Page 20 - AHATA
P. 20
Thursday 5 March 2020
Aruba launches new channel: Aruba.TV
to get around the island.
Aruba.TV programming in-
form you about fascinating
historical and cultural facts.
It shows you the many mu-
seums on the islands and
promotes our local artists
and our local products. For
the local news, Aruba.TV which now has over 30 mil- year anniversary celebra-
signed a collaboration with lion active users. tion, thank you for provid-
Aruba Today newspaper, ing our locals and visitors
the only English newspaper Aruba.TV looks forward to with great services when
on the island, to bring you a successful 2020 with a se- traveling. Thanks to Court-
daily updates on what’s lection of great programs yard by Marriot for trusting
happening on the island. in the near future such as us in covering their wonder-
Furthermore, Aruba.TV cov- Carta Blanca, which is a ful grand opening. We are
ers live events such as con- Spanish program about truly honored to have re-
certs, beach tennis, beach wine and dine in Aruba, ceived the opportunity to
volleyball, HI-Winds, golf also Island Lifestyle, an Eng- work with your resort.
tournaments and national lish program that highlights
cultural events. We even what it’s like to live on the For more information, con-
give you the opportunity island through the eyes of tact us by email at aruba.
to win magnificent prices our locals and immigrants. or call at
such as dinner for two, The main purpose is to en- +297 280-0304.
weekend stays and much gage with you as visitor
more just by watching and through our channel. If you would like to stop
following us. by our location we are
Aruba.TV would like to give located at Caya Betico
ORANJESTAD — Aruba wel- Aruba.TV offers a variety of Aruba.TV is available all special thanks to Avianca #200 and our office hours
comes it first official tour- content information that around the island. Watch for allowing us to be pres- are from 9am to 5pm from
ist channel locally and is interesting to our visitors. it on channel 49 of cable ent at their amazing 100th Monday till Friday. q
internationally, Aruba.TV. Aruba.TV offers program- television Aruba, which is
After a joint agreement ming in English and Span- available in most hotels,
between Setar/ Telearuba ish showing everything you resorts, Airbnb's and apart-
and Leonardo Maduro was need to know about the is- ments. In addition to this,
established, the island's land such as where to dine, Aruba.TV is also available
new channel Aruba.TV had where to shop, where to on various social media
a soft launch September relax and where to find the platforms such as Face-
2019. Aruba.TV team con- island’s best entertainment. book, Instagram, Twitter
sists of local professional Aruba.TV will keep you and YouTube. Aruba.TV is
staff members that have up to date with the latest the only local channel that
expertise in the world of trends, entertainment, cul- is promoting our beautiful
media and live television ture, shopping, restaurants, island of Aruba worldwide
broadcasting. activities, beaches and tips on the popular “Roku TV”,
An American visitor worth Emerald
EAGLE BEACH — Marouska Heyliger of the
Aruba Tourism Authority had the privilege to
honor a loyal visitor as Emerald Ambassador.
The honorary title is presented on behalf of
the minister of Tourism to visitors who come to
Aruba for more than 35 years consecutively.
The honoree was Maryanne Hargreaves from
Massachusetts USA. The event which com-
memorated her 35th visit was held at Aruba
Beach Club. Her son and daughter and fam-
ily members were also present at this special
occasion. Hargreaves loves coming to the
island for her Aruban friends, peace and
beauty of the island and for the best restau-
rants and drinking water that the island pro-
Heyliger presented the Emerald Ambassador
certificate to Hargreaves and thanked her
for choosing Aruba as her home away from