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A32    sports
                Diaranson 9 Februari 2022

                      31M Americans to bet on Super Bowl, gambling group estimates

                                                                      limited.”                                                 tives  to  get  people  to  bet,  is
                                                                                                   —  55%  plan  to  bet  on  the  reminiscent  of  the  tobacco
                                                                      When the Los Angeles Rams  Rams, with 45% backing the  industry’s efforts to get peo-
                                                                      and Cincinnati Bengals begin  Bengals.  That  contradicts  ple to smoke and continue to
                                                                      the game Sunday evening in  data  from  numerous  indi-   do so.
                                                                      the Rams home stadium, 30  vidual legal sportsbooks that
                                                                      states plus Washington D.C.  shows  more  bets  and  total  He  said  legal  sports  betting
                                                                      will offer legal gambling.   money  being  wagered  on  is  increasing  a  public  health
                                                                      Since  last  year’s  game,  45  Cincinnati thus far.      crisis  in  America  involving
                                                                      million  additional  people                               problem gambling.
                                                                      will be able to bet on the Su-  FanDuel,  the  official  odds
                                                                      per Bowl because their states  provider  for  The  Associated  “One  out  of  two  people
                                                                      have  legalized  sports  betting  Press, says 59% of spread bets  struggling  with  a  gambling
                                                                      over  the  past  year:  Arizona,  are  on  Cincinnati  to  cover  problem  contemplates  sui-
                                                                      Connecticut,     Louisiana,  the 4-point spread as an un-  cide, and one out of five will
                                                                      Maryland,  North  Carolina,  derdog.  Among  moneyline  attempt  suicide,”  he  said.  “I
                                                                      North  Dakota,  South  Da-   bets  that  do  not  involve  a  am  one  of  those  one  out  of
                                                                      kota, Washington, Wisconsin,  points  spread,  76%  of  bets  five.”
            (AP) — A record 31.5 mil-    new records.                 and Wyoming.                 predict the Bengals will win
            lion Americans plan to bet                                                             the  game  outright.  Other  Levant said the rapid rise of
            on this year’s Super Bowl,  Bettors include people mak-   —  18.2  million  American  sportsbooks  report  similar  in-game betting feeds into a
            according  to  estimates  ing casual wagers with friends  adults  will  place  traditional  breakdowns on bets received  compulsive  gambler’s  desire
            released  Tuesday  by  the  or relatives, entries into office  sports  wagers  online,  at  a  thus far.            for more and faster opportu-
            gambling  industry’s  na-    pools,  wagers  with  licensed  retail  sportsbook  or  with  a                        nities to bet.
            tional trade group.          sportsbooks, and bets placed  bookie, up 78% from 2021.   The Super Bowl is also one
                                         with illegal bookmakers.                                  of the most perilous times of  “No longer is gambling lim-
            The  American  Gaming  As-                                — 18.5 million plan to bet ca-  year  for  people  with  a  gam-  ited to who’s going to win the
            sociation  forecasts  that  over  “Americans  have  never  been  sually with friends or as part  bling problem.     game,”  he  said.  “Now  gam-
            $7.6  billion  will  be  wagered  more  interested  in  legal  of a pool or squares contest,                        bling  is  on  every  play.  Keep
            on  pro  football’s  champion-  sports  wagering,”  said  Bill  up 23%. The association said  Harry Levant, a public health  them gambling, keep chasing
            ship game set for Sunday.    Miller, the group’s president  there is some overlap among  advocate  from  Philadelphia  action.”
                                         and CEO. “The growth of le-  those two groups.            and  a  recovering  gambling
            Both  the  amount  of  people  gal options across the country                          addict, is an official with the  There  is  a  national  help
            planning to bet (up 35% from  not only protects fans and the  — 76% say it is important for  group  Stop  Predatory  Gam-  line  for  people  with  a  gam-
            last  year)  and  the  estimated  integrity  of  games  and  bets,  themselves  to  bet  through  a  bling.  He  said  the  ongoing  bling  problem,  or  who
            amount  of money  being  bet  but also puts illegal operators  legal operator, up 11% from  wave of sports betting adver-  think  they  might  have  one:
            (up  78%  from  last  year)  are  on  notice  that  their  time  is  last year.        tising, and numerous incen-  1-800-GAMBLER.

                        Pace greats Anderson, Broad part of England cull for Windies

            (AP)  -  James  Anderson  ing as the interim director of  Under.                       Graham Thorpe, has also left  Wicketkeeper  Ben  Foakes
            and  Stuart  Broad,  Eng-    cricket following the firing of                           his post.                    returns  to  the  squad  for  the
            land’s  two  leading  test  Ashley Giles, said on Tuesday.  Anderson has taken 640 wick-                            first  time  in  nearly  a  year,
            wicket-takers  of  all  time,                             ets in 169 tests and Broad is  As  part  of  what  is  being  la-  when  he  played  the  fourth
            were  the  headline  names  There  were  some  telling  second on England’s all-time  beled  a  “red-ball  reset,”  test against India in Ahmed-
            in  a  ruthless  post-Ashes  words  for  the  39-year-old  list of wicket-takers, with 537  seamer Matt Fisher is a direct  abad in March.
            cull for next month’s tour  Anderson  and  the  35-year-  in 152 matches.              beneficiary  of  the  rebooted
            of the West Indies.          old Broad, too.                                           bowling attack while opener  England’s  squad  leaves  on
                                                                      Paul  Collingwood  will  lead  Alex Lees was also called up  Feb. 24 for the three-test se-
            The  fast-bowling  greats  re-  “I  want  to  emphasize  this  the  team  in  the  West  Indies  for  the  first  time  in  the  16-  ries.
            ceived  no  assurances  that  does  not  mean  the  end  for  in place of the departed Chris  man squad.
            they still had test careers, ei-  them  as  England  players,”  Silverwood,  whose  assistant,
            ther.                        Strauss said. “We feel that it is
                                         important to look at some ex-
            England,  on  the  heels  of  an  citing new bowling potential
            off-field  clear-out  that  ac-  and give some added respon-
            counted  for  the  head  coach,  sibility to other players who
            assistant  coach  and  director  have featured previously.
            of cricket, also dropped eight
            players following the 4-0 loss  “No  one  doubts  the  qual-
            in the series in Australia.  ity and experience that James
                                         and Stuart bring to the Eng-
            As  well  as  Anderson,  Broad  land set-up. It will be up to
            and  vice-captain  Jos  Buttler,  the  new  managing  director
            the  following  players  were  and permanent head coach to
            also  omitted:  Dawid  Malan,  decide on whether they will
            Sam  Billings,  Dom  Bess,  be involved this summer and
            Rory Burns and Haseeb Ha-    beyond.”
                                         The use of the phrases “draw
            “With the start of a new cy-  a line” and “the start of a pro-
            cle, it has allowed the selec-  cess  and  a  journey”  in  the
            tion panel to refresh the test  squad announcement hinted
            squad with a particular focus  there might be no going back
            on  competing  away  from  on some of the big decisions,
            home,”  former  test  captain  though,  with  Buttler  having
            Andrew Strauss, who is act-  also had a tough time Down
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