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A4   U.S. NEWS
                        Friday 26 July 2024
            Days before a Biden rule against anti-LGBTQ+ bias takes effect,

            judges are narrowing its reach

            By JOHN HANNA                                                                                                       apply to athletics.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    “Yet again a federal court
            TOPEKA,  Kan.  (AP)  —  New                                                                                         has stopped the Biden-Harris
            federal  court  rulings  are                                                                                        administration  from  going
            narrowing the Biden admin-                                                                                          around Congress to imple-
            istration’s enforcement of a                                                                                        ment a ridiculous, nonsensi-
            rule for protecting LGBTQ+                                                                                          cal, and illegal election-year
            students  from  discrimina-                                                                                         move,”  Arkansas  Attorney
            tion and allowing critics to                                                                                        General  Tim  Griffith  said  in
            limit it even further school by                                                                                     a statement. “And it comes
            school.                                                                                                             just in time before the start of
            A federal judge in Missouri                                                                                         the new school year.”
            blocked enforcement of the                                                                                          Moms  for  Liberty  had  told
            rule in six additional states,                                                                                      Broomes in a court filing ear-
            bringing the total to 21. The                                                                                       lier this month that its mem-
            decision  Wednesday  from                                                                                           bers have students in tens of
            Senior  U.S.  District  Judge                                                                                       thousands of schools across
            Rodney Sipple, an appoin-                                                                                           the U.S., many in Democrat-
            tee of President Bill Clinton,                                                                                      ic-led states supporting the
            applies  in  Arkansas,  Iowa,                                                                                       rule. Also, judges in Alabama
            Missouri,  Nebraska,  North                                                                                         and Oklahoma have yet to
            Dakota and South Dakota.                                                                                            rule in lawsuits filed by those
            It comes just a week before                                                                                         states and Florida, Georgia
            the rule is to take effect.  Demonstrators  advocating  for  transgender  rights  and  healthcare  stand  outside  of  the  Ohio   and South Carolina.
            Sipple’s ruling followed one   Statehouse, Jan. 24, 2024, in Columbus, Ohio.                                        The  three  groups  involved
            last  week  by  U.S.  District                                                                     Associated Press  in  the  Kansas  lawsuit  al-
            Judge John Broomes in Kan-   opposing the rule. Broomes,  who joined the group after  ing their privacy and safety  ready  have  submitted  lists
            sas, who blocked enforce-    an  appointee  of  President  his initial July 2 order.   in  bathrooms  and  locker  of about 1,100 schools and
            ment  in  that  state,  Alaska,  Donald  Trump,  gave  one  Republican  officials  seek-  rooms.                    colleges in the U.S. affected
            Utah and Wyoming but also  group,  Moms  for  Liberty,  ing to roll back transgender   They’ve also argued the rule  by  Broomes’  order.  An  AP

            in individual schools and col-  an  extra  week  until  Friday  rights  hailed  Sipple’s  ruling  is a ruse to allow transgen-  analysis shows that 69% are
            leges  across  the  U.S.  with  to submit its list of affected  as a victory for cisgendered  der females to play on girls’  outside the 21 states where
            students or parents who are  schools  and  said  it  could  girls  and  women,  having  and women’s sports teams,  enforcement  already  is
            members  of  three  groups  include  ones  for  members  framed the issue as protect-  but Sipple said it would not  blocked. q

            Massachusetts governor signs bill cracking down on hard-to-trace

            ‘ghost guns’

            By STEVE LeBLANC             health  care  professionals  people  at  schools,  polling  of  our  strong  gun  laws,  District attorneys would be
            Associated Press             and  others  who  interact  locations  and  government  but  there  is  always  more  able  to  prosecute  people
            BOSTON (AP) — Massachu-      regularly  with  people  in  buildings and imposes strict  work  to  be  done  to  keep  who  shoot  at  or  near  resi-
            setts  Gov.  Maura  Healey  crisis  to  petition  a  court  to  penalties for the possession  our communities safe from  dential  homes  under  the
            signed  a  sweeping  gun  suspend  a  person’s  right  of  modification  devices,  violence. This legislation up-   legislation,  which  would
            bill  Thursday  that  support-  to  possess  or  carry  a  gun  such  as  Glock  switches,  dates  our  firearms  laws  in  also ensure that dangerous
            ers say builds on the state’s  to protect themselves and  which supporters of the law  response  to  the  Supreme  people  subject  to  harass-
            existing gun laws, including  others.                     say  convert  an  otherwise  Court’s  misguided  Bruen  ment prevention orders no
            a  crackdown  on  hard  to  The  law  also  prohibits  the  legal firearm into a fully au-  decision,”  said  Healey,  a  longer have access to fire-
            trace  “ghost  guns,”  while  possession  of  firearms  by  tomatic firearm.           Democrat.                    arms.
            safeguarding  the  rights  of  non-law-enforcement  “Massachusetts  is  proud  “It  cracks  down  on  ghost  Gun  rights  advocates  had
            gun owners.                                                                            guns and 3D printed weap-    criticized  the  Massachu-
            The law is part of an effort                                                           ons, which I have long ad-   setts  Senate,  which  ap-
            by the state to respond to                                                             vocated    for,   enhances  proved their version of the
            a 2022 U.S. Supreme Court                                                              our  ability  to  prevent  guns  bill  in  February,  for  failing
            ruling  that  citizens  have                                                           from falling into dangerous  to  hold  a  separate  pub-
            a  right  to  carry  firearms  in                                                      hands,  and  invests  in  our  lic  hearing  given  the  dif-
            public for self-defense.                                                               communities to address the  ferences  between  their
            On  ghost  guns,  the  law                                                             root  causes  of  violence,”  bill  and  the  House  bill  ap-
            toughens    oversight   for                                                            she said.                    proved last year.
            those  who  own  privately                                                             The law also requires those  The new law also expands
            made, unserialized firearms                                                            applying  for  a  license  to  the  definition  of  “assault
            that  are  largely  untrace-                                                           carry  firearms  to  demon-  weapons”     to    include
            able.  In  2022,  the  U.S.  De-                                                       strate  a  basic  understand-  known  assault  weapons
            partment of Justice report-                                                            ing  of  safety  principles  and  other  weapons  that
            ed recovering 25,785 ghost                                                             through  a  standardized  function  like  them  with  re-
            guns in domestic seizures.                                                             exam and live fire training,  spect  to  certain  features.
            The law expands the state’s   A 9mm “ghost gun” pistol build kit with a commercial slide and   and  provides  local  licens-  It  also  prohibits  possession,
            extreme  risk  protective  or-  barrel with a polymer frame is displayed in the Rose Garden of   ing authorities with relevant  transfer or sale of “assault-
            der law  also known as the   the White House, April 11, 2022, in Washington.           mental  health  information  style”  firearms  or  large-ca-
            red flag law  by authorizing                                          Associated Press  of pending applicants.      pacity feeding devices.q
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