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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 7 aPriL 2021

                          Myanmar forces arrest comedian, break up doctors’ protest

            (AP)  —  Authorities  in                                                               Thingyan  celebrations,  say-  borne the brunt of the junta’s
            Myanmar  arrested  the                                                                 ing it would be disrespectful  military assaults.
            country’s  best-known  co-                                                             to  “fallen  martyrs”  to  enjoy  The  area  where  the  Karen
            median  on  Tuesday  as                                                                the festival.                National  Union  holds  sway
            they  continue  to  crack                                                              The  leaders  of  Brunei  and  has  been  subject  to  air  at-
            down  on  people  they  ac-                                                            Malaysia announced Monday  tacks  by  the  Myanmar  mili-
            cuse of helping incite na-                                                             that  leaders  of  the  Associa-  tary from March 27 through
            tionwide  protests  against                                                            tion of Southeast Asian Na-  Monday,  said  David  Eubank
            February’s military coup.                                                              tions will meet to discuss the  of  the  Free  Burma  Rangers,
                                                                                                   situation in Myanmar.        a  humanitarian  organization
            The comedian Zarganar was                                                              No date was given in the an-  that has for many years pro-
            taken from his home in Yan-                                                            nouncement,  issued  during  vided  medical  assistance  to
            gon  by  police  and  soldiers                                                         a  visit  by  Malaysian  Prime  Karen villagers. Burma is an-
            who arrived in two army ve-                                                            Minister  Muhyiddin  Yas-    other name for Myanmar.
            hicles, fellow comedian Nge-                                                           sin  to  Brunei.  He  and  Sul-  Eubank  said  his  group  has
            pyawkyaw  said  on  his  own                                                           tan  Hassanal  Bolkiah  said  verified  that  14  civilians
            Facebook page. Zarganar, 60,                                                           they “expressed serious con-  died and more than 40 were
            is  a  sharp-tongued  satirist                                                         cern  on  the  ongoing  crisis  wounded  in  the  air  strikes.
            who has been in and out of                                                             in  Myanmar  and  the  rising  He said Tuesday that Myan-
            prison since he was active in  numerous  reports  on  social  bikes.  The  online  news  site  number  of  fatalities.”  Indo-  mar’s military is mounting a
            a failed 1988 popular uprising  media.                    The Irrawaddy reported that  nesian President Joko Widido  ground offensive into Karen
            against  a  previous  military  In  Mandalay,  the  country’s  four doctors were arrested.  had  proposed  a  summit  on  territory,  driving  villagers
            dictatorship.  He  is  also  well  second-biggest  city,  security  At  least  570  protesters  and  Myanmar last month.  from  their  homes  and  in-
            known  for  his  social  work,  forces  used  stun  grenades  bystanders,   including   47  There  was  no  word  on  creasing  the  number  of  dis-
            especially  arranging  assis-  and  fired  guns  Tuesday  to  children, have been killed in  whether the ASEAN leaders  placed  people  in  the  area  to
            tance for victims of Cyclone  break up a march by medical  the crackdown since the take-  would  participate  in  person  more  than  20,000,  many  of
            Nargis in 2008.              workers  who  have  defiantly  over, according to the Assis-  or by video, or if Myanmar,  whom have to hide in caves
                                         continued  to  protest  almost  tance Association for Political  one of the group’s 10 mem-  or the jungle and are in des-
            In  the  past  week,  the  junta  every  day  against  the  Feb.  1  Prisoners,  which  monitors  bers, would attend.  perate need of food and other
            has issued arrest warrants for  coup that ousted the elected  casualties  and  arrests.  The  Myanmar’s  junta  also  has  necessities.
            about 100 people active in the  government of Aung San Suu  group says 2,728 people, in-  been battling in some border  “The  situation  now  seems,
            fields of literature, film, the-  Kyi. The army’s takeover set  cluding  Suu  Kyi,  are  in  de-  areas  where  ethnic  minority  from  our  perspective,  to  be
            ater arts, music and journal-  back  Myanmar’s  gradual  re-  tention.                 groups  maintain  their  own  all-out  war  to  the  finish,”
            ism  on  charges  of  spreading  turn  to  democracy  after  five                      armed  forces.  Several  ma-  Eubank  wrote  Monday  in
            information that undermines  decades of military rule.    Activists have begun organiz-  jor groups, most notably the  an  emailed  message.  “Un-
            the  stability  of  the  country  A  participant  who  asked  to  ing a boycott of next week’s  Karen  and  the  Kachin,  have  less  there  is  a  miracle,  the
            and  the  rule  of  law.  It  was  remain  anonymous  for  his  official celebration of Thing-  expressed solidarity with the  Burma  Army  will  not  hold
            not  immediately  clear  what  own safety told The Associ-  yan, the country’s traditional  anti-coup  movement  and  back in their attempt to crush
            Zarganar,  whose  real  name  ated Press that doctors, nurs-  New Year, usually a time for  vowed  to  protect  protesters  the Karen and any other eth-
            is  Maung  Thura,  has  been  es and medical students were  family  reunions  and  merry-  in the territory they control.  nic group that stands against
            charged with.                attacked  as  they  gathered  making.                     The Kachin in the country’s  them,  just  as  they  have  not
            Many  ordinary  protesters  at  about  5  a.m.  by  security  In  leaflets  and  social  me-  north have engaged in com-  held  back  killing  their  own
            and activists are also being ar-  forces who also used cars to  dia  posts,  they  are  implor-  bat  with  government  forces,  Burman  people  in  the  cities
            rested every day, according to  run into protesters on motor-  ing  people  not  to  hold  any  but the Karen in the east have  and plains of Burma.”

