Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20221012
P. 26

a26     obituario/u.s. news
               Diaranson 12 october 2022

                                                                                                             Labor proposal could upend

                                                                                                                   rules for gig workers,

              The  Lord  is  my  shepherd;  I  shall  not  want.   Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.
              He  maketh  me  to  lie  down  in  green  pastures:
              he  leadeth  me  beside  the  still  waters.  He
              restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of
              righteousness for his name’s sake.
              Psalm 23

              With  deep  sorrow  in  our  hearts,  we  are
              announcing the passing of our beloved:

                                                                                                             The  Biden  administration  published  a  new
                                                                                                             proposal  Tuesday  regarding  how  workers
                                                                                                             should be classified, saying that thousands of
                                                                                                             people have been incorrectly labeled as con-
                                                                                                             tractors  rather  than  employees,  potentially
                                                                                                             curtailing access to benefits and protections
                                                                                                             they rightfully deserve.

                                                                                                             The  new  U.S.  Department  of  Labor  regulations
                                                                                                             would replace a Trump-era rule that lowered the
                                                                                                             bar for classifying employees as contractors, work-
                                                                                                             ers who are not covered by federal minimum wage
                                                                                                             laws  and  are  not  entitled  to  benefits  including
                                                               Mr. Leroy Nevington Delano Abraham            health insurance and paid sick days. The reaction
                    Ivan Augustin Arndell                     was born on July 2nd 1945 and  passed away on October   in markets for major gig companies was immedi-
                                                                                3rd 2022.                    ate. Shares of of the ride-hailing companies Lyft
              Left to mourn this tremendous loss:             Cremation took place privately in accordance with his   and Uber tumbled about 8%, although both com-
                                                              wishes.                                        panies dismissed the significance of the new pro-
              Daughter:                                                                                      posal and its potential to affect their business.
              Nancy Arndell                                   A memorial service will be organized at a later date.
                                                              Date of funeral will be announced later        Misclassifying workers as independent contractors
              Son:                                                                                           denies those workers protections under federal la-
              Jason Arndell                                                                                  bor standards, promotes wage theft, allows certain
                                                                                                             employers to gain an unfair advantage over busi-
              Sister:                                                                                        nesses, and hurts the economy, the Labor Depart-
              Reinita Arndell St Jago & family                                                               ment.
                                                                                                             "While independent contractors have an important
              Brothers:                                                                                      role in our economy, we have seen in many cases
              Raymond Arndell & family                                                                       that employers misclassify their employees as in-
              Ricardo William & family                                                                       dependent contractors, particularly among our na-
              Fernando William & family                                                                      tion's most vulnerable workers," said Secretary of
              Grandchildren:                                                                                 Labor Marty Walsh in a prepared statement.
              Nathaniel Collins
              Nathalia Collins                                                                               The Labor Department argued that the Trump ad-
                                                              “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada  ministration rule did not comport with the 1938
                                                              Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.
              Best friend:                                    E ta hibami na awa trankil,                    Fair Labor Standards Act and decades of case law
              George Cranston                                 Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                       applying it. One key change that could affect app-
                                                              Salmo: 23                                      based companies is a requirement that employers
              Members and ex-members of Aruba Golf Club       Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa fayecimento   consider whether the employee's work is an inte-
              He was related to: Barry, Brown, William, Viotty,   di:                                        gral part of their business. The Trump-era rule had
              Arndell, St Jago, Richardson, Gomez, Geerman,                                                  narrowed that criteria to whether the work is part
              Jowett, Violinus & Collins                                                                     of an integrated unit of production, and gave more
                                                                                                             weight to two other considerations: the degree of
              Hereby  would  like  to  invite  all  friends  and                                             control by the employer over the worker and the
              relatives to join us as we say farewell on Thursday                                            worker's opportunity make a profit profit or loss.
              October 13th, 2022, from 2pm until 4pm at the
              Pray  Funeral  Home  in  San  Nicolaas  and  then                                              The new rule directs employers to consider the to-
              he will be laid to rest at the Central cemetery in                                             tality of five criteria traditionally used to determine
              Sabana Basora.                                                                                 whether  a  worker  is  an  independent  contractor,
                                                                                                             without  predetermining  whether  one  outweighs
              We apologize if we forgot to mention any family                                                the other. Those criteria also include the degree of
              or friends in our time of bereavement.                                                         permanence of the relationship between a worker
                                                                                                             and the employer and the amount of skill required
                                                                                                             for the job.
                                                                                                             Wedbush analyst Dan Ives said the proposal would
                                                                                                             constitute  a  major  change  for  workers  and  em-
                                                                                                             ployers from previous years.

                                                                           Pedro Kelly                       "A  classification  to  employees  would  essentially
                                                                         *29-04-1928 - †10-10-2022           throw the business model upside down and cause
                                                                                                             some major structural changes if this holds," Ives
                                                              Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues       wrote.
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