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                 Wednesday 22 March 2023
            Trump's potential indictment caps decades of legal scrutiny

            By JILL COLVIN                                                                                                      grand  jury,  which  heard
            Associated Press                                                                                                    from  dozens  of  witnesses.
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  For  40                                                                                         said  last  month  that  the
            years,   former   President                                                                                         panel  had  recommended
            Donald Trump has navigat-                                                                                           that  numerous  people  be
            ed  countless  legal  investi-                                                                                      indicted, and hinted Trump
            gations  without  ever  fac-                                                                                        could  be  among  them.  It
            ing  criminal  charges.  That                                                                                       is  ultimately  up  to  Willis  to
            record may soon come to                                                                                             decide  whether  to  move
            an end.                                                                                                             forward.
            Trump  could  be  indicted                                                                                          In Washington, Trump is un-
            by  a  Manhattan  grand                                                                                             der  scrutiny  from  special
            jury  as  soon  as  this  week,                                                                                     counsel  Jack  Smith  for  his
            potentially  charged  with                                                                                          handling — allegations say
            falsifying  business  records                                                                                       mishandling  —  of  classi-
            connected to hush money                                                                                             fied documents after leav-
            payments  during  his  2016                                                                                         ing office, as well as for his
            campaign to women who                                                                                               much-publicized  efforts  to
            accused him of sexual en-                                                                                           stay  in  power,  despite  his
            counters.                                                                                                           2020  election  loss.  Justice
            It's one of several investiga-                                                                                      Department lawyers in the
            tions  that  have  intensified                                                                                      documents  probe  have
            as  Trump  mounts  his  third                                                                                       said  they  have  amassed
            presidential  run.  He  has   A police officer places a barricade in front of Trump Tower, on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, in New   evidence   of   potential
            denied  any  allegations  of   York.                                                               Associated Press   crimes involving Trump's re-
            wrongdoing  and  accuses                                                                                            tention of national defense
            prosecutors  of  engaging  ecuted  and  learned  from     subject  of  thousands  of  impunity  where  they  can  information  as  well  as  po-
            in  a  politically  motivated  those  experiences  that  he   civil lawsuits and numerous  commit  crimes  and  never  tential  efforts  to  obstruct
            "witch hunt" to damage his  could  act  with  impunity,"   investigations.  There  have  have  to  face  any  conse-  their work.
            campaign.                    he said.                     been probes into his casino  quences," he said.           Some  legal  experts  have
            An indictment in New York  Trump  first  faced  legal     and  real  estate  dealings,  Trump's retort to such strong  questioned  the  wisdom
            would  mark  an  extraordi-  scrutiny  in  the  1970s  when   allegations  of  bribery  and  talk: He commits no crimes,  of  having  the  Manhattan
            nary  turn  in  American  his-  the  Department  of  Justice   improper  lobbying,  fraud  so  consequences  would  case  be  the  first  brought
            tory, making Trump the first  brought a racial discrimina-  allegations   against   the  themselves be unjust.      against Trump, when more
            former  president  to  face  tion  case  against  his  fam-  now-defunct Trump Univer-  As president, Trump contin-  serious  charges  could  be
            a  criminal  charge.  And  it  ily's real estate business.  sity  and  charitable  Trump  ued to face legal scrutiny.  looming. Trump is expected
            would  carry  tremendous  Trump and his father fierce-    Foundation  and  a  probe  For  two  years,  the  Justice  to be charged with falsify-
            weight  for  Trump  himself,  ly fought the suit, which ac-  by  the  Manhattan  district  Department   investigated  ing business records, a mis-
            threatening  his  long-es-   cused  them  of  refusing  to   attorney  into  sales  at  the  his  2016  campaign's  ties  demeanor  unless  prosecu-
            tablished  ability  to  avoid  rent  apartments  to  black   Trump  SoHo  hotel-condo-  to  Russia.  While  special  tors can prove it was done
            consequences despite en-     tenants  in  predominantly   minium  in  Lower  Manhat-   counsel   Robert   Mueller  to conceal another crime.
