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A4   U.S. NEWS
                 Wednesday 22 March 2023
            Apaches tell court copper mine would harm sacred sites

            By ANITA SNOW                                                                                                       local jobs.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    A smaller 9th Circuit panel
            PHOENIX  (AP)  —  A  Native                                                                                         previously ruled 2-1 that the
            American  group  that’s  try-                                                                                       federal  government  could
            ing to stop an effort to build                                                                                      give  the  Oak  Flat  land  to
            one  of  the  largest  copper                                                                                       the  mining  company  for
            mines  in  the  United  States                                                                                      the  project.  The  court  lat-
            told  a  full  federal  appeals                                                                                     er agreed to let the larger
            court  panel  Tuesday  that                                                                                         panel hear the case.
            the  project  would  prevent                                                                                        Apache  Stronghold  mem-
            Apaches  from  exercising                                                                                           bers  traveled  from  Arizona
            their  religion  by  destroying                                                                                     for  the  hearing,  stopping
            land they consider sacred.                                                                                          at  cities  along  the  way  to
            U.S.  federal  government                                                                                           draw attention to the case.
            plans for a land swap that                                                                                          They  gathered  Monday  at
            will  allow  Resolution  Cop-                                                                                       a community arts center in
            per  to  build  the  mine  will                                                                                     the  Los  Angeles  neighbor-
            destroy  the  land  in  east-                                                                                       hood of Boyle Heights.
            ern Arizona known as  Oak                                                                                           “Oak Flat is where my peo-
            Flat,  “barring  the  Apach-                                                                                        ple have come to connect
            es  from  ever  accessing  it                                                                                       with our Creator for millen-
            again  and  ending  their                                                                                           nia, and we have the right
            core religious practices for-  Tribal councilman Wendsler Nosie Sr. speaks with Apache activists during a rally to save Oak Flat,   to continue that sacred tra-
            ever,”  said  attorney  Luke   land near Superior, Ariz., sacred to Western Apache tribes, in front of the U.S. Capitol on July 22,   dition,”  Wendsler  Nosie  Sr.
            Goodrich,  arguing  for  the   2015, in Washington.                                                Associated Press  of Apache Stronghold said
            group Apache Stronghold.                                                                                            in a statement released af-
            “We asked the court today  sue  a  decision  in  the  next  Forest  Service  expected  square  miles  (9.71  square  ter the hearing. “Today we
            to  recognize  the  obvious  few months.                  the  environmental  analysis  kilometers)  of  national  for-  stood  up  in  court  for  that
            —  that  when  the  govern-  Apache  Stronghold  sued  could  be  republished  as  est  land  in  exchange  for  right,  determined  to  stop
            ment  destroys  a  sacred  the  U.S.  government  un-     early  as  this  spring,  setting  eight parcels it owns in oth-  those  who  think  that  our
            site, religious liberty law has  der  the  Religious  Freedom  in  motion  the  land  swap,  er parts of Arizona.   place  of  worship  can  be
            something to say about it,”  Restoration  Act  to  protect  which  would  have  to  be  Resolution  Copper,  a  joint  treated  differently  simply
            Goodrich,  vice  president  the  place  tribal  members  completed within 60 days.     venture  of  global  mining  because  it  lacks  four  walls
            and  senior  counsel  at  the  call Chi’chil Bildagoteel, an  Pepin argued that the act  firms Rio Tinto and BHP, has  and a steeple.”
            nonprofit  legal  institution  area  dotted  with  ancient  of Congress that approved  said it continues to address  The  Poor  People’s  Cam-
            Becket  Law,  said  in  a  pre-  oak groves and  traditional  the  exchange  giving  the  concerns raised about the  paign,     environmental
            pared  statement  distrib-   plants the Apaches consid-   Oak Flat to Resolution Cop-  project,  but  noted  there  groups  and  the  National
            uted  after  the  hearing  in  er essential to their religion.  per  land  supersedes  the  is  significant  local  support  Congress  of  American  In-
            Pasadena,  California.  “A  An  environmental  impact  Religious  Freedom  Resto-      for  the  mine.  Rio  Tinto  has  dians  are  among  many
            win for Apache Stronghold  survey  for  the  project  has  ration  Act,  which  prevents  headquarters  in  Australia  groups  backing  Apache
            will be a win for people of  been  pulled  back  while  government agencies from  and  the  U.K,  while  BHP  is  Stronghold’s fight.
            all faiths.”                 the U.S. Department of Ag-   placing  a  “substantial  bur-  based in Australia.       The   Notre   Dame    Law
            The Apache group is seek-    riculture  has  consulted  for  den” on the practice of re-  It  says  the  project  has  the  School   Religious   Liberty
            ing  to  halt  the  land  swap  months  with  Native  Ameri-  ligion.                  potential to supply enough  Clinic filed a “friend of the
            while the case plays out in  can tribes and others about  The land transfer was a last-  copper to meet up to one-  court” brief and Stephanie
            court.                       their concerns.              minute  provision  included  quarter  of  U.S.  demand,  Barclay,  director  of  Notre
            The  panel  of  11  judges  on  But  U.S.  government  at-  in a must-pass defense bill in  adding  up  to  $1  billion  a  Dame’s Religious Liberty Ini-
            the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of  torney Joan Pepin told the  2014. The swap would give  year to Arizona’s economy  tiative, participated in oral
            Appeals  is  expected  to  is-  judge  Tuesday  that  the  the  mining  company  3.75  and creating thousands of  arguments.q

                                                                      It’s the first day of spring: Here’s what

                                                                      that really means

                                                                      Monday marked the spring  planet.                         equinox can land on March
                                                                      equinox — at least for those  During  the  equinox,  the  19, 20 or 21, depending on
                                                                      in the Northern Hemisphere.  Earth’s  axis  and  its  orbit  the year. This year it landed
                                                                      But what does that actually  line  up  so  that  both  hemi-  on  Monday  at  5:24  p.m.
                                                                      mean?                        spheres  get  an  equal  Eastern time.
                                                                      WHAT  IS  THE  SPRING  EQUI-  amount of sunlight.         WHY ARE THERE TWO KINDS
                                                                      NOX?                         The  word  equinox  comes  OF SPRINGS?
                                                                      As the Earth travels around  from two Latin words mean-   There  are  two  different
                                                                      the  sun,  it  does  so  at  an  ing equal and night. That’s  ways to carve up the year:
                                                                      angle.                       because  on  the  equinox,  Meteorological  and  astro-
                                                                      For  most  of  the  year,  the  day  and  night  last  almost  nomical seasons.
                                                                      Earth’s  axis  is  tilted  either  the  same  amount  of  time  Meteorological   seasons
            A motorist is silhouetted against the setting sun on the eve of the
            vernal equinox, Sunday, March 19, 2023, in Shawnee, Kan.   toward  or  away  from  the  —  though  one  may  get  are defined by the weath-
                                                     Associated Press  sun.  That  means  the  sun’s  a  few  extra  minutes,  de-  er.  They  break  down  the
                                                                      warmth  and  light  fall  un-  pending on where you are  year into three-month sea-
            By MADDIE BURAKOFF           NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Spring  equally  on  the  northern  on the planet.                 sons based on annual tem-
            AP Science Writer            has sprung!                  and southern halves of the  The  spring  —  or  vernal  —  perature cycles.q
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