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A32     sports
               Diaranson 12 october 2022

                             Astros’ Phil Maton out for playoffs after punching locker

                                                                      The  Astros  announced  ear-  deadline, had a 3.27 ERA in  utility player Trey Mancini, a
                                                                      lier Tuesday that Maton and  24  appearances  for  Houston  six-year veteran acquired this
                                                                      another veteran reliever, Will  this season. Maton had a 3.84  summer from Baltimore.
                                                                      Smith, had been left off the  ERA in 67 games.
                                                                      roster  for  the  AL  Division                            Houston  will  carry  two
                                                                      Series against Seattle.      The Astros put rookie right-  catchers, eight infielders and
                                                                                                   hander Hunter Brown on an  four  outfielders  against  Se-
                                                                      The 29-year-old Maton gave  ALDS roster with 12 pitchers  attle.
                                                                      up two hits, including a sin-  and carried an extra position
                                                                      gle to younger brother Nick  player — rookie infielder Da-  The Mariners went with the
                                                                      Maton,  and  two  runs  while  vid Hensley.               same  roster  they  used  for
                                                                      recording  one  out  in  the                              the  wild-card  series.  They
                                                                      eighth  inning  of  Houston’s  The rest of Houston’s pitch-  will  carry  12  pitchers,  three
                                                                      3-2 win over Philadelphia last  ers  are  Justin  Verlander,  catchers, five infielders, four
                                                                      Wednesday.                   Framber  Valdez,  Lance  Mc-  outfielders  and  utility  play-
                                                                                                   Cullers Jr., Luis Garcia, Jose  ers Adam Frazier and Dylan
                                                                      “I  was  upset  with  how  my  Urquidy,  Cristian  Javier,  Moore.
                                                                      outing went, and it’s kind of  Ryne  Stanek,  Ryan  Pressly,
                                                                      shortsighted  and  ultimately  Bryan  Abreu,  Rafael  Mon-  Their  pitching  staff  for  this
            HOUSTON  (AP)  —  As-        and will miss the postsea-   selfish  and  it’s  one  of  those  tero and Hector Neris.  series includes Logan Gilbert,
            tros  reliever  Phil  Maton  son.                         things  that  I  hope  doesn’t                            Luis  Castillo,  Diego  Cas-
            revealed    Tuesday    that                               affect  our  team  moving  for-  Brown,  Hensley,  Montero  tillo,  Matthew  Boyd,  Matt
            he  broke  his  right  pinkie  Maton  had  surgery  Monday  ward,” Maton said Tuesday.  and  Neris  are  making  their  Festa,  Matt  Brash,  George
            when he punched a locker  to repair the fractured finger                               playoff  debuts  as  are  rookie  Kirby,  Andres  Munoz,  Penn
            in frustration after Hous-   on his pitching hand.        Smith,  who  was  acquired  shortstop  Jeremy  Pena,  in-  Murfee,  Robbie  Ray,  Paul
            ton’s regular-season finale                               from the Braves at the trade  fielder Mauricio Dubon and  Sewald and Erik Swanson.

              Durant, Irving, Nets seek redemption after

                                         messy 2021-22

             NEW YORK (AP) — Kev-        you better,” Durant said. “So,  a  herniated  disk  in  his  back
             in  Durant,  Kyrie  Irving  I’m banking on that. I’ve got  that required surgery.
             and Ben Simmons supply  faith in that.”
             the  talent.  Embarrass-                                 He  provides  the  defensive
             ment  provides  the  moti-  Perhaps  that’s  why  Durant  expertise  the  Nets  have  so
             vation.                     ultimately  dropped  his  re-  clearly  lacked.  It  may  take
                                         quest to be dealt and agreed  time on the other end of the
             The  Brooklyn  Nets  know  to  move  forward  in  Brook-  floor — Simmons committed
             they  made  a  monumental  lyn,  where  he  is  about  to  six turnovers in 25 minutes of
             mess of the 2021-22 season,  start the four-year extension  a preseason game against Mi-  mandated in New York City.  they  shouldn’t  surpass  the
             turning a championship con-  he  signed  last  summer.  Or  ami. But even without shoot-  The mandate has since been  44 wins and No. 7 seed they
             tender into a first-round flop.  maybe it’s simply because he  ing much he could be an ide-  lifted.               settled for last season, though
             Durant  was  so  discouraged  knew  the  Nets  were  never  al  playmaker  flanked  by  the                        it’s unclear if they can be as
             he asked to be traded, Irving  going to find a trade accept-  outside  shooting  of  Durant,  The Nets then opted not to  good as the Boston team that
             so unreliable he didn’t get a  able to them, so he needed to  who averaged a franchise-re-  offer him the four-year con-  swept them, or other Eastern
             contract beyond this season.  accept that he was staying.  cord  29.9  points  last  season,  tract for which he was eligi-  Conference contenders such
                                                                      and  3-point  specialists  Joe  ble, leaving open the possibil-  as  Milwaukee,  Miami  and
             They’re  back  together  now,  That  means  the  Nets  still  Harris and Seth Curry.  ity that this could be Irving’s  Philadelphia.
             so  don’t  count  out  Brook-  have  a  roster  that  can  chase                      final  season  in  Brooklyn.  If
             lyn.  Especially  because  the  a  championship.  Simmons  Then  there’s  Irving,  who  so, he wants it to be nothing  Irving,  perhaps  in  a  nod  to
             fuel Durant describes may be  is finally set to play again af-  should be on the floor much  like 2021-22.         the  Nets’  unpredictability,
             more  powerful  than  poten-  ter sitting out all last season,  more  after  playing  only  29                     won’t make any forecasts.
             tial.                       first  in  Philadelphia  because  games  last  season.  He  was  “I  don’t  want  to  have  any
                                         of  mental  health  reasons,  unavailable  for  almost  all  doubts,  or  any  regrets,”  Ir-  “Just going to let our actions
             “A year of us looking in the  then in Brooklyn — after be-  Brooklyn’s  home  games  be-  ving said.               lead,” he said. “We’ve talked
             mirror, like, we (messed) up  ing acquired in the swap for  cause  he  isn’t  vaccinated  Maybe  the  Nets  won’t.  If  enough.”
             as a team and that only makes  James Harden — because of  against  COVID-19,  as  was  healthy,  there’s  no  reason

                           World Cup worry for Argentina as Di María exits Juve game

            HAIFA, Israel (AP) — Ar-     immediately  provide  details
            gentina  has  another  in-   of Di María’s status.        Argentina,  one of the favor-
            jury concern ahead of the                                 ites  for  the  tournament  in
            World  Cup  after  Ángel  It comes days after fellow Ar-  Qatar,  opens  against  Saudi
            Di María exited Juventus’  gentina  international  Paulo  Arabia  on  Nov.  22  and  also
            Champions  League  game  Dybala  was  injured  while  faces  Mexico  and  Poland  in
            at Maccabi Haifa on Tues-    playing for Roma.            Group C.
                                         Lionel Messi has a slight calf  Di  María  provided  all  three
            Di  María  was  running  for  a  injury  and  was  unavailable  assists  when  Juventus  beat
            ball in the first half when he  for  Paris  Saint-Germain’s  Haifa 3-1 last week.
            pulled  up  grasping  the  back  game  against  Benfica  in  the
            of his right thigh and winc-  Champions League on Tues-
            ing in pain. Juventus did not  day.
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