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                                                                                                       sports Diaranson 9 Februari 2022

                         Serena Williams wants to express joy through Super Bowl ad

            (AP) — Serena Williams is  and Nneka Ogwumike for a
            normally  the  one  partici-  competitive  game  of  bowl-
            pating in a major champi-    ing.
            onship  matchup,  but  the
            seven-time     Wimbledon  Williams’ commercial is part
            winner  will  look  forward  of Michelob’s three-ad series.
            to  watching  the  Super  She  wants  it  to  express  the
            Bowl along with her com-     meaning of joy.
                                         “It’s critical for us to continue
            “It’s always good to see oth-  to  have  that,”  said  Williams,
            er  athletes  just  go  out  and  who  starred  in  a  Bumble
            do their thing on such a big  commercial in 2019 and last
            stage,”  she  said  in  a  recent  year’s Michelob ULTRA ad,
            interview.  “I’ve  been  on  the  which preached joy.
            big stage so many times, it’s
            so  cool  to  experience  other  “I believe a big factor in suc-
            athletes being on that stage.”  cess is joy,” she continued. “I
                                         go back and look at the tour-
            Along  with  watching  the  naments that I’ve invested —
            Bengals-Rams  game,  Wil-    like the ones I’ve never lost a
            liams will be on the lookout  set in – I was so joyful.”
            for her Super Bowl ad. The
            tennis great stars in a Mich-  Williams,  who  is  a  Comp-
            elob  ULTRA  commercial  ton,  California,  native,  said
            along  with  several  other  su-  the Super Bowl will help the                         Rams in it, it’s just like ‘How  it’s going to be one that will
            perstar  athletes  such  as  Pey-  growth of Inglewood, where  “It’s  so  big  for  the  commu-  does this happen?’ It’s going  go down in history.”
            ton Manning, Jimmy Butler  Sunday’s game will be played.  nity,” she said. “With the L.A.  to be an intense game. I think

                         Group to restore bowling alley, crux of Orangeburg Massacre

            (AP) — Big plans are be-                                  angeburg  All-Star  Justice  The  board  also  hopes  the  or offered restitution to vic-
            ing  realized  for  a  once-  South   Carolina    troop-  Center hope their renovation  project can jumpstart a revi-  tims. State police claimed at
            segregated  bowling  alley  ers  fired  into  the  crowd  on  project will restore the space  talization  of  Orangeburg,  a  the  time  that  the  protesters
            that stands dark and dusty  the  outskirts  of  the  histori-  to  the  nation’s  memories  of  majority-Black town of about  had  fired  at  troopers  first,
            54 years after state troop-  cally Black campus of South  the civil rights movement.   13,000  with  a  27%  poverty  though many of the wounded
            ers  fired  into  a  crowd  of  Carolina State University on                           rate.                        were shot in the back or the
            Black students in the kill-  Feb. 8, 1968, killing three and  “What we’re going to have is                          bottoms of their feet. An FBI
            ings  now  known  as  the  wounding  another  28  with  a major national heritage site  Zisholtz  opened  the  build-  investigation  led  to  charges
            “Orangeburg Massacre.”       their bullets. But the shooting  for Orangeburg, the state of  ing’s  doors  last  month  to  for nine troopers. They said
                                         remains  relatively  unknown  South  Carolina  and  the  na-  Orangeburg  residents  who  they  acted  in  self-defense,
            After  years  of  neglect,  the  outside  the  state.  Compared  tion,”  said  Ellen  Zisholtz,  used their phones to illumi-  and  a  jury  of  10  white  and
            National  Park  Service  is  with the four students killed  president  of  the  Center  for  nate high scores painted on a  two  Black  people  acquitted
            helping  a  non-profit  group  at Kent State two years later,  Creative  Partnerships,  the  side wall and shoot portraits  them.
            renovate  the  All-Star  Bowl-  it’s a footnote in national nar-  nonprofit that purchased the  against a backdrop of empty
            ing Lanes, remaking it into a  ratives about 1960s protests.  long-empty  building  with  lanes.  Some  described  their  Ultimately,  the  only  person
            fully-functional  bowling  al-                            about  $140,000  from  an  relatives’ involvement in the  convicted  was  Cleveland
            ley with a civil rights theme.  Planners  of  the  future  Or-  anonymous donor.       civil  rights  movement,  and  Sellers,  a  Black  activist  who
                                                                                                   recalled memories of knock-  was  shot  in  the  shoulder
                                                                      A board of community mem-    ing down pins after the bowl-  and went to prison for seven
                                                                      bers, survivors of the shoot-  ing alley was integrated.  months  on  rioting  charges.
                                                                      ing  and  activists  of  the  civil                       He  was  pardoned  25  years
                                                                      rights era are providing input  “This  is  history,”  said  Willie  later.
                                                                      to shape the project. In their  Dean  Odom,  who  brought
                                                                      vision, the lanes are lit up, the  her  children  and  grandchil-  “We have to continue to tell
                                                                      lunch counter is bustling and  dren  along.  “I  just  wanted  the story until justice prevails
                                                                      every  time  someone  bowls  them to be a part of the mem-  in  South  Carolina,”  Sellers
                                                                      a  spare  or  a  strike,  a  screen  ories, to see what it was like.”  said.  He  was  asked  to  speak
                                                                      above the lane supplies a fact                            at South Carolina State dur-
                                                                      about  civil  rights  history.  A  For those who lived through  ing  a  ceremony  Tuesday  to
                                                                      digital display on the wall will  the shootings or grew up in  dedicate the busts of Samuel
                                                                      name visitors who’ve made a  its  shadow,  the  project  is  a  Hammond, Delano Middle-
                                                                      commitment  to  seeking  ra-  way to keep pushing for jus-  ton  and  Henry  Smith,  the
                                                                      cial justice.                tice and to make sure the kill-  three  young  students  who
                                                                                                   ings  remain  a  part  of  South  were killed. Their likenesses
                                                                      A $500,000 grant to jumpstart  Carolina’s story.          have been installed in a mon-
                                                                      the  renovations  came  from                              ument on campus, the Smith
                                                                      the  National  Park  Service,  In  2003,  then-Gov.  Mark  Hammond Middleton Lega-
                                                                      which has added the bowling  Sanford  formally  apologized  cy Plaza.
                                                                      alley to its African American  on  behalf  of  the  state.  On
                                                                      Civil  Rights  Network.  The  the  federal  level,  the  Justice  On  Tuesday’s  54th  anni-
                                                                      grant  is  paying  for  architec-  Department has indicated as  versary,  the  public  will  have
                                                                      tural plans, a new roof, elec-  recently as December that it  one more chance to set foot
                                                                      tric and plumbing repairs and  is still reviewing the killings.  inside  the  All-Star  Bowl-
                                                                      maybe  even  some  work  on                               ing  Lanes  before  renovation
                                                                      façade, Zisholtz said.       But the state has never con-  work starts.
                                                                                                   ducted its own formal probe
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