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A32     sports
                     Diaranson 1 Juni 2022

                                          Kepler's 3 RBIs help Twins beat Tigers 8-2

            By DAVE HOGG                                                                                                        The Tigers optioned reliever
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Drew  Carlton,  who  threw
            DETROIT  (AP)  —  Max                                                                                               three  innings  in  the  first
            Kepler had three hits and                                                                                           game, to Triple-A Toledo and
            drove in three runs to help                                                                                         activated  Will  Vest  from  the
            the Minnesota Twins to an                                                                                           COVID-19 list.
            8-2  win  over  the  Detroit
            Tigers in the first game of                                                                                         SANCHEZ'S          HOME
            Tuesday's doubleheader.                                                                                             AWAY FROM HOME
                                                                                                                                Sanchez,  who  has  homered
            Kepler  is  hitting  .320  with                                                                                     in the first two games of the
            four homers and 12 RBIs in                                                                                          series,  has  gone  deep  before
            25 at-bats against Detroit this                                                                                     in Detroit. On Aug. 22, 2017,
            season.  Minnesota's  Devin                                                                                         he became the only player to
            Smeltzer (2-0) picked up the                                                                                        clear the left-field seats with
            win, giving up two runs and                                                                                         a homer since Comerica Park
            six hits in 6 2/3 innings.                                                                                          opened  in  2000.  The  home
            "Today's  the  best  I've  felt,"                                                                                   run was estimated at 493 feet,
            Smeltzer  said.  "My  fastball                                                                                      breaking  the  previous  stadi-
            velocity  and  fastball  com-                                                                                       um record by nearly 30 feet.
            mand is the best it has been, I                                                                                     "I didn't even know that re-
            was able to move the ball up                                                                                        cord, but it is impressive," he
            and down and my changeup                                                                                            said. "Every park is different,
            was good."                                                                                                          and  I  don't  look  to  do  any-
            Tigers  starter  Rony  Garcia                                                                                       thing better in this park than
            (0-1) took the loss, allowing   son — and scored on Kepler's  were  working  today  and  he  TRAINER'S ROOM         in any other."
            six runs and seven hits in five   double.                 attacks the hitters. That plan  Twins: Shortstop Carlos Cor-
            innings. "We didn't do a good   Jorge  Polanco  singled,  and  works for us."          rea  was  placed  on  the  CO-  UP NEXT
            job of controlling the top half   with  one  out  Gary  Sanchez  Tigers   rookie   Spencer  VID-19  list  and  replaced  by  The teams finish the double-
            of their lineup, and they did a   hit a three-run homer to left  Torkelson went 3-for-4 in the  infielder  Jermaine  Palacios,  header  with  a  night  game.
            pretty good job of controlling   for  his  sixth  homer  of  the  first game, his second straight  who  made  his  major-league  Detroit's  Joey  Wentz  (0-1,
            the  top  half  of  our  lineup,"   season.  Miguel  Cabrera  sin-  three-hit game.    debut in the first game. Ke-  20.35)  will  make  his  second
            Tigers  manager  A.J.  Hinch   gled — career hit No. 3,030  "I'm seeing the ball a lot better  pler  returned  after  missing  career  start,  while  Minne-
            said.  "When  that  happens,  it   — and scored in the fourth to  right now, and I'm definitely  Monday's  game  with  a  sore  sota's Cole Sands (0-0, 6.75)
            is an uphill battle."        make it 6-1, but Kepler added  getting my good swing off in  quadriceps.  ...  Sonny  Gray  will  start  for  the  first  time
            Minnesota took a 2-0 lead in   a two-run single in the sev-  more at-bats," said Torkelson,  (shoulder)  played  long-toss  after  two  relief  appearances.
            the first on a two-run double   enth.                     who raised his batting average  catch and is scheduled to do  Both  pitchers  are  serving  as
            by  Trevor  Larnach,  and  the   Daz Cameron ended Smelt-  from .176 to .211. "This game  the same Wednesday.       their  team's  27th  player  for
            Twins added four more runs   zer's day with an RBI double  can knock you down fast, but  Tigers:  DH  Miguel  Cabrera  the  doubleheader.  Tigers
            in the third.                in the seventh.              sameness  is  greatness.  Stay  played  after  sitting  out  two  utilityman  Kody  Clemens  is
            Byron Buxton led off with a   "The good thing about Devin  the course and results are go-  games with back stiffness.  expected to make his major-
            single — his first hit in 24 at-  is  that  he  throws  strikes,"  ing to happen."                                  league  debut  in  the  second
            bats against Detroit this sea-  Sanchez said. "All his pitches                         ROSTER MOVE                  game.

                            Mets demote struggling 1B/OF Dominic Smith to Triple-A

              By JAKE SEINER              and with a .543 OPS.        ily play first base with Syra-  that and I have a lot of con-  ter. Plummer, a 25-year-old
              AP Baseball Writer          Smith has played parts of six  cuse.                    fidence he will and get back  former first-round pick with
              NEW YORK (AP) — The  seasons  in  the  majors  and  “Give  him  a  chance  to  get  up here and help us.”       five  big  league  games,  had
              New York Mets have op-      hasn’t  played  regularly  at  back to the things we know  Sending down Smith allows  four RBIs in a 13-5 win over
              tioned first baseman/out-   Triple-A  since  2018.  Show-  he’s  capable  of,”  Showalter  the Mets to keep outfielder  Washington  on  Monday
              fielder Dominic Smith to  alter said Smith will primar-  said.  “Hopefully,  he  can  do  Nick  Plummer  on  the  ros-  and hit a tying homer in the
              Triple-A  Syracuse  amid                                                                                        ninth inning of a 5-4, 10-in-
              a slow start to the season                                                                                      ning  win  over  Philadelphia
              for the 26-year-old.                                                                                            on Sunday for his first major
                                                                                                                              league hit.
              The    Mets     announced
              Smith’s  demotion  Tuesday                                                                                      Plummer is a better outfield
              and  promoted  right-hander                                                                                     defender  than  Smith,  mak-
              Adonis  Medina  before  a                                                                                       ing him a versatile late-game
              game  against  the  Washing-                                                                                    option for Showalter.
              ton Nationals.                                                                                                  Center   fielder   Brandon
              “We needed a pitcher to try                                                                                     Nimmo was out of the line-
              to  keep  everybody  healthy                                                                                    up for the fourth straight day
              down there,” manager Buck                                                                                       with  a  sore  right  wrist,  but
              Showalter  said.  “And  Dom                                                                                     Showalter said he’s improv-
              was the option we ended up                                                                                      ing and could start Wednes-
              with.”                                                                                                          day or Thursday.
              Smith  batted  .316  during  a                                                                                  Right-hander  Tylor  Me-
              breakout season in 2020, but                                                                                    gill threw a simulated game
              the 2013 first-round pick has                                                                                   Tuesday  and  could  make
              struggled  to  replicate  that                                                                                  a  minor  league  rehab  start
              success.  He  is  hitting  .186                                                                                 soon.  Megill  hasn’t  pitched
              this season without a home                                                                                      since May 11 with right bi-
              run in 101 plate appearances                                                                                    ceps inflammation.
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