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                                                                                                       sports Diaranson 12 october 2022

                           Clubs invited to get FIFA money from $209M World Cup fund

            GENEVA  (AP)  —  Soccer
            clubs  around  the  world  FIFA  said  more  than  400
            were  invited  by  FIFA  clubs playing in 63 different
            on  Tuesday  to  apply  for  member countries were paid
            money  from  a  fund  of  shares from the $209 million
            $209  million  set  aside  for  fund allocated from the 2018
            teams that release players  World     Cup    commercial
            for this year’s World Cup  revenues.
            in Qatar.
                                         The “Club Benefits Program”
            Clubs  get  paid  a  daily  rate  was created in a 2008 deal for
            —  which  FIFA  estimates  at  FIFA to recognize the newly
            about $10,000 — for as long  launched  ECA  as  a  more
            as  832  players  selected  for  democratic  representative  of
            the 32 rosters are on national  teams’ interests.
            team  duty  ahead  of  and
            during the tournament.       European  teams  typically
                                         employ  about  75%  of  the
            The preparation period starts  players who go to the World
            Nov. 14 and the tournament  Cup.
            ends on Dec. 18.
                                         FIFA  paid  $40  million  into
            The  $209  million  fund,  the  fund  for  players  who   about  50%  more  players  by the United States, Canada  Chelsea got the biggest share
            agreed  to  by  FIFA  and  the  went to the 2010 World Cup   in  an  expanded  48-team  and Mexico.                 of  5.1  million  euros  ($5
            European Club Association in  in  South  Africa,  and  it  was   tournament.                                        million) from the Euro 2020
            2015, also rewards clubs who  $70  million  four  years  later                         A  similar  payment  scheme  fund,  which  also  rewarded
            helped  develop  World  Cup  for the tournament in Brazil.  FIFA’s   revenue    from  is  run  by  UEFA  for  the  clubs  whose  players  were
            players. Each player’s share of                           sponsorship,  ticket  sales  and  European   Championship,  called  up  for  qualifying
            the fund is distributed among  Clubs are set to get a bigger   corporate  hospitality  is  also  which was worth 200 million  games.
            the clubs he played for in the  share  from  the  2026  World   set to rise sharply for the 2026  euros ($194 million) for the
            past two years.              Cup,    which   will   have   edition, which will be hosted  tournament played last year.

                                Raiders fall short of finally beating AFC West nemesis

            KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP)                                                                  to 38 in a row.              from this. We competed hard
            —  The  Las  Vegas  Raid-                                                                                           tonight.”
            ers  were  oh-so-close  to                                                             It still wasn’t enough to beat
            finally getting the best of                                                            Chiefs coach Andy Reid, who  The frustration was still evi-
            the Kansas City Chiefs on                                                              improved to 16-3 against the  dent  as  the  Raiders  left  the
            Monday night.                                                                          Raiders since arriving in Kan-  field, though. Adams roughly
                                                                                                   sas City, or Mahomes, who is  pushed what appeared to be a
            Then the replay showed close                                                           8-1 in his career against them.  member of the camera crew
            wasn’t good enough.                                                                                                 to  the  ground  as  he  headed
                                                                                                   “Congratulate  the  Chiefs.  up  the  Arrowhead  Stadium
            Frantically trying to rally his                                                        They  made  a  few  more  tunnel to the locker room.
            team  in  the  final  minute,                                                          plays  than  we  did,”  Raiders
            Derek  Carr  threw  a  pretty                                                          coach  Josh  McDaniels  said.  The loss kept the Raiders in
            pass  down  the  sideline  to                                                          “I  thought  our  team  really  last  place  in  the  AFC  West,
            Davante Adams, who already                                                             battled,  played  the  way  we  a  game  behind  Denver  and
            had  hauled  in  touchdown                                                             wanted to play, to get in front,  well behind the Chiefs, who
            catches  of  58  and  48  yards.                                                       play from ahead. Give Andy  are  aiming  for  their  seventh
            The  standout  wide  receiver   season.                   rest  of  the  Raiders  defense   and his team a lot of credit.  consecutive  division  title.
            made the grab with less than                              held  the  vastly  improved   They fought back; we knew  They have next week off be-
            a minute to go, not only giv-  “It sucks, what our record is.  Kansas City ground game in   they would. We thought they  fore  facing  the  Texans  on
            ing the Raiders a first down   We’ve earned that,” said Carr,  check.                  would  and  figured  it  would  Oct.  23,  the  start  of  a  four-
            but  putting  them  in  field-  who fell to 1-8 at Arrowhead                           be a four-quarter game. They  game stretch against non-di-
            goal range position.         Stadium.  “I  just  keep  rein-  Daniel  Carlson  was  once   were able to make one more  vision  opponents  that  could
                                         forcing: We have a good team.  again  perfect  on  three  field-  play  than  we  did.  So,  give  allow them to climb back in
            But  almost  immediately  the   I’ve been on some teams that  goal tries, running his streak   them credit. We’ll learn a lot  the race.
            call  went  to  a  video  review,   aren’t  as  good  as  this  one.
            and it clearly showed Adams   We’re doing the right things.”
            bobbled the ball as he stepped
            on the white chalk. The ball   They  did  most  of  the  way
            went  back  to  the  Las  Vegas   Monday night, too.
            side of the field, and an ensu-
            ing  fourth-and-1  throw  was   Josh  Jacobs  followed  a  ca-
            incomplete.                  reer-best  144  yards  rushing
                                         and  two  touchdowns  in  last
            Final score: Chiefs 30, Raid-  week’s  win  over  Denver  by
            ers 29.                      running for 154 and a score
                                         against  the  Chiefs.  Adams
            It was the fourth consecutive   made  a  mockery  of  almost
            loss to the Raiders’ nemesis,   everybody who covered him.
            and their ninth in their last 10   Maxx Crosby kept harassing
            meetings.  They  are  1-4  this   Patrick  Mahomes,  and  the
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