Page 7 - aruba-today-20230322
P. 7
LOCAL Wednesday 22 March 2023
Respected historian Mr. Dufi Kock opens the cultural manifestation
honoring National Hymn and Flag Day
(Oranjestad)—Last Satur- Adolf “Dufi” Kock cating himself to investigat-
day on the Plaza Betico Mr. Kock is an important ing and documenting the
Croes, the public enjoyed historian for our country. history of our island nation,
a beautiful cultural mani- Dufi has been one of the especially Aruba’s role in
festation dedicated to our 3 people within the Dutch the Second World War.
National Hymn and Flag kingdom to receive the
Day. The official ceremony royal recognition of “Silver Dufi shares all his knowl-
started with the entrance Carnation” from The Prince edge in his publications,
of our flag, which was car- Bernhard Culture Fund, de- and also helps young peo-
ried by one of the island’s livered personally by Her ple whenever they are in
most valuable historian, Mr. Royal Highness Princess Be- need of more information,
Adolf “Dufi” Kock. He was atrix. Dufi was recognized for example for a school
joined by 25 young gym- for his valuable contribu- presentation. As a demon-
nasts from Gihae Gymnas- tion to the Aruban culture. stration of our appreciation
tics that have recently won He had been a writer and for his hard work, Dufi had
tournaments abroad repre- historian for many years al- been asked to carry the
senting Aruba. ready, and has been dedi- Aruban flag to open the
cultural manifestation in accompany Mr. Kock and
honor of our patriotic iden- deliver the Aruban flag on
tity. stage at the plaza, thus of-
ficially commencing the
Gihae Gymnastics celebrations.
The athletes from Gihae
Gymnastics have recently Thanks
represented Aruba suc- The minister of Culture,
cessfully during the Magi- Mrs. Xiomara Maduro, ex-
cal Classic Meet and the presses her gratitude to Mr.
Presidential Classic Meet Kock and the athletes from
tournaments in the US, Gihae Gymnastics for their
where they won various great work in delivering the
medals thanks to their dedi- Aruban flag at the cultural
cation and discipline. As an manifestation dedicated
honoring of their success, to our national holiday.q
Aruba to me they have been asked to
ORANJESTAD — You are back and we
would like to portrait you! By inviting you
to send us your favorite vacation picture
while enjoying our Happy Island.
Complete the sentence: Aruba to me is
……. Send your picture with that text (in-
cluding your name and where you are
from) to: and
we will publish your vacation memory.
Isn’t that a special way to keep your best
moments alive? Please do note: By sub-
mitting photos, text or any other materi-
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day Newspaper, Caribbean Speed Print- dren! Margot’s first time in Aruba!
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without compensation. you with us and our readers!q
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For today we received a lovely message
from Ron and Nonnie Rubin from Boston,
They wrote to us saying; Aruba to me is
sharing the love of the island first with
your children and then your grandchil-