-
                                                                      based  forces  led  by  com-  ing  group  with  the  Tripoli-
                                                                      mander  Khalifa  Hifter,  who  based  Defense  Ministry  re-
                                                                      was  also  supported  at  the  ported that mines and other
                                                                      time  by  the  United  Arab  explosive  ordnance  killed  at
                                                                      Emirates,  Egypt  and  Russia.  least 130 people and wound-
                                                                      Hifter's  offensive  collapsed  ed  196,  mostly  civilians,  be-
                                                                      in the spring of 2020, when  tween May 2020 and March
                                                                      Turkey and Qatar stepped up  2022  in  Tripoli's  southern
                                                                      their  military  support  to  his  suburbs.
            CAIRO  (AP)  —  Human  investigate  allegations  of  rivals in western Libya.          HRW cited a tablet left on a
            Rights  Watch  on  Tuesday  the  use  of  landmines  in  Libya  plunged  into  turmoil  Libyan  battlefield  by  a  Wag-
            called  for  the  Interna-   2019 by Russian paramili-    after a NATO-backed upris-   ner mercenary that contained
            tional  Criminal  Court  to  taries fighting in Libya.    ing  in  2011  toppled  dictator  maps  of  the  locations  of  35
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