                            Russian FM in Pakistan, Afghan talks to dominate agenda

            (AP)  —  Russia’s  foreign  istry statement. “We look for-  gotiations  in  Qatar  between
            minister  arrived  Tuesday  ward to an early finding of a  the  Taliban  and  the  Afghan
            in Pakistan for a two-day  constructive  solution  in  or-  government have stalled.
            visit expected to focus on  der to end the civil war in the  Lavrov  heads  a  13-mem-
            efforts  to  bring  peace  to  Islamic Republic of Afghani-  ber  delegation  that  includes
            neighboring Afghanistan.     stan  through  agreements  on  Moscow’s special representa-
                                         the formation of an inclusive  tive  for  Afghanistan,  Zamir
            Sergey  Lavrov’s  visit  comes  government with the partici-  Kabulov.  Russia  has  intensi-
            as a May 1 deadline for U.S.  pation  of  the  Taliban  move-  fied  efforts  to  interject  itself
            troops  to  leave  Afghanistan  ment.”                    as  a  key  player  in  the  peace
            in line with a deal Washing-  The U.S. has accelerated ef-  push  and  last  month,  Mos-
            ton signed a year ago with the  forts  to  get  a  peace  deal  for  cow  hosted  Taliban  and  Af-
            Taliban  seems  increasingly  Afghanistan but is also seek-  ghan government officials for
            unlikely.                    ing  a  three-  to  six-month  a one-day meeting.
            “A  common  concern  is  the  extension of the troop with-  Following a 10-year occupa-
            situation  in  Afghanistan,”  drawal deadline amid repeat-  tion and thousands of soldiers  President  Najibullah,  who  which  last  year  was  nearly
            said a Russian Foreign Min-  ed statements from President  who died in Afghanistan, the  used  only  one  name,  fell  to  $800 million, a lot of that in
                                         Joe Biden that America wants  Soviets  negotiated  their  exit  the mujahedeen.        Russian wheat.
                                         to end its longest war.      from  Afghanistan  in  Febru-  Lavrov’s  visit  to  Pakistan  is  Russia’s top diplomat arrived
                                         The  Taliban  have  warned  ary, 1989.  The  exit came  af-  the first by a Russian foreign  from  India.  While  in  Paki-
                                         against   overstepping   the  ter  so-called  proximity  talks  minister in nine years. Paki-  stan, Lavrov will meet Prime
                                         deadline   and   threatened  between  Afghanistan’s  com-  stan’s Foreign Minister Shah  Minister  Imran  Khan,  who
                                         more  attacks  including  an  munist  government  and  the  Mahmood  Qureshi  said  in  recently recovered from CO-
                                         end  to  a  moratorium  on  at-  U.S.-backed   mujahedeen,  a  video  statement  Tuesday  VID-19, as well as Pakistan’s
                                         tacks against U.S. and NATO  many  of  whom  are  now  in  that  the  visit  is  indicative  of  powerful  army  chief,  Gen.
                                         troops.                      the Taliban, while others are  a closer relationship between  Qamar Javed Bajwa.
                                         Afghanistan  has  seen  a  na-  warlords linked to the Kabul  the two countries.       “Pakistan  and  Russia  are
                                         tionwide spike in bombings,  government.                  The  Russian  ministry  state-  working  together  in  the  Af-
                                         targeted killings, and violence  Three  years  later  the  pro-  ment  said  the  visit  will  also  ghan peace process,” Qureshi
                                         on the battlefield as peace ne-  Moscow  government  led  by  focus  on  bilateral  trade,  said in the video statement.
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