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A30     world news
               Diaranson 12 october 2022

                        Germany struggles to find housing for more than 1M refugees

            BERLIN (AP) — The Ger-                                                                                              six months and also intensify
            man government pledged                                                                                              controls  to  the  Czech  Re-
            Tuesday  to  provide  more                                                                                          public.
            support  to  cities  and                                                                                            The  move  comes  after  Aus-
            towns struggling to house                                                                                           tria and the Czech Republic
            the more than 1.1 million                                                                                           introduced  temporary  bor-
            refugees  and  migrants                                                                                             der  controls  to  Slovakia  last
            who  have  arrived  in  the                                                                                         month to keep migrants from
            country  this  year,  mostly                                                                                        entering their countries.
            from  war-torn  Ukraine
            but  also  other  countries                                                                                         Germany, Austria, the Czech
            such as Syria and Afghani-                                                                                          Republic and Slovakia all be-
            stan.                                                                                                               long to the European Union's
                                                                                                                                visa-free  Schengen  zone,
            After meeting with state and                                                                                        where  residents  of  member
            local  officials,  Interior  Min-                                                                                   nations  typically  can  cross
            ister Nancy Faeser said while                                                                                       borders  without  presenting
            the  government  already  al-                                                                                       passports  or  visas.  However,
            located federal real estate for                                                                                     Schengen countries have ad-
            tens of thousands of refugees                                                                                       opted temporary border con-
            earlier this year, it would im-                                                                                     trols  in  the  past  for  various
            mediately  provide  additional                                                                                      reasons,  including  to  curb
            property  for  about  4,000                                                                                         illegal migration and to pre-
            refugees  to  ease  the  current                                                                                    vent the spread of the coro-
            housing  crisis.  Faeser  also  tacked  the  eastern  European  to  reach  Germany  via  the  lum in Germany.       navirus.
            promised  financial  support  country  on  Feb.  24.  About  so-called  Balkans  migration
            but did not give any concrete  a third of them are children  route.                    The  figures  for  asylum  ap-  Germany  also  sharply  criti-
            figures.                     and teenagers, and more than  As of the end of September,  plications  in  2022  are  much  cized  Serbia  —  which  is  an
                                         70  percent  of  the  adults  are  134,908  people  had  applied  lower than the total number  EU  candidate  country  but
            Several  cities  have  recently  women.                   for  asylum  in  Germany  in  of refugees because Ukraini-  not a member yet — for its
            started  putting  up  tents  and                          2022. That is around a third  ans can enter Germany with-  visa-free  regime  with  some
            turned  convention  centers  While  the  interior  minis-  more than in the same period  out a visa and do not need to  non-EU  countries.  Citizens
            into temporary accommoda-    ter  stressed  that  Germany  last  year,  according  to  fig-  apply for asylum.      from India, for example, are
            tion  as  regular  migrant  cen-  was ready to welcome more  ures from the Federal Office                           increasingly flying to Serbia,
            ters have become overcrowd-  Ukrainians  despite  the  dif-  for Migration and Refugees.  In an effort to keep other mi-  where  they  don't  need  vi-
            ed.                          ficult  housing  situation,  she  However,  it's  still  a  far  call  grants from crossing into the  sas unlike for EU countries,
                                         struck  a  significantly  differ-  from  2015-16,  when  more  country, the interior minister  and then trying to cross into
            More  than  1  million  people  ent  tone  regarding  asylum-  than 1 million migrants from  said  Germany would extend  wealthier  western  European
            have entered Germany from  seekers  from  other  coun-    countries like Syria, Iraq and  and  increase  its  border  con-  countries  via  the  Balkans
            Ukraine  since  Russia  at-  tries,  especially  those  trying  Afghanistan  applied  for  asy-  trols  to  Austria  for  another  route.

                        Thunberg: Coal worse than keeping German nuclear plants on

            BERLIN (AP) — Climate  ment  with  her  solo  protests  Thunberg responded: "If we  plants to ensure energy sup-
            activist  Greta  Thunberg  outside  the  Swedish  parlia-  have them already running, I  plies following Russia's deci-
            says it would be "a mistake"  ment  in  2018,  told  German  feel that it's a mistake to close  sion to cut natural gas deliv-
            for Germany to switch off  public broadcaster ARD that  them down in order to focus  eries to Europe.
            its  nuclear  power  plants  it was "a very bad idea to fo-  on coal."                 Environmental activists warn
            if that means the country  cus on coal when this (nucle-  Pressed  by  program  host  that Germany risks defaulting
            must  burn  more  planet-    ar power) is already in place."  Sandra   Maischberger   on  on its climate goals by burn-
            heating coal.                But she acknowledged in the  whether she thought the nu-  ing  more  fossil  fuels,  while
                                         interview, which will be aired  clear plants should be closed  conservative  lawmakers  say
            The  German  government  is  Wednesday,  that  there  was  a  down as soon as possible af-  the  government  should  use
            still  debating  the  future  of  strong  debate  over  the  issue  ter the current energy crunch  all available means to gener-
            its nuclear plants, long set to  in Germany.              passes, Thunberg said "it de-  ate  energy  given  the  tense
            be shut down this year, given                             pends.  We  don't  know  what  supply  situation  and  high
            the specter of a looming en-  Asked  whether  it  would  be  will happen after this."  prices.
            ergy crisis due to the war in  better  for  the  planet  if  Ger-  The 19-year-old's comments  Thunberg's  nuclear  com-
            Ukraine.  Thunberg, who in-  many keeps its three remain-  come  as  Germany's  three-  ments  were  welcomed  by
            spired a youth climate move-  ing  nuclear  plants  going,  party  governing  coalition  libertarians  and  right-wing  of using clean hydrogen and
                                                                      argues  over  the  possibility  German politicians who have  that  it's  boosting  wind  and
                                                                      of  suspending  the  country's  previously  been  dismissive  solar power production.
                                                                      nuclear phaseout.            or sharply critical of her ac-  Thunberg  noted  that  politi-
                                                                      Economy  Minister  Robert  tivism.  The  teenager,  who  cians in some countries, such
                                                                      Habeck,  a  member  of  the  is  currently  finishing  high  as Sweden, are averse to sug-
                                                                      anti-nuclear Green party, has  school,  said  Germany's  de-  gesting  that  people  should
                                                                      said keeping the reactors run-  cision  to  rely  on  coal  plants  save energy, even though this
                                                                      ning would do little to tackle  showed "what happens when  could lower prices.
                                                                      a gas shortage.              you are too addicted to these  "I  know  that  in  Germany
                                                                      He  recently  suggested  that  kinds of fossil fuels."    people are talking about sav-
                                                                      two  of  the  plants  could  ex-  She slammed plans to invest  ing  energy,"  she  said.  "But
                                                                      ceptionally   operate   until  in new fossil fuel infrastruc-  in  Sweden  it's  completely
                                                                      April  but  opposes  running  ture and said the focus should  prohibited  to  talk  about  us-
                                                                      them  longer  for  safety  rea-  instead  be  on  expanding  re-  ing less energy really, because
                                                                      sons.  Habeck  has  separately  newable energy. The German  then people say, 'Oh no, this
                                                                      approved  reactivating  sev-  government  insists  that  new  is communism and so on.' So
                                                                      eral coal and oil-fired power  gas  plants  must  be  capable  it's completely insane."
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