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A30 world news
Diaranson 7 aPriL 2021
Israeli president picks Netanyahu to try to form government
(AP) — Israel’s president spect for each other, out of
handed Prime Minister commitment to each other,
Benjamin Netanyahu the and genuine solidarity, our
difficult task on Tuesday national resilience will be
of trying to form a govern- in real danger,” he said, his
ment from the country’s voice appearing to shake with
splintered parliament, emotion.
giving the embattled lead- Netanyahu’s coalition talks
er a chance to prolong will be conducted in the
his lengthy term in office shadow of his corruption tri-
while he stands trial on al. While a ruling is months
corruption charges. or even years away, the pro-
ceedings are expected to take
In his announcement, Presi- place up to three days a week,
dent Reuven Rivlin acknowl- an embarrassing and time-
edged that no party leader consuming distraction that
had the necessary support will shadow Netanyahu’s ap-
to form a majority coalition peals to his rivals.
in the 120-seat Knesset. He In court, he faces fraud,
also noted that many believe breach of trust and bribery
Netanyahu is unfit to serve as charges in three separate
prime minister in light of his cases. Proceedings resumed
legal problems. Tuesday, though the premier
Nonetheless, Rivlin said that did not appear in court.
there was nothing in the law A key witness on Monday
preventing Netanyahu from in just over two years. Netanyahu will also like- into the prime minister’s job. cast Netanyahu as an image-
holding that office. After Netanyahu has the most sup- ly need the support of the They are expected to hold obsessed leader who forced a
consulting with the 13 parties port — 52 seats — in Israel’s Yamina, a right-wing party intense negotiations in the prominent news site to help
in the newly elected parlia- Knesset. But that is still short led by a former ally turned coming weeks. his family and smear his op-
ment, Rivlin said that Ne- of a 61 seats needed for a ma- rival. Yamina’s leader, Naftali ponents.
tanyahu had the best chance jority. He is likely to use his Bennett, has had a strained In a sign of the challenge Netanyahu denies all charges
of any candidate of forming a powers of persuasion to try to relationship with Netanyahu ahead of Netanyahu, about and in an nationally televised
new government. lure a number of opponents, in recent years. He also been 100 protesters hoisted LGBT address accused prosecutors
“I have decided to entrust including close former aides cool to an alliance with Arab pride flags and a mock sub- of persecuting him in an ef-
him with the task,” Rivlin who have vowed never to parties. marine in a noisy demon- fort to drive him out of of-
said from Jerusalem. serve under him again, with stration Tuesday that could fice. “This is what a coup at-
“This is not an easy decision generous offers of power- Bennett called for forma- be heard as officials began tempt looks like,” he said.
on a moral and ethical basis,” ful government ministries or tion of a “stable, right-wing” the swearing-in festivities This week’s court proceed-
he added. “The state of Israel legislative committees. government on Tuesday and of the new parliament in an ings focused on the most se-
is not to be taken for granted. The task won’t be easy. promised to negotiate in outdoor plaza. The pride rious case against Netanyahu
And I fear for my country.” In order to secure a majority, “good faith.” But he did not flags appeared to be a refer- — in which he is accused of
With that, Rivlin nudged for- Netanyahu would likely re- commit to backing Netanya- ence to the fact that leaders promoting regulations that
ward the twin dramas over quire the support of a small hu, who has led the country of the ultranationalist Reli- delivered hundreds of mil-
the country’s future and Ne- Arab Islamist party, and one for the past 12 years. gious Zionism party, which lions of dollars in profits to
tanyahu’s fate, giving Israel’s of his partners, the Religious Opposition leader Yair Lapid, backs Netanyahu, are openly the Bezeq telecom company
longest-serving premier a Zionists, have an openly rac- head of the centrist Yesh Atid homophobic, while the sub- in exchange for positive cov-
fresh chance to try to salvage ist platform and say they will party, acknowledged that the marine points to a graft scan- erage on the firm’s popular
his career. Netanyahu now not serve in a government law left Rivlin “no choice,” dal involving the purchase of news site, Walla.
has up to six weeks to try to with Arab partners. but in the same tweet de- German subs. Ilan Yeshua, Walla’s former
cobble together a coalition. “The chances of Netanyahu nounced the development as As the new Knesset was chief editor, described a sys-
If he fails, Rivlin could give to form a government, as it “a shameful disgrace that tar- sworn into office, Rivlin ap- tem in which Bezeq’s own-
another party leader the op- seems right now, are quite nishes Israel.” pealed for unity in a speech. ers, Shaul and Iris Elovitch,
portunity to try to form a low,” said Yohan Plesner, Lapid has offered an alter- “If we do not learn and find repeatedly pressured him
government — or the coun- president of the Israel De- native: a power-sharing ar- a model of partnership that to publish favorable things
try could be plunged into an mocracy Institute, a Jerusa- rangement with Bennett that will allow us to live here about Netanyahu and smear
unprecedented fifth election lem think tank. would see the two men rotate together, out of mutual re- the prime minister’s rivals.
France opens giant stadium for vaccinations amid virus surge
(AP) — France sought The Stade de France, venue of initially showed preference totally equivalent vaccines. in an effort to inject up to
Tuesday to speed up France’s 1998 football World for a Pfizer jab. But officials It’s the same technology.” 50,000 doses per week, the
its vaccine rollout by Cup victory, opened its doors on site insisted the Moderna “Our goal is simple: ... every defense ministry said.
opening mass vaccination on Tuesday morning with doses were as effective. By single dose has to be injected Health Minister Olivier
centers across the country, 20 vaccination booths in the midday, no appointment was so we don’t lose any,” Veran warned Monday that
including the Stade de reception area. Organizers available anymore online for Rousseau said. the number of COVID-19
France stadium north of said nurses and firemen at the either shot. French health authorities patients in intensive care
Paris, as infections surge center can administer 10,000 “I think the French and said they aim at having about units could increase to the
and hospitals approach doses per week. residents of the Paris region 40 mass vaccination centers level of the first crisis a year
saturation. Vaccines in France are in particular have heard more open in the coming days, ago.
currently reserved to people about the Pfizer vaccine than in addition to shots being As of Monday, French ICUs
The move came a day after aged 70 and over, in addition the Moderna. It’s always administrated in smaller held 5,433 virus patients.
new nationwide restrictions to those with serious health easier to turn to what you centers, doctors’ offices and In April 2020, the number
were enforced, including a conditions and health care know better so people are pharmacies. reached more than 7,000,
three-week school closure, a workers. quicker to choose Pfizer,” Seven military hospitals also many in temporary facilities.
month-long domestic travel Offered a choice between Aurélien Trousseau, the opened vaccination centers France has reported among
ban and the closing of non- two COVID-19 vaccines head of the Regional Health on Tuesday, operated by the world’s highest death
essential shops. upon registering, people Authority said. “But it’s two military and civilian staff, tolls from the virus, at 96,875.