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                 Wednesday 22 March 2023
            Venezuela oil czar in surprise resignation amid graft probes

            By REGINA GARCIA CANO                                                                                               the  late  President  Hugo
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Chávez  to  launch  numer-
            CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)                                                                                             ous  initiatives,  including
            — The man responsible for                                                                                           state-run   food   markets,
            running  Venezuela’s  oil  in-                                                                                      new  public  housing,  free
            dustry — the one that pays                                                                                          health  clinics  and  educa-
            for virtually everything in the                                                                                     tion programs.
            troubled country, from sub-                                                                                         But  a  subsequent  drop  in
            sidized  food  to  ridiculously                                                                                     prices  and  government
            cheap gas — has quit amid                                                                                           mismanagement,  first  un-
            investigations  into  alleged                                                                                       der  Chávez’s  government
            corruption  among  officials                                                                                        and then Maduro’s, ended
            in various parts of the gov-                                                                                        the lavish spending. And so
            ernment.                                                                                                            began a complex crisis that
            Tareck  El  Aissami’s  an-                                                                                          has  pushed  millions  into
            nouncement         Monday                                                                                           poverty  and  driven  more
            was  shocking  on  multiple                                                                                         than 7 million Venezuela to
            counts.  He  was  seen  as  a                                                                                       migrate.
            loyal  ruling  party  member                                                                                        PDVSA’s  mismanagement,
            and  considered  a  key  fig-                                                                                       and  more  recently  eco-
            ure  in  the  government’s                                                                                          nomic  sanctions  imposed
            efforts  to  evade  punishing                                                                                       by  the  U.S.,  caused  a
            international    economic                                                                                           steady production decline,
            sanctions.                   Venezuelan Petroleum Minister Tareck El Aissami arrives at the 4F military museum where late   going  from  the  3.5  million
            And  he  led  the  state  oil   President Hugo Chavez is buried, during the activities marking the 10th anniversary of Chavez’s   barrels a day when Chávez
            company  PDVSA  in  a        death, in Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday, March 15, 2023.                               rose  to  power  in  1999  to
            Venezuelan  business  sec-                                                                         Associated Press  roughly  700,000  barrels  a
            tor  widely  considered  to  to  continue  perpetuating  tion  into  unidentified  pub-  largest petroleum reserves.  day last year.
            be  corrupt  —  in  a  country  acts  of  corruption  once  lic  officials  in  the  oil  indus-  But officials are rarely held  David Smilde, a Tulane Uni-
            where embezzelment, brib-    particular  individuals  have  try,  the  justice  system  and  accountable — a major ir-  versity  professor  who  has
            ery, money laundering and  been forced out of the po-     some  local  governments.  ritant to citizens, the major-  conducted  extensive  re-
            other  wrongdoing  are  a  litical scene.”                Attorney General Tarek Wil-  ity  of  whom  live  on  $1.90  search on Venezuela, said
            lifestyle.                   Hours  after  El  Aissami  re-  liam  Saab  in  a  radio  inter-  a  day,  the  international  the  moves  by  Maduro’s
            “Obviously, they are giving  vealed  his  resignation  on  view  Monday  said  that  at  benchmark   of   extreme  government are more than
            it the patina of an anti-cor-  Twitter,  President  Nicolás  least a half dozen officials,  poverty. “I assure you, even  just an effort to clean its im-
            ruption  probe,”  said  Ryan  Maduro  called  his  govern-  including  people  affiliated  more  so  at  this  moment,  age.
            Berg, director of the Ameri-  ment’s fight against corrup-  with  PDVSA,  had  been  ar-  when the country calls not  “Arresting important figures
            cas program at the Center  tion  “bitter”  and  “painful.”  rested,  and  he  expected  only for justice but also for  and  accepting  the  resig-
            for  Strategic  and  Interna-  He  said  he  accepted  the  more to be detained.       the  strengthening  of  the  nation  of  one  of  the  most
            tional  Studies,  a  Washing-  resignation  “to  facilitate  Among those arrested is Jo-  institutions,  we  will  apply  powerful ministers in a case
            ton-based think tank.        all  the  investigations  that  selit  Ramirez,  a  cryptocur-  the  full  weight  of  the  law  that involves $3 billion does
            “Rule  of  law  is  not  being  should result in the establish-  rency  regulator  who  was  against  these  individuals,”  not  improve  your  image,”
            advanced      here,”   Berg  ment of the truth, the pun-  indicted  in  the  U.S.  along  Saab said.                he said. “It is probably be-
            added.  “This  is  really  a  ishment of the culprits, and  with  El  Aissami  on  money  Oil is Venezuela’s most im-  cause  the  missing  money
            chance  for  the  regime  to  justice  in  all  these  cases.”  laundering charges in 2020.  portant industry. A windfall  actually  has  an  important
            sideline someone that it felt  Venezuela’s  National  Anti-  Corruption  has  long  been  of hundreds of billions in oil  impact  on  a  government
            for some reason was a dan-   Corruption Police last week  rampant    in   Venezuela,  dollars  thanks  to  record-  with   serious   budgetary
            ger to it in the moment and  announced  an  investiga-    which sits atop the world’s  high global prices allowed  problems.”q

                                                                      U.N.: Fresh gang violence in Haiti

                                                                      leaves 187 dead in 11 days

                                                                      than  150  others,  the  U.N.  the U.N. in Haiti said.    ready control an estimated
                                                                      said Tuesday.                The  surge  of  violence  in  60% of Port-au-Prince. They
                                                                      The fresh wave of violence  central  Haiti  has  been  also have been clashing in
                                                                      recorded  from  Feb.  27  to  largely blamed on a gang  the central towns of Petite
                                                                      March 9 in the capital, Port-  called  “Baz  Gran  Grif,”  Riviere de l’Artibonite, Ver-
                                                                      au-Prince, and in the cen-   which roughly translates to  rettes, Estere and Liancourt.
                                                                      tral region of Artibonite also  “Big Claw Crew.”          Prime  Minister  Ariel  Henry
                                                                      has displaced hundreds of  In addition, nearly 260 kid-   signaled last week that he
                                                                      people and forced farmers  nappings  have  been  re-      is seeking to mobilize Haiti’s
                                                                      to abandon fields as starva-  ported  since  the  start  of  military  to  help  an  under-
            A parent, carrying his child after picking him up from school,   tion worsens, officials said.  the  year,  with  people  ab-  resourced   and   under-
            runs past police carrying out an operation against gangs in the   “The situation is all the more  ducted from their homes or  staffed  police  department
            Bel-Air area of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, March 3, 2023.
                                                     Associated Press   alarming  for  children,  who  public places, officials said.  fight  the  unrelenting  gang
                                                                      are  often  subjected  to  all  Gangs  have  grown  more  violence, which has forced
            SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP)  beyond have killed at least  forms  of  armed  violence,  powerful  since  the  July  an  increasing  number  of
            —  New  clashes  between  187 people in less than two  including  forced  recruit-     2021  assassination  of  Presi-  schools  and  businesses  to
            gangs in Haiti’s capital and  weeks  and  injured  more  ment and sexual violence,”  dent Jovenel Moïse, and al-    shutter.q
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