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sports Diaranson 7 aPriL 2021
Tuchel seeks return of calm after Chelsea bust-up
(AP) — Soon after his no lingering tensions in the courage.” Tuchel maintains
14-match unbeaten start camp from the bust-up is key, the air has been cleared be-
at Chelsea ended, Thomas with fourth place to secure in tween players who were left
Tuchel had a warning for the Premier League and the on the bench for Saturday’s
his players. more immediately pressing setback at Stamford Bridge.
matter of the first leg against “They sorted it out straight
“We cannot lose our heads Porto in the quarterfinals of after training in a very hon-
now,” the Chelsea manager the Champions League on est, humble and very direct
said after Saturday’s 5-2 loss Wednesday. way,” Tuchel said. “That
to a West Bromwich side fac- “We calmed the situation showed me they have very
ing relegation from the Pre- down immediately,” Tuchel good character.
mier League. said Tuesday. “I don’t want “Toni sorted it out directly,
What unfolded at the training to play it down with anything and it was a strong and brave
ground on Sunday was just artificial. These are things we thing to do. So I am happy
the reaction he didn’t want to don’t want to accept. It was with the way they dealt with
see: A clash between defend- unusual but they can happen. it.”
er Antonio Rudiger and goal- “They are all competitors and Losing to West Brom could petition. watch the games, improve,
keeper Kepa Arrizabalaga. want to win training matches. prove costly with Chel- “We’ve been analyzing the and take responsibility. From
There is no denying from We needed to interfere in the sea surrendering the fourth game, trying to correct mis- there, do better the next
Tuchel, who replaced the situation, so that was serious. Champions League place takes and to be ready for the game and don’t make the
fired Frank Lampard in Janu- But the way the guys handled with eight games remaining next one,” Chelsea defender same mistakes. That’s how
ary, that the incident “got the situation, that was im- to a West Ham side that has Marcos Alonso told beIN you grow as a player and as a
heated.” Ensuring there are pressive and showed a lot of never qualified for the com- Sports. “It’s always good to team”.
Hertha fires goalkeeping coach Petry for xenophobic comments
The Bundesliga club said by Magyar Nemzet. “I sure the continent.” Hertha chair-
Tuesday that it is commit- wouldn’t have stirred up man Carsten Schmidt said in
ted to values of diversity and tempers in his place.” a statement Tuesday that Pet-
tolerance and “these are not Petry said the “majority of ry’s work was valued at the
found in the statements of Hungarian society does not club and that he had never
Zsolt Petry, which he made agree with Péter Gulácsi’s expressed homophobic or xe-
publicly as an employee of liberal opinion on rainbow nophobic comments before,
Hertha BSC.” families.” but his statements to Magyar
In the interview published Nemzet ran against the club’s
Monday, Petry criticized The former Hungary goal- values.
Hungary goalkeeper Péter keeper, 54, also criticized Eu- Petry, who has been with
Gulácsi, who plays for Her- rope’s migration policies. Hertha since 2015, told the
tha’s league rival Leipzig, for “I cannot understand how club website, “I want to em-
supporting gay marriage and Europe can morally sink phasize that I am neither ho-
defending LGBT rights. as deeply as it is now. Im- mophobic nor xenophobic. I
“I don’t know what might migration policy for me is a very much regret my state-
have caused Péter to stand up manifestation of moral de- ment on immigration policy
(AP) — Hertha Berlin has phobic comments in an for homosexuals, transves- cline,” Petry said. “Europe is and would like to apologize
fired goalkeeping coach interview published by tites and people with other a Christian continent. I am to all the people who seek
Zsolt Petry for making Hungarian newspaper gender identities,” Petry said reluctant to watch the moral refuge with us and whom
homophobic and xeno- Magyar Nemzet. in the comments reported degradation sweeping across I’ve offended.”
French cyclist Nacer Bouhanni speaks out
about racist abuse
(AP) — Nacer Bouhanni’s incidents, was disqualified strongly denounces all these
haters don’t care that he following an illegal move at acts of racism.”
is a former French cycling the one-day Cholet-Pays de In an interview with L’Equipe
champion, or even that la Loire on March 28. Cycling newspaper published Tues-
he was born and raised in governing body UCI cited day, Bouhanni said he has
France. him for dangerous conduct been abused throughout his
after he pushed Jake Stewart career. He said he did not
The Arkea-Samsic team rider into the barriers during the speak out earlier because the
has been subjected to a tor- final sprint and referred the topic remains a “taboo,” and
rent of racist insults over the incident to its disciplinary for fear he would appear like
past week, many of them commission. someone trying to victimize
urging him to leave France Bouhanni admitted his mis- himself. to read all this, people want- turned-pundit claimed dur-
and go to Africa. take but said the move was But the latest series of insults ing me to end up in jail.” ing the 2019 Tour de France
Bouhanni has decided it’s not intentional. Since then, — some of them calling him Asked whether he also suf- that the French cyclist made
time to speak out. racist insults have been fly- to a “terrorist” — were too fered from racist attitudes his team pork free and did
“Know that I was born in ing. much too take. in the predominantly white not want to work with wom-
France and that I will file a Bouhanni, a rider with North “I was born in France. I love peloton, Bouhanni said it had en on race days because of his
complaint because I’ve been African heritage who won my country. I was French never happened “directly” religious beliefs.
enduring this and kept silent the French national champi- champion at the age of 21. and he had never had any “I received a lot of racist mes-
for too long, but this time I onships in 2012, published When I was on the podium such issues within the vari- sages following these insinu-
will not let go,” he wrote this screenshots of some of the with La Marseillaise, it was ous teams he rode for. ations,” Bouhanni said. “I
week. messages he has received. one of the most beautiful Bouhanni, however, filed a have filed a complaint, but I
Bouhanni, a hot-tempered His team has released a state- moments in my career,” said lawsuit against Stef Clement am still waiting for the justice
rider with an history of race ment, saying it “deplores and the 30-year-old rider. “It’s sad after the former pro rider- (system) to get back to me.”