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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 26 July 2024
            Biden signs bill strengthening oversight of crisis-plagued U.S.

            Bureau of Prisons after AP reporting

            By  MICHAEL  R.  SISAK  and                                                                                         a  corrective  action  plan
            MICHAEL BALSAMO                                                                                                     within 60 days.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Last year, Inspector General
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-                                                                                            Michael Horowitz launched
            dent  Joe  Biden  signed                                                                                            an  unannounced  inspec-
            into  law  on  Thursday  a  bill                                                                                    tion  program  of  federal
            strengthening  oversight  of                                                                                        prison  facilities  that  identi-
            the  crisis-plagued  federal                                                                                        fied  critical  shortcomings,
            Bureau  of  Prisons  after  re-                                                                                     including  staff  shortages
            porting  by  The  Associated                                                                                        in  health  and  education
            Press exposed systemic cor-                                                                                         programs,  crumbling  infra-
            ruption, failures and abuse                                                                                         structure,  and  moldy  and
            in the federal prison system.                                                                                       rotten food being served to
            The  Federal  Prison  Over-                                                                                         inmates.
            sight Act, which passed the                                                                                         The oversight bill “recogniz-
            Senate on July 10 and the                                                                                           es the importance of our in-
            House  in  May,  establishes                                                                                        spection program,” Horow-
            an  independent  ombuds-                                                                                            itz  said.  “We  look  forward
            man to field and investigate                                                                                        to working with Congress to
            complaints  in  the  wake  of                                                                                       expand its impact.”
            sexual  assaults  and  other                                                                                        Peters  said  the  bill  “really
            criminal  misconduct  by                                                                                            enhances”  what  the  in-
            staff, chronic understaffing,                                                                                       spector  general  has  been
            escapes  and  high-profile   President Joe Biden pauses as he concludes his address to the nation from the Oval Office of the   doing,  while  also  enabling
            deaths.It  also  requires  that   White House in Washington, Wednesday, July 24, 2024, about his decision to drop his Democratic   the agency to collect data
            the  Justice  Department’s   presidential reelection bid.                                          Associated Press  and  spot  problems  more
            inspector general conduct                                                                                           quickly.  “We’ll  be  seeing
            risk-based inspections of all  to  the  additional  oversight  Bureau of Prisons, much of  dependent  federal  prison  more  unannounced  visits
            122 federal prison facilities,  and make that meaningful,  it uncovered by AP report-  ombudsman would collect  from  the  inspector  gener-
            provide  recommendations  long-lasting change.”           ing.  Reps.  Kelly  Armstrong,  complaints via a secure ho-  al,”  Peters  told  the  House
            to   address   deficiencies  Sen.  Jon  Ossoff,  D-Ga.,  in-  R-N.D.,  and  Lucy  McBath,  tline  and  online  form  and  subcommittee.
            and  assign  each  facility  troduced  the  oversight  bill  D-Ga.,  backed  the  House  then investigate and report  “And  then  I  think  the  om-
            a  risk  score.  Higher-risk  fa-  in  2022  while  leading  an  version of the bill.  to  the  attorney  general  budsman  position  is  very
            cilities  would  then  receive  investigation of the Bureau  “The  human  rights  crisis  and  Congress  dangerous  powerful  as  well,  for  it  to
            more frequent inspections.   of  Prisons  as  chair  of  the  behind  bars  in  the  United  conditions  affecting  the  have  a  place  where  indi-
            Bureau  of  Prisons  Director  Senate  Homeland  Security  States  is  a  stain  on  Ameri-  health, safety, welfare and  viduals  can  bring  forward
            Colette  Peters  lauded  the  Committee’s  subcommit-     ca’s  conscience,”  Ossoff  rights of inmates and staff.  complaints and somebody
            bill  as  she  testifying  before  tee on investigations.  said  in  a  statement  thank-  Along  with  inspecting  pris-  is there to ensure that those
            Congress  this  week.  But,  Ossoff  and  the  bill’s  two  ing the bill’s other sponsors.  on  facilities,  the  legislation  complaints  are  asked  and
            she told the House Judicia-  other  sponsors,  Judiciary  “The  United  States  Con-   requires the Justice Depart-  answered.”
            ry Subcommittee on Crime  Committee Chair Sen. Dick  gress  will  no  longer  toler-   ment’s  inspector  general  Biden  signed  a  separate
            and  Federal  Government  Durbin, D-Ill., and Sens. Mike  ate the ongoing and wide-    to  report  any  findings  and  Ossoff  bill  into  law  in  De-
            Surveillance that the agen-  Braun, R-Ind., launched the  spread abuse of those who  recommendations  to  Con-      cember  2022  requiring  the
            cy will need tens of millions  Senate Bipartisan Prison Pol-  are  in  Federal  Bureau  of  gress  and  the  public.  The  Bureau of Prisons to fix bro-
            of dollars in additional fund-  icy Working Group in Febru-  Prisons’ custody.”        Bureau  of  Prisons  would  ken  surveillance  cameras
            ing “to effectively respond  ary 2022 amid turmoil at the  Under the legislation, an in-  then need to respond with  and install new ones. q

              Harris says she’s ready to debate Trump and accuses him of

              ‘backpedaling’ from Sept. 10 faceoff

              By JOSH BOAK and CHRIS  Andrews following a trip to  News host a debate.
              MEGERIAN                    Indiana and Texas.          Alex Conant, a Republican
              Associated Press            The  Sept.  10  debate  was  consultant,  said  the  de-
              WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice  one  of  two  debates  that  bate could be “decisive.”
              President  Kamala  Harris  President  Joe  Biden  and  “It’s the only time voters re-
              told  reporters  on  Thursday  Trump  had  agreed  on.  ally tune in,” he said.
              that  she’s  “ready  to  de-  The first one was hosted by  This  year’s  campaign  has
              bate Donald Trump.”         CNN on June 27, but Biden  already shown the poten-
              She accused him of “back-   has  since  dropped  out  of  tial  power  of  a  debate.
              pedaling”  away  from  a  the  race  and  endorsed  Biden’s  disastrous  perfor-
              previous  agreement  for  Harris as his successor.      mance on June 27 revived
              a  debate  hosted  by  ABC  Trump  has  said  he  would  concerns that he was too
              News on Sept. 10.           prefer  to  shift  the  debate  old for a second term. His
              “I think the voters deserve  to Fox News, but he would  support  within  the  Demo-
              to see the split screen that  be  willing  to  face  off  with  cratic Party crumbled, and   Vice  President  Kamala  Harris  boards  Air  Force  Two  as  she
                                                                                                   departs  from  Ellington  Airport  in  Houston,  Thursday,  July  25,
              exists  in  this  race  on  the  Harris more than once.  he  ended  his  reelection   2024. Harris is returning to Washington, after delivering remarks
              debate  stage,”  she  said  Harris did not respond to a  bid on Sunday.q             at a teachers’ union event.
              after landing at Joint Base  question about having Fox                                                                      Associated Press
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