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A28    u.s. news
                Diaranson 9 Februari 2022

                            UCLA settles gynecologist sex abuse suit for $246 million

                                                                      tigating  Heaps  in  2017  and  1983 and 2018, Heaps groped  more than 1,000 people who
                                                                      he retired the next year after  women,  simulated  inter-  say  they  were  sexually  as-
                                                                      the school declined to renew  course  with  an  ultrasound  saulted by a sports doctor, Dr.
                                                                      his contract. Heaps also was  probe or made inappropriate  Robert Anderson, during his
                                                                      criminally  charged  last  year  comments  during  examina-  nearly  four-decade  career  at
                                                                      with 21 counts of sexual of-  tions  at  the  UCLA  student  the school. He died in 2008.
                                                                      fenses involving seven wom-  health center, Ronald Reagan
                                                                      en. He has pleaded not guilty  UCLA Medical Center or his  Last  March,  UCLA’s  cross-
                                                                      and denied wrongdoing.       on-campus office.            town rival, the University of
                                                                                                                                Southern  California,  agreed
                                                                      John  C.  Manly,  one  of  the  Under the class-action settle-  to  a  $852  million  settle-
                                                                      plaintiffs’ attorneys, said Uni-  ment,  some  6,600  former  ment  with  more  than  700
                                                                      versity  of  California  system  patients  were  to  receive  be-  women  who  accused  its
                                                                      regents  made  the  decision  tween  $2,500  and  $250,000,  longtime  campus  gynecolo-
            (AP) — The University of  abused  by  Dr.  James  Heaps  to  resolve  the  claims  rather  with the higher amounts in-  gist,  Dr.  George  Tyndall,  of
            California  has  agreed  to  over a 35-year career.       than “unnecessarily inflicting  volving  the  extent  of  bodily  sexual abuse. The university
            pay $246.3 million to settle                              further  damage  upon  these  injury and emotional distress  reached a $215 million settle-
            allegations  that  hundreds  The lawsuit said that the uni-  survivors” and it should be a  as decided by a panel of ex-  ment in a separate suit.
            of  women  were  sexually  versity  ignored  decades  of  model  for  other  universities  perts.
            abused by a former UCLA  complaints  and  deliberately  facing similar claims.                                      Tyndall,  who  worked  at  the
            gynecologist,  lawyers  and  concealed abuse.                                          UCLA  didn’t  acknowledge  school  for  nearly  30  years,
            the  university  announced                                “This  historic  settlement  al-  wrongdoing in reaching that  has  pleaded  not  guilty  to
            Tuesday.                     “The conduct alleged to have  lows  these  brave  women  to  settlement  but  did  agree  to  dozens of sexual misconduct
                                         been committed by Heaps is  achieve  their  litigation  goals  change  its  procedures  for  criminal counts.
            The  settlement  was  reached  reprehensible  and  contrary  of  accountability  and  com-  preventing,  identifying,  in-
            with  the  assistance  of  a  pri-  to the University’s values,” a  pensation,  paving  the  path  vestigating  and  dealing  with  The  USC  settlements  far
            vate  mediator  after  substan-  UCLA statement said. “Our  for their continued healing,”  sexual misconduct.       surpassed one announced in
            tial litigation, the parties said  first  and  highest  obligation  Manly said in a statement.                      2018 by Michigan State Uni-
            in a statement.              will always be to the commu-                              The latest lawsuit settlement  versity.  That  $500  million
                                         nities we serve, and we hope  The lawsuit was one of hun-  follows  similar  massive  pay-  agreement — considered the
            Initial news of the settlement  this settlement is one step to-  dreds  filed  that  allege  abuse  outs  by  universities  over  al-  largest of its kind at that time
            that did not include the spe-  ward  providing  healing  and  by  Heaps.  UCLA  settled  a  legations that doctors abused  — settled claims from more
            cific  amount  had  been  an-  closure  for  the  plaintiffs  in-  similar  lawsuit  last  year  for  thousands of patients.  than  300  women  and  girls
            nounced  Monday  by  some  volved.”                       $73 million.                                              who said they were assaulted
            of the attorneys representing                                                          Last  month,  the  University  by  Larry  Nassar,  who  was  a
            203  women  who  said  they  The University of California,  In  that  case,  more  than  100  of  Michigan  announced  a  campus  sports  doctor  and  a
            were  groped  or  otherwise  Los  Angeles,  began  inves-  women  said  that  between  $490 million settlement with  doctor for USA Gymnastics.

