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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 12 october 2022

                                                                       More missiles, drones strike Ukraine,

                                                                                        alarms keep up fear

                                                            concentrated  most  of  its  firepower  during  the  7  At least five of the victims were in Kyiv, Mayor Vi-
                                                            1/2-month war in eastern and southern Ukraine,  tali Klitschko said. More than 300 cities and towns
                                                            and Ukrainian officials said the previous day's dif-  lost power, from the capital to Lviv on the border
                                                            fuse strikes on power plants and civilian areas made  with Poland.
                                                            no "practical military sense."                   Beside the usual sirens, a new type of loud alarm
                                                            However, Putin's supporters had urged the Krem-  that  blared  automatically  from  mobile  phones
            KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Russian forces show-       lin for weeks to take more drastic steps in Ukraine  jolted Kyiv residents early Tuesday. A text message
            ered  Ukraine  with  more  missiles  and  mu-   and  actively  criticized  the  Russian  military  for  a  warning of the possibility of missile strikes accom-
            nition-carrying  drones  Tuesday  after  wide-  series  of  embarrassing  battlefield  setbacks.  Pro-  panied the caustic-sounding alert.
            spread strikes killed at least 19 people in what  Kremlin  pundits  lauded  Monday's  attack  as  an  A  spokesperson  for  the  office  of  the  U.N.  High
            the  U.N.  human  rights  office  described  as  appropriate  and  long-awaited  response  to  Kyiv's  Commissioner  for  Human  Rights  said  Tuesday
            a  "particularly  shocking"  attack  that  could  recently  successful  counteroffensives,  and  many  that  strikes  on  "civilian  objects,"  including  infra-
            amount to war crimes.                           of them argued that Moscow should keep up the  structure such as power plants, could qualify as a
                                                            intensity in order to win the war.               war crime.
            Air raid warnings extended throughout the country
            for a second straight morning. Ukrainian officials  The  bombardment  Tuesday  struck  both  power  Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov addressed
            advised residents to conserve energy and stock up  plants and civilian areas, just as Monday's attacks  the issue Tuesday, saying Moscow would only re-
            on water after strikes in the capital and 12 other  did.  One  person  was  killed  when  12  missiles  sort  to  that  if  the  Russian  state  faced  imminent
            regions the previous day caused widespread power  slammed into public facilities in the southern city  destruction. Speaking on state TV, he accused the
            outages and pierced the relative calm that had re-  of Zaporizhzhia, setting off a large fire, the State  West  of  encouraging  false  speculation  about  the
            turned to Kyiv and many other cities far from the  Emergency  Service  said.  A  local  official  said  the  Kremlin's intentions.
            war's front lines.                              missiles  hit  a  school,  residential  buildings  and
            Ukrainian  President  Volodymyr  Zelenskyy  ad-  medical facilities.
            dressed the leaders of the Group of Seven indus-
            trial powers by videoconference Tuesday. After the  Energy  facilities  in  the  western  Lviv  and  Vinnit-
            meeting, the G-7 leaders said their countries "will  sya regions also took hits. Although officials said
            stand firmly with Ukraine for as long as it takes."  Ukrainian forces shot down an inbound Russian
                                                            missile before it reached Kyiv, the capital region ex-
            Russia  launched  the  widespread  attacks  in  re-  perienced rolling power outages as a result of the
            taliation for a weekend explosion that damaged a  previous day's deadly strikes.
            bridge  linking  the  country  to  the  Crimean  Pen-  The governor of the Mykolaiv region, Vitaliy Kim,
            insula, which Moscow annexed from Ukraine in  urged  residents  to  remain  in  bomb  shelters  as
            2014. Russian President Vladimir Putin alleged the  "there are enough missiles still in the air."
            Ukrainian special services masterminded the Sat-  The State Emergency Service said 19 people died
            urday attack on the Kerch Bridge. Russia has has  and 105 people were wounded in Monday's strikes.

                         UN flight from rebel-held Yemen capital returns 129 migrants

            CAIRO (AP) — The U.N.                                                                                               than 40,000 migrants landed
            returned  129  Ethiopian                                                                                            on  Yemen's  shores  this  year
            migrants     stranded    in                                                                                         so far, a third of them women
            war-torn  Yemen  to  their                                                                                          and children. Those arriving
            homeland  Tuesday  in  its                                                                                          are  mostly  fleeing  enduring
            first  humanitarian  repa-                                                                                          conflicts,  famine  and  au-
            triation  flight  to  depart                                                                                        thoritarian governments that
            from the rebel-held capi-                                                                                           have  long  gripped  several
            tal of Sanaa this year.                                                                                             countries across the Horn of
                                                                                                                                Africa, including Somalia and
            The  United  Nations'  Inter-                                                                                       Ethiopia.
            national  Organization  for
            Migration  has  facilitated  the                                                                                    Ethiopia  has  been  rocked
            voluntary  return  of  more                                                                                         by  conflict  since  November
            than  1,  800  mostly  East  Af-                                                                                    2020, following a dispute be-
            rican  migrants  from  Yemen                                                                                        tween the Ethiopian govern-
            this  year.  However,  all  of                                                                                      ment and the Tigrayan rebel
            2022's  previous  returnees                                                                                         forces over control of north-
            flew from airports controlled                                                                                       ern Tigray.
            by  Yemen's  internationally
            recognized  government  in                                                                                          The majority of Yemen's East
            the cities of Aden and Marib.                                                                                       African  migrants  first  ar-
                                                                                                                                rive in Djibouti before being
            The migration agency said in                                                                                        packed into small boats by a
            a  news  release  Tuesday  that  travel  north  to  neighboring  power.                bloody  civil  war  after  a  six-  network of people smugglers.
            many  of  the  passengers  on  Saudi  Arabia,  although  few                           month cessation of front-line  In  recent  years,  many  have
            the voluntary flight from Sa-  have completed the journey.  In  trying  to  traverse  the  fighting. The regional proxy  drowned trying to make the
            naa to Adis Ababa were unac-                              country, African migrants are  war  between  Saudi  Arabia  crossing,  with  rights  groups
            companied minors and indi-   Yemen's  ruinous  conflict  regularly caught in the cross-  and Iran has killed in excess  accusing smugglers of throw-
            viduals  with  medical  condi-  began  in  2014  when  Iran-  fire.  They  are  often  killed,  of 150,000 people, according  ing people overboard.
            tions.                       backed  Houthi  rebel  forces  detained  or  forcibly  enlisted  to the Armed Conflict Loca-
                                         seized Sanaa. A Saudi Arabia-  as  fighters  by  Yemeni's  war-  tion  &  Event  Data  Project,  The  U.N.  agency  said  it
            Some 43,800 mostly East Af-  led  coalition  including  the  ring factions.            turning  Yemen  into  one  of  plans to help a further 5,000
            rican migrants are thought to  United Arab Emirates inter-                             the world's worst humanitar-  stranded  migrants  in  Yemen
            be  stranded  in  Yemen.  Vir-  vened the next year to try to  The failure to extend Yemen's  ian crises.           voluntarily  return  home  to
            tually all arrived in the war-  restore  the  internationally  nationwide  truce  Oct.  2  has                      three locations in the coming
            ravaged country intending to  recognized  government  to  threatened  to  reignite  the  According to the IOM, more  months.
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