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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 23 November 2019

            In reversal, Seoul to keep Japan military intelligence pact

            By KIM TONG-HYUNG                                                                                                   a delicate time for the alli-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ance  between  the  United
            SEOUL, South Korea (AP) —                                                                                           States  and  South  Korea.
            In  a  major  policy  reversal,                                                                                     The  two  countries  have
            South  Korea  said  Friday  it                                                                                      struggled to deal with North
            has  decided  to  continue                                                                                          Korea's   nuclear   threat
            a 2016 military intelligence-                                                                                       while  squabbling  over  de-
            sharing agreement with Ja-                                                                                          fense  costs.  There's  also
            pan  that  it  previously  said                                                                                     concern  that  Trump,  after
            it  would  terminate  amid                                                                                          already  suspending  major
            ongoing tensions over war-                                                                                          U.S.-South  Korean  military
            time history and trade.                                                                                             exercises  he  described  as
            The announcement, made                                                                                              "ridiculous  and  expensive,"
            just  six  hours  before  the                                                                                       may  seek  to  reduce  the
            agreement  was  to  expire,                                                                                         U.S.  military  presence  in
            followed a strong U.S. push                                                                                         South Korea to accommo-
            to save the pact, which has                                                                                         date a deal with North Ko-
            been a major symbol of the                                                                                          rean leader Kim Jong Un.
            countries'  three-way  secu-                                                                                        South  Korea's  August  dec-
            rity cooperation in the face                                                                                        laration  that  it  would  ter-
            of  North  Korea's  nuclear                                                                                         minate  the  General  Secu-
            threat  and  China's  grow-                                                                                         rity  of  Military  Intelligence
            ing  influence.  The  office   Kim You-geun, deputy director of South Korea's presidential national security office, speaks at the   Agreement,  or  GSOMIA,
            of  South  Korean  President   presidential Blue House in Seoul, South Korea, Friday, Nov. 22, 2019.                with  Japan  came  shortly
            Moon  Jae-in  said  it  decid-                                                                     Associated Press  after  Tokyo  removed  its
            ed  to  suspend  the  effect  with Tokyo proceed.         dispute  over  the  export  had  anticipated  that  the  neighbor from a "white list"
            of the three months' notice  Kim  also  said  South  Korea  controls. The military agree-  Moon  government  would  of countries receiving pref-
            it  gave  in  August  to  termi-  decided  to  halt  a  com-  ment,  which  Japan  had  let  the  agreement  expire,  erential treatment in trade.
            nate  the  agreement  after  plaint it filed with the World  sought to maintain, is auto-  saying  there  was  no  clear  South  Korea  saw  Tokyo's
            Tokyo agreed to reciprocal  Trade  Organization  over  matically  extended  every  way  for  Seoul  to  renew  it  move,     which    followed
            measures.                    Japan's  tightened  controls  year  unless  either  country  without losing face.      strengthened  controls  on
            But  Kim  You-geun,  deputy  on exports of key chemicals  notifies  the  other  90  days  Some  saw  the  Trump  ad-  technology   exports   to
            director  of  South  Korea's  that South Korean compa-    in  advance  of  its  intention  ministration's  public  de-  South  Korean  chip  and
            presidential  national  secu-  nies use to make computer  to terminate it, a deadline  mands  for  South  Korea  to  display  manufacturers,  as
            rity  office,  said  the  move  chips and displays.       that fell in August.         reverse the key diplomatic  retaliation  over  political
            was based on the premise  The Japanese government  Washington had no imme-             decision as a profound lack  disputes  stemming  from
            that  it  could  end  the  ar-  said  it  has  agreed  to  re-  diate  reaction  to  Seoul's  of respect for an ally.  Japan's  use  of  Koreans  for
            rangement at any time de-    sume discussions with South  announcement.                The  squabble  over  the  forced  labor  before  the
            pending  on  how  relations  Korea  on  resolving  their  Most South Korean analysts  Seoul-Tokyo pact came at  end of World War II. q

            In reversal, Seoul to keep Japan military intelligence pact

            By KIM TONG-HYUNG            countries'  three-way  secu-  that  it  could  end  the  ar-
            Associated Press             rity cooperation in the face  rangement at any time de-
            SEOUL, South Korea (AP) —  of  North  Korea's  nuclear  pending  on  how  relations
            In  a  major  policy  reversal,  threat and China's growing  with Tokyo proceed.
            South  Korea  said  Friday  it  influence.                The Japanese government
            has  decided  to  continue  The office of South Korean  said  it  has  agreed  to  re-
            a 2016 military intelligence-  President Moon Jae-in said  sume discussions with South
            sharing agreement with Ja-   it  decided  to  suspend  the  Korea  on  resolving  their
            pan  that  it  previously  said  effect of the three months'  dispute  over  the  export
            it  would  terminate  amid  notice it gave in August to  controls. The military agree-
            ongoing tensions over war-   terminate  the  agreement  ment,  which  Japan  had
            time history and trade.      after  Tokyo  agreed  to  re-  sought to maintain, is auto-
            The announcement, made  ciprocal measures.                matically  extended  every
            just  six  hours  before  the  But  Kim  You-geun,  deputy  year  unless  either  country
            agreement  was  to  expire,  director  of  South  Korea's  notifies  the  other  90  days   Kim  You-geun,  deputy  director  of  South  Korea's  presidential
            followed a strong U.S. push  presidential  national  secu-  in  advance  of  its  intention   national security office, speaks at the presidential Blue House in
            to save the pact, which has  rity  office,  said  the  move  to terminate it, a deadline   Seoul, South Korea, Friday, Nov. 22, 2019.
            been a major symbol of the  was based on the premise  that fell in August.q                                                     Associated Press
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