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                                                                                                           local Friday 26 July 2024

             Food Truck Festival San Nicolas 2024: Celebrating Local

             Agriculture and Food Security

             This  Saturday,  July  27,  the
             Food Truck Festival San Nico-
             las will take place. This year's
             theme  is  “Food  Security,”
             which aligns with the Minis-
             try of Nature's vision for the
             management of the primary

             The  Ministry  of  Nature  is
             pleased  to  be  part  of  this
             initiative to continue promot-
             ing the potential of Aruba's
             primary sector and improv-
             ing food security.
                                         products.                    AM, where there will be fresh  cal market in general.     culinary experience and a
             The event promises to be a                               meat, fruits, and vegetables.                             lively atmosphere. “Aruba's
             successful  one,  with  Santa  On  the  same  day  in  the  The Food Truck Festival San  The Ministry of Nature invites  future food security depends
             Rosa Aruba also participat-  morning, Santa Rosa Aruba  Nicolas will start at 6 PM and  the entire community to visit  on our efforts today and the
             ing this year to share informa-  will have their Pop-Up Mar-  last until 11 PM. Thus, it will  these two events, which are  support we give our farmers,”
             tion about local harvests and  ket at their headquarters in  be  a  day  to  support  local  free to enter, to enjoy a local  said Minister Ursell Arends.q
             the nutritional value of local  Piedra Plat from 8 AM to 11  farmers and sustain our lo-

             Aruba’s neighborhoods; the meaning behind their names

            Just  like  any  other  coun-                                                          became a well loved and   In the surrounding areas, Do-
            try,  Aruba  has  unique  and                                                          visited  attraction  at  Aruba  mingoAntonia Silvestre built
            beautifully named neighbor-                                                            that is held in high regards  his by his own means the very
            hoods that all form a part of                                                          by  both  tourists  and  locals  first chapel or church of Aru-
            its culture and development.                                                           alike.                       ba. The walls of this church
            Many of these names have                                                                                            were  made  with  rocks  but
            a historical background and                                                            If  you’d  like  to  know  more  the  roof  was  made  of  dry
            meaning  that  teaches  us                                                             about the rock formations at  corn stalks. The church was
            about the island and its rich                                                          Ayo, stay tuned for our article  inaugurated by father Pablo
            culture every day.                                                                     where we tell you all about  Algemesi
                                                                                                   its location and history.
            With this series, we want to                                                                                        If  you’d  like  to  know  more
            take you on a journey of dis-                                                          This neighborhood’s abbre-   about the Alto Vista Church’s
            covery,  where  you’ll  learn  eralizing word. If you were to  stands for Yocahu, which is  viation is; A.          beautiful history, stay tuned
            not only the beautiful names  change a part of the word  another  word  for  ‘creator’                              for our article where we tell
            but the history behind it that  “Ayo”, namely ‘Yo’, to ‘Yu’  in Arawak/Taino and in the         Alto Vista          you  all  you  need  to  know
            gives it life and meaning.   and  make  ‘Ayu’,  it  would  Papiamento spoken today,  This word combination can  about it for when you visit it.
                                         mean “white.”                ‘Ayo’ means ‘bye’.           be  roughly  translated  to  a
                        Ayo                                                                        ‘high point of view’ and the  This neighborhood’s abbre-
            Ajo, or Ayo, is a word with  However, as we now know,  At Ayo, you can find some  neighborhood received this  viation is; AV.q
            Arawak-Indian origin. A (or  the name of the neighbor-    of the most well known rock  name from the Hill.
            Ha) is an Indo-Antillean gen-  hood is ‘Ayo’. The word ‘Yo’  formations. These formations
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