                             California votes to require paid sick leave for virus cases

            (AP) — When Crystal Oro-     Since  then,  omicron  —  a  Island  and  Washington  —  are)  tight  on  money,”  she  cal restaurant or a nonprofit
            zco got sick with the corona-  more  contagious  version  have paid sick leave laws that,  said.                    that’s barely holding on.”
            virus last month, she missed  of  the  coronavirus  —  has  while  not  COVID-specific,
            nearly  two  weeks’  worth  of  spread  rapidly  throughout  can  be  used  cover  time  off  Many  Republicans  voted  But  Monday’s  action  wasn’t
            her salary as a shift leader at  the  world.  The  variant  set  from the coronavirus.  against  the  proposal  because  all  bad  news  for  businesses.
            a fast food restaurant and had  a  record  in  California  for                         of  how  much  it  would  cost  In 2020, when the pandemic
            to ask family members for a  the  average  number  of  new  Orozco is a member of Fight  business owners who are al-  threatened to upend the Cal-
            loan to help pay her rent.   cases  and  contributed  to  an  for  $15,  a  group  advocating  ready struggling with a pan-  ifornia’s  economy,  the  Leg-
                                         increase  in  hospitalizations,  for  a  $15  minimum  wage  demic-fueled labor shortage,  islature raised taxes on busi-
            “My check was literally $86,”  mostly  among  the  unvacci-  and union rights for fast food  inflation  and  disruptions  to  nesses to help avoid a deficit.
            she said. “I was like, ‘Oh my  nated population.          worker.  She  said  she  wasn’t  the supply chain.        Those  tax  increases  were
            god.’”                                                    offered  paid  time  off  when                            scheduled to expire next year.
                                         Labor  unions  have  been  she got sick.                  Republican  Assemblymem-     But Monday, lawmakers vot-
            Now, Orozco is likely to get  pressuring  their  Democratic                            ber  Vince  Fong  from  Ba-  ed to end them one year ear-
            that  money  back.  The  Cali-  allies  in  the  Legislature  to  At least six of the 16 people  kersfield  said  the  bill  is  a  ly, saving businesses roughly
            fornia  Legislature  passed  a  renew  the  state’s  sick  leave  who  work  at  her  restaurant  “financial  burden  that  could  $5.5 billion this year.
            bill Monday requiring many  law — culminating in a deal  —  more  than  one-third  of  bankrupt  a  local  store,  a  lo-
            companies  to  give  workers  reached  last  month  between  the  workforce  —  had  coro-
            up to two weeks of paid time  Gov.  Gavin  Newsom  and  navirus symptoms or missed
            off if they get sick from the  legislative  leaders.  Lawmak-  work because of the virus, ac-
            coronavirus.  The  bill  is  ret-  ers approved the bill Monday  cording  to  a  complaint  filed
            roactive to Jan. 1, so Orozco  and sent it to Newsom, who  by the workers with state and
            could be eligible for backpay  is expected to sign it into law.  local officials. The complaint
            for the days she missed when                              is still pending, Orozco said.
            she was sick.                When  he  does,  it  will  make
                                         California  the  fourth  state  Orozco said she and her hus-
            At the start of the pandemic,  to  require  paid  time  off  for  band  had  to  skip  their  car
            state  and  federal  laws  re-  workers  who  get  sick  with  insurance payment and used
            quired  most  employers  to  the   coronavirus.   Similar  borrowed money to help pay
            give workers paid time off for  mandates are still in effect in  rent.  She  said  the  new  bill,
            the coronavirus. But many of  Massachusetts, Colorado and  once signed into law, will al-
            those  laws  expired  as  more  New  York,  according  to  the  low her to “know I’m able to
            people  got  vaccinated  and  National Conference of State  pay  back  my  family  that  let
            case numbers declined. Cali-  Legislatures.               me borrow that money.”
            fornia’s  law  expired  in  Sep-
            tember.                      Five other states — Nevada,  “It’s going to help everybody
                                         New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode  in  the  same  industry  (that
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