Page 6 - aruba-today-20240726
P. 6

                        Friday 26 July 2024
            Ethnic armed groups in Myanmar claim capture of regional

            military headquarters and gem mining center

            By GRANT PECK                                                                                                       ing the earlier Three Brother-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    hood Alliance offensive, but
            BANGKOK  (AP)  —  Ethnic                                                                                            the  Lashio  headquarters  is
            armed  groups  claimed  on                                                                                          more important.
            Thursday to have captured                                                                                           The MNDAA statement said
            two strategically important                                                                                         its claimed capture of Lashio,
            towns in northeastern Myan-                                                                                         about  110  kilometers  (70
            mar:  Lashio,  which  houses                                                                                        miles) south of the Chinese
            the  major  regional  military                                                                                      border, was a “historic victo-
            headquarters, and Mogok,                                                                                            ry.” However, Maj. Gen. Zaw
            the center of the country’s lu-                                                                                     Min Tun, the spokesperson of
            crative gem-mining industry.                                                                                        the  ruling  military  council,
            Their fall would be the big-                                                                                        said  in  a  message  sent  to
            gest in a series of setbacks                                                                                        the  journalists  on  Thursday
            suffered by Myanmar’s mili-                                                                                         that the claims of the cap-
            tary  government  this  year,                                                                                       ture of the military command
            and raises questions about                                                                                          headquarters were untrue.
            whether  the  ruling  military                                                                                      He said the insurgents had
            council could be forced to                                                                                          infiltrated  some  neighbor-
            give up trying to hold con-                                                                                         hoods on the outskirts of the
            tested  territory  in  order  to                                                                                    city, and the army is fighting
            consolidate  a  defense  of   Army officers stand guard as police officers patrol in Lashio, northern Shan State, Myanmar, on   to clear them out.
            the central heartland.       May 29, 2013.                                                         Associated Press  “The loss of Lashio would be
            The ruling military council de-                                                                                     a major strategic blow for the
            nied its Lashio headquarters  National  Democratic  Alli-  ousted the elected govern-  lations  with  both  groups,  regime,” Morgan Michaels,
            had been taken over, and  ance Army, and the TNLA,  ment of Aung San Suu Kyi in  as  well  as  with  the  military  a Singapore-based analyst
            two  town  residents  con-   the Ta’ang National Libera-  2021.                        government, and above all  with the International Institute
            tacted by phone said fight-  tion Army, since late June.  The two armed groups are  seeks  stability  in  Myanmar,  of Strategic Studies who runs
            ing  there  was  continuing.  The MNDAA is a military force  part  of  the  Three  Brother-  which is a strategic ally.  its  Myanmar  Conflict  Map
            Phone contact with Mogok  of the Kokang minority, who  hood  Alliance,  which  last  The MNDAA said in a state-     project, said in an email. “The
            has been cut off, but video  are ethnic Chinese, and the  October launched a surprise  ment published Thursday on  city is home to the Northeast
            posted on social media ap-   TNLA represents the Ta’ang,  offensive that succeeded in  its Facebook page that the  Command and is the junta’s
            peared  to  show  residents  or Palaung, ethnic minority.  seizing large tracts of territory  group had completely cap-  last major line of defense in
            cheering the arrival of ethnic  The groups have been fight-  along  the  northern  border  tured the military’s Northeast  northern  Shan  State.  There
            guerrilla soldiers.          ing for decades for greater  with China. The current round  Command headquarters in  could be about 5,000 regime
            Lashio, the biggest city in the  autonomy from Myanmar’s  of fighting marked an end to  Lashio at 4 a.m. that morn-  defenders in the city, so de-
            northern part of Shan state,  central  government,  and  a January Chinese-brokered  ing, after 23 days of the fight-  pending on what happens
            and Mogok, the ruby-mining  are  loosely  allied  with  the  cease-fire  that  nominally  ing.                      to them – whether they with-
            center in the upper Manda-   People’s Defense Force, or  stopped  that  fighting  be-  The MNDAA had captured a  draw, surrender, or get de-
            lay  region,  have  been  the  PDF, the pro-democracy re-  tween the alliance and the  regional military headquar-  stroyed—that could have an
            targets  of  an  offensive  by  sistance that arose to fight  army for almost six months.  ters in Laukkaing, a key city  impact on the army’s overall
            the MNDAA, the Myanmar  military  rule  after  the  army  Beijing  maintains  close  re-  on the Chinese border, dur-  force posture as well.” q

             NORAD says it tracked Chinese and Russian long-range bombers off Alaska

            BEIJING  (AP)  —  Two  Chi-  response,  their  joint  aero-  mand,  known  as  NORAD,  of the Bering Strait. Russian  area beyond U.S. and Ca-
            nese  and  two  Russian  space command said.              said. China and Russia con-  fighter  jets  and  strategic  nadian  airspace  in  which
            long-range  bombers  were  The  Chinese  and  Russian  firmed  Thursday  that  they  bombers  were  joined  by  those countries require air-
            tracked flying over interna-  military  activity  Wednes-  had  conducted  a  joint  air  Chinese  strategic  bomb-  craft to be identified for na-
            tional  waters  near  Alaska  day  was  not  seen  as  a  patrol over the Bering Sea,  ers  in  the  exercises,  which  tional security reasons.
            and  U.S.  and  Canadian  threat, the North American  which  divides  Russia  and  lasted more than five hours,  A  photo  released  by  the
            fighter jets were sent up in  Aerospace  Defense  Com-    Alaska.                      the ministry said.           Russian  Defense  Ministry
                                                                      “NORAD  will  continue  to  The joint patrol tested and  showed  a  Russian  Su-30
                                                                      monitor  competitor  activ-  improved coordination be-    fighter  jet  escorting  a  Chi-
                                                                      ity near North America and  tween  the  two  air  forces,  nese bomber.
                                                                      meet  presence  with  pres-  said  Zhang  Xiaogang,  a  Another  photo  posted  on-
                                                                      ence,” the command said  spokesperson  for  China’s  line by the military channel
                                                                      in a news release.           Defense  Ministry.  He  said  of China’s state broadcast-
                                                                      While  Russia’s  military  has  it was the eighth joint stra-  er  CCTV  showed  Russian
                                                                      long  been  active  in  the  tegic air patrol since 2019.  and  Chinese  long-winged
                                                                      north  Pacific,  China  has  He  declined  to  comment  bombers  flying  in  parallel
                                                                      emerged as a new actor in  when asked if it was the first  formation  against  mostly
                                                                      recent years as its growing  such patrol over the Bering  blue skies.
                                                                      navy and air force expands  Sea.                          The  Japanese  military  has
                                                                      their presence farther from  NORAD said it had detect-    grown  increasingly  con-
                                                                      the country’s shores.        ed  the  two  Chinese  H-6  cerned  about  joint  China-
            In  this  photo  taken  from  video  released  by  Russian  Defense
            Ministry Press Service on Thursday, July 25, 2024, A Tu-95 strategic   The  Russian  Defense  Minis-  and  two  Russian  Tupolev  Russia drills and the poten-
            bomber of the Russian air force is refueled in the air during a join   try said the joint patrol also  Tu-95 bombers in the North  tial threat they represent to
            Russia-China air patrol.                                  flew over the Chukchi Sea,  American  U.S.  Air  Defense  the  security  of  Japan  and
                                                     Associated Press  which  is  on  the  north  side  Identification   Zone,   an  the region.q
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