            tanglement  in  a  dizzying  white  buildings.  Testimony   tan.                       never  found  direct  evi-   The  case  involves  pay-
            number of cases.             showed  that  applications   Indeed, according Citizens  dence  of  collusion,  his  fi-  ments  made  by  Trump's
            Indictment,  says  biogra-   filed  by  prospective  black   for Responsibility and Ethics  nal  report  did  lay  out  evi-  former   lawyer,   Michael
            pher  Michael  D'Antonio,  tenants  were  marked  with    in  Washington,  a  govern-  dence  for  obstruction.  He  Cohen,  who  served  prison
            would  be  a  "shocking  a  "C"  for  "colored."  Trump   ment watchdog group ab-      noted  that,  because  of  a  time after pleading guilty in
            event,  both  because  of  counter-sued  for  $100  mil-  breviated CREW, as of No-    department  opinion  that  2018 to federal charges, to
            the fact that a former presi-  lion,  accusing  the  govern-  vember  2022,  Trump  had  bars indicting a sitting presi-  porn  actor  Stormy  Daniels
            dent  is  being  indicted  for  ment of defamation.       been accused of commit-      dent,  he  couldn't  recom-  and  model  Karen  McDou-
            the  first  time,  but  also  be-  The  case  ended  with  a   ting at least 56 criminal of-  mend  Trump  be  criminally  gal. Cohen was reimbursed
            cause one of the slipperiest  settlement  that  opened    fenses  since  he  launched  charged, even in secret.     by Trump, whose company
            people at the highest level  the  way  for  some  black   his  campaign  in  2015,  not  Since Trump left office, the  logged the reimbursements
            of  business,  whose  devo-  tenants  but  did  not  force   including  allegations  of  investigations  have  circled  as "legal expenses."
            tion to abusing the system  the  Trumps  to  explicitly   fraudulent  business  deal-  ever closer.                 Politically,  Trump  allies  be-
            is so well established, is be-  acknowledge  they  had    ings. But he has never been  In  January,  his  namesake  lieve the case actually will
            ing caught."                 "failed  and  neglected"  to   formally indicted.         company  was  fined  $1.6  benefit  the  former  presi-
            "Throughout his life, he has  comply with the Fair Hous-  Trump is a master of delay  million  for  tax  crimes,  in-  dent  in  the  short  term  by
            done  things  for  which  he  ing Act.                    tactics,  "finding  ways  to  cluding conspiracy and fal-  energizing  his  base  in  a
            could  have  been  investi-  Since  then,  Trump  and  his   endlessly delay in the hopes  sifying business records. The  competitive   Republican
            gated and potentially pros-  businesses  have  been  the   that  the  investigation  and  company's  longtime  ex-  primary,  and  would  pro-
                                                                      litigation will go away. And  ecutive, Allen Weisselberg,  vide another boost later on
                                                                      he's  had  remarkable  suc-  is currently serving jail time  if it ultimately fails to yield a
                                                                      cess," says CREW president  as punishment for dodging  conviction.
                                                                      Noah Bookbinder, a former  taxes on job perks.            "The  prosecutor  in  New
                                                                      federal  corruption  pros-   Additional  cases  are  still  York has done more to help
                                                                      ecutor.                      being pursued. In Georgia,  Donald Trump get elected,"
                                                                      "It   makes   accountabil-   Fulton County District Attor-  says Sen. Lindsey Graham,
                                                                      ity   absolutely   essential  ney Fani Willis has been in-  R-South  Carolina,  echo-
                                                                      because  we  can't  have  vestigating  whether  Trump  ing  other  GOP  officials,
                                                                      people in a functioning de-  and his allies illegally med-  who have also argued the
                                                                      mocracy  operating  in  po-  dled  in  the  2020  election.  probe will likely help Trump
                                                                      sitions  of  power  with  total  The foreperson of a special  in the short term.q
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