Page 19 - AHATA
P. 19
LOCAL Thursday 5 March 2020
Breaking the Aruban gender glass ceiling
Continued from Page 14 tonomy, role models and Aruba. However, looking
management commit- at relevant sectors such as
Some of the indicators busi- ment) also greatly influ- the science & technology
nesses should consider are ence the leadership style department at the EPI, only
for example active poli- of business performance 10% of the 337 students in
cies on zero tolerance for (Santi Setyaningsih et al., 2016 are female, thus a low
gender-based violence p.222, 2012). Higher edu- female participation rate in
and harassment, zero gen- cation and training insti- the sciences.
der discrimination for new tutions play an important On the other hand, look-
hires, equal salary and re- role in this matter. This re- ing at female participa-
muneration between men sult is highly supported by tion in higher education, in
and women, and zero the OECD (2020) as they 2016 this reached 67% at
discrimination for women express that the “demand the University of Aruba and
who choose to become a for skilled creative workers 94% at the IPA, thus a high
mother just to mention a is strong and rapidly evolv- female participation rate in
few. ing, both in cultural and remaining fields” (Franken,
creative sectors and other 2019). The issue is not that
In a case research case sectors of the economy. women don’t participate,
of women in the creative To reap these job creation because clearly they do,
industry in Indonesia, the benefits, cities and regions but rather it is on providing
results show that “after sev- need more reliable data more equal access on all willing to walk the talk. The quadruple responsibility
eral explanations, it can to shape their policies and areas in their development SDGs are merely a policy will remain important mov-
be seen that training and address the needs of cre- and lives. tool for the government, ing forward. In the spirit of
learning factors are key in ative employers and self- strategic management the International Day of
maintaining the business. employed creatives”. In- Moving Forward benchmark for the public the Woman on March 8th,
With training and learning terestingly, “from the report The gender issue we have sector, advocacy resource the Creative Islander would
in good quality then this ‘Enseñansa na Aruba: Re- been facing for decades for civil society, but how like to share positive greet-
business will be growing lato Estadistico 2016-2017’ on the island is now shifting is Aruba going to secure ings to all women and girls
quickly. The other factors (Education in Aruba: Sta- into more of a public de- these women rights? The on this special day and to
(leadership style factors, tistical Report 2016-2017) bate and state of aware- small steps thus far have Aruba: “When women par-
education background, in 2016, females represent ness. We are now daring been tremendous, but we ticipate in the economy,
resources, achievement, approximately 50% of the to talk, to ask questions, to have a long way to go. everyone benefits” – Hilary
experience, need for au- total student population of raise our voices, but are we The collaboration and the Clinton.q