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a28     U.s. news/obitUario
                     Diaranson 1 Juni 2022

                            Inspectors ask for authority to go after more COVID fraud

                                                                      ment, to raise the maximum  that they would like to prose-  the funding from the federal
                                                                      amount of a fraud claim that  cute administratively involv-  to the local level.
                                                                      may  be  handled  administra-  ing  hundreds  of  thousands  Billions in loans were paid to
                                                                      tively to $1 million.        of  dollars.  Most  U.S.  attor-  potentially  ineligible  recipi-
                                                                      The request was highlighted  neys would not pursue cases  ents  at  the  beginning  of  the
                                                                      in  the  committee's  semian-  for under $1 million because  pandemic because the Small
                                                                      nual  report  to  Congress  re-  they  are  overwhelmed  with  Business   Administration
                                                                      leased Tuesday.              other fraud cases, he added.  didn't check the Treasury De-
                                                                      "It  can't  be  the  case  that  Republican   Sen.   Chuck  partment's  "do  not  pay"  list,
                                                                      people come away from this  Grassley of Iowa is sponsor-  the  report  said,  and  billions
                                                                      thinking  there's  a  certain  ing  a  bill  that  would  make  went  to  applicants  with  for-
                                                                      level of fraud that's just OK,  the  change.  It  has  bipartisan  eign  IP  addresses.  Horowitz
                                                                      or a certain level of improp-  support,  including  from  co-  said  "simple  data  matching"
                                                                      er payments that's just OK,"  sponsor  Democratic  Sen.  at the agency level should've
                                                                      Horowitz  said  in  an  inter-  Dick Durbin of Illinois, who  flagged hundreds of applica-
                                                                      view  with  The  Associated  chairs  the  Senate  Judiciary  tions  using  the  same  phone
                                                                      Press  before  the  report  was  Committee.               number from a gas station in
                                                                      released.  "We  don't  believe  The  Pandemic  Response  Texas  before  the  committee
                                                                      that  as  IGs,  and  we  want  to  Accountability   Committee  found it.
            By  JENNIFER  McDER-         ment  of  Justice  is  too  busy   get to the bottom of that. So  was  created  by  Congress  in  "That  shouldn't  be  the  case,
            MOTT                         for cases under $1 million—   it's a very important tool and  March  2020.  It  brings  to-  right?  An  agency  should  be
            Associated Press             a  gap  that  must  be  closed,   every dollar matters."  gether the inspectors general  able  to  figure  that  out,"  he
            Inspectors  general  need  the  Pandemic  Response  Ac-   Out of more than $5 trillion  offices  to  oversee  pandemic  said. "That's not sophisticated
            more authority to go after  countability Committee said.  in pandemic relief spending,  relief  emergency  spending  data analytics."
            fraud  in  the  COVID-19  Michael  Horowitz,  head  of    more  than  1  million  awards  and investigate fraud and im-  Horowitz said agencies have
            relief programs, the inde-   the  committee  and  the  in-  under  $1  million  have  been  proper  payments  spread  out  substantially  improved  their
            pendent  committee  over-    spector  general  of  the  De-  given  out,  according  to  the  among  more  than  400  pro-  ability to verify eligibility for
            seeing  federal  pandemic  partment of Justice, said the   committee.  Inspectors  gen-  grams  implemented  by  40  pandemic  relief  payments,
            relief spending said Tues-   $150,000 threshold is far too   eral  nationwide  are  focused  federal agencies.      but "there is still a significant
            day.                         low  given  the  scope  of  the   on  multi-million  dollar  cas-  Its  report  to  Congress  also  way  to  go."  That  prompted
                                         fraud  in  programs  set  up  to   es  of  alleged  fraud  that  are  stressed  the  need  to  bet-  the  committee  to  set  up  a
            The agencies watchdogs' au-  help  businesses  and  people   turned  over  to  the  Depart-  ter  use  the  data  the  federal  data analytics center, which it
            thority  to  administratively  who lost their jobs due to the   ment of Justice for prosecu-  government   already   has,  has asked Congress to keep in
            prosecute  fraudsters  is  lim-  pandemic. He's asking Con-  tion.  Horowitz  said  he  was  and improve data collection,  place to use when the federal
            ited  to  fraud  of  $150,000  or  gress to modify provisions in   not aware of any cases being  particularly  when  the  prime  government  responds  to  fu-
            less  from  COVID-19  relief  the law on fraud committed   brought for below $150,000,  recipient of a grant shares it  ture  emergencies  with  relief
            programs  and  the  Depart-  against  the  federal  govern-  though he does know of cases  with sub-recipients to follow  spending.

               Familia Pastor Garay se une en la pena que embargo por la sencible Perdida de  It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of:

                                 Victor Pastor Sandoval
                                    *03-11-1934 - †27-05-2022
                                                                                                                Guo Yuan Wu
               Esposa:  Carmen Pastor Garay                                                                    *27-01-1966 †30-05-2022
               Hijos:   Victor Alfonzo Pastor
               Maria del Carmen Pastor                                                    He leaves to mourn his:
               Rosario, Rosa y Jose Luis
                                                                                          Wife: Hong Yan Wu-Zheng
               Nietos:  Kandrew Gutierrez, Edrianne Pastor, Victor Alexander Pastor y     Daughter: Xin Yi Wu
               demas nietos en Peru                                                       Brother: Guo Sen Wu
                                                                                          Sister-in-law: Su Juan Wu-Zheng
               Familiares:    Luis Alberto Cano, Tio Manuel, Manongo, Tia Ada, Elena,     Niece: Xin Yi Wu
               Chabuca, Ana y todos los demas amigos                                      Nephew: Yao Fang Wu
                                                                                          Additional family: Zheng Family, Wu Family
               La colonia Peruana, amigos, compañeros de trabajo
                                                                                          Condolences and Sympaties are welcome at the Aurora Funeral Home
               Muchas gracias a todos, Magda Hoevertsz y gracias a Pascual y Sandy Garcia,   on Thursday 2nd of June 2022 from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. Mr. Wu will be
               a los compañeros de trabajo y a todos gracias.                             cremated in close family kring.

               Le invitamos a la despedida que sera el jueves 2 di junio 2022 de 2 a 4 pm.   Our apologies if in our grief we forgot to mention someone.
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