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                                                                    obituario/ u.s. news Diaranson 9 Februari 2022

                                                                 Families sue building owners over Bronx fire

                                                                                               that killed 17

                                                              (AP)  —  Several  families  whose  loved  ones
                                                              died  or  were  critically  injured  while  trying
                                                              to escape a smoked-filled Bronx apartment
             Ki alegria, ora nan a bisa mi:                   building  sued  the  owners  Tuesday,  alleging
             “Ban cas di Señor!”                              safety  violations  that  led  to  the  wrongful
             I awor, ata mi aki para na bo porta Señor.       deaths of 17 people, including eight children.
             Salmo 122
                                                              The five lawsuits were filed on behalf of the fami-
             Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa        lies by Benjamin Crump, a high-profile civil rights
             fayecimento di nos ser stima:                    attorney based in Florida, and the New York law
                                                              firm Weitz & Luxenberg.

                                                              “We  have  a  lot  of  the  families  who  paid  such  a
                                                              tragic loss in the apartment fire,” Crump said dur-
                                                              ing a news conference outside the building, say-
                                                              ing that violations of city safety rules “caused un-
                                                              speakable loss of life and injury to these families,
                                                              mostly from Africa.”

                                                              Fire  officials  say  a  malfunctioning  electric  space
                                                              heater started the blaze the morning of Jan. 9.

                                                              While the fire damaged only a small part of the
                                                              building,  it  produced  black,  caustic  smoke  that
                                                              quickly  engulfed  the  complex.  The  suffocating
                                                              smoke  rose  through  a  stairwell  of  the  19-story
                                                              building  and  killed  people  as  they  attempted  to
                                                                                                              Several relatives of the fire victims spoke at the
                      Sra. Jeanette Sukraj                    “These Black families who lost so much that seem   news conference to express frustration over the
                       *13-09-1939 - †06-02-2022              to be marginalized not only before the tragic fire   uncertainties spawned by the fire as they look for
                                                              broke  out,  but  even  in  the  aftermath,”  Crump   new places to live. Some remain in hotel rooms.
             Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues         said.
                                                                                                              “What happened on Jan. 9 was very devastating
                                                                                                              and tragic, and very unexpected, and could have
                                                                                                              been avoided. I lost my sister in the fire. She was
                                                                                                              trying  to  come  down  to  save  my  family,”  said
                                                                                                              Fatima Janneh, whose sister Sera, 27, was among
                                                                                                              those killed.
                                                                                                              “We need justice for the families that lost people,
                                                                                                              as well as the other tenants in the building. We’re
                                                                                                              all victims to what happened here,” Janneh said.

                                                                                                              The  lawsuits,  filed  in  Superior  Court  in  the
                                                              Laga tur locual cu ta spera mi ta bunita        Bronx, names Bronx Park Phase III Preservation,
             “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada    Laga  tur  locual  cu  mi  encontra  na  caminda  ta   the Bronx Phase III Housing Co., and three in-
             Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.    bunita                                          vestment groups as defendants.
             E ta hibami na awa trankil,                      Laga tur locual cu ta rondonami ta bunita
             Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                         Y laga esakinan termina den tur bunitesa.       An email was sent to the building owners seeking
             Salmo: 23                                        Cado Wever                                      comment on the lawsuit.

             Cu profundo dolor na nos curason pero            Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:                  The lawsuit does not specify any monetary dam-
             conforme cu boluntad di Dios, nos ta anuncio                                                     ages being sought, nor does it mention any spe-
             cu a bai sosega den brasa di Señor:                                                              cific safety violations.

                                                                                                              But another attorney for the families, Larry Gold-
                                                                                                              hirsch, said those specifics will be identified in
                                                                                                              the coming weeks — including malfunctioning
                                                                                                              door springs and windows that could not open.

                                                                                                              In  their  haste  to  escape,  the  occupants  of  the
                                                                                                              apartment where the fire started left their front
                                                                                                              door open behind them.
                                                                                                              Spring-loaded hinges that were supposed to shut
                                                                                                              the door automatically did not work. A second
                                                                                                              door left open in a stairwell higher up acted as a
                                                                                                              flue, sucking smoke upward.

                                                                  Sylvio Theodoor Cominencia                  Fire investigators said that the apartment’s front
                     Josephine G. Letang                                                                      door and a door on the 15th floor should have
                       *01-03-1953 - †06-02-2022                       *20-12-1936 - †07-02-2022              been  self-closing  to  help  contain  the  spreading
                                                                                                              smoke, but that the doors stayed fully open. It
                Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.        Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.    was not clear if the doors failed mechanically or if
                                                                                                              they had been manually disabled.
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