Page 10 - aruba-today-20191123
P. 10
Saturday 23 November 2019
Parallel national day rallies by Lebanon protesters, leaders
By SARAH EL DEEB parade, while President
Associated Press Michel Aoun and Parlia-
BEIRUT (AP) — Lebanon's ment Speaker Nabih Berri
top politicians made their exchanged smiles. The
first joint appearance Fri- leaders exchanged a few
day since massive anti- words during the 30-minute
government protests erupt- parade of marching sol-
ed last month, attending diers. There was no display
a military parade for the of tanks or helicopters and
country's 76th Indepen- no foreign dignitaries were
dence Day. in attendance.
Protesters gathered for al- Berri and Aoun immedi-
ternative independence ately left after the parade
celebrations, converging ended, while Hariri milled
by early afternoon on Mar- around for a little longer
tyrs' Square in central Bei- exchanging words with the
rut, which used to be the commander of the Leba-
traditional location of the nese Armed Forces.
official parade. Protesters A day earlier, Aoun had said
have occupied the area, a consensus on forming a
closing it off to traffic since government remained far
mid-October. off because of "contradic-
The demonstrations that Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri attends a military parade to mark the 76th anniversary of tions that control Lebanese
began on Oct. 17 against Lebanon's independence from France at the Lebanese Defense Ministry, in Yarzeh near Beirut, politics." He didn't elabo-
proposed taxes on What- Lebanon, Friday, Nov. 22, 2019. rate. He also told protesters
sApp calls turned into Associated Press "only dialogue is the right
a condemnation of the out from different neighbor- duce a government three ner that read: "You people path to resolve crises."
country's political elite, who hoods in the capital toward weeks after Prime Minister have the power to make In an ominous sign, un-
have run the country since the square, the epicenter Saad Hariri resigned. life free and beautiful." known vandals set fire to a
the 1975-90 civil war. of the protests, facing the The protesters are calling A white banner was hung large cardboard fist in Bei-
"They don't want the coun- waterfront and near the for a new government and between two trees. Activ- rut's protest camp, which
try to change. They want it government headquarters elections outside of the tra- ists called on attendees had become a symbol of
to stay the same and they and parliament. ditional sectarian-based to draw and "be creative" the uprising. The first had
want us to leave," said one The limited official Inde- power-sharing agreement. about how they want been painted with the
protester who appeared pendence Day display re- Facing a plunging econ- to commemorate inde- word "Revolution."
in the square dressed as flects the changing mood omy and high rates of un- pendence. One person Videos and photos cir-
Charlie Chaplin and gave in Lebanon, which is fac- employment, Lebanon's scribbled: "This is a popular culating on social media
her name only as Joyce. "I ing its most serious politi- young have played a lead- Independence Day. Inde- showed the fist catching
am an actress. I don't want cal and economic crises ing role in efforts to topple pendence from a corrupt fire at dawn Friday. Pro-
to leave this country. I want in years. Leaderless anti- the political elite they ac- authority. November 22 is a testers who were camped
to stay here, work here and government protests have cuse of corruption and day with a different flavor." out in the square quickly
live in Lebanon." gripped the country since years of mismanagement At the official celebra- tried to put out the blaze.
Hundreds waved Lebanese mid-October, while a that have left with little op- tions earlier Friday, Hariri A single protester defiantly
flags and sang the national deadlock among the top tions but to migrate. maintained a stern expres- raised his fist in the air be-
anthem, while marches set leaders has failed to pro- The actress raised a ban- sion during the military side the charred effigy.q
Bosnian govt fires care home overseers over abuse claims
Associated Press it even more shocking," he for years to be prosecuted
SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herze- added. However, while the and everyone who has any
govina (AP) — The gov- government officials were responsibility for allowing
ernment of one of Bosnia's announcing their decision, this to happened to be re-
two autonomous parts on several hundred people placed," she added.
Friday fired members of the protested outside the gov- Other protesters, who car-
oversight team of a pub- ernment building in down- ried banners decrying gov-
lic care home, yielding to town Sarajevo. ernment corruption and in-
popular pressure after an Upon hearing the news, competence, echoed her
opposition lawmaker pub- the crowd that included sentiment.
lished photos of abuse of parents of special needs The Pazaric home for spe-
special needs children. children, pledged to con- cial needs children was al-
The decision was taken the tinue protesting the gov- ready under investigation
day after public protests ernment's hesitation and on suspicion of financial
triggered by photos of chil- People attend a protest in Sarajevo, Bosnia, Thursday, Nov. 21, lack of transparency. misconduct by a previ-
dren restrained in an inhu- 2019. "Replacing (the members ous manager and other
man fashion, including by Associated Press of the oversight team) is executive staff appointed
being tied to radiators or she was frustrated by the Vesko Drljaca, the minister not enough, not any more," by the government of the
left crying on beds in strait- government's inaction. of labor and social policy said Muhic Medina, mother Bosniak-Croat Federation.
jackets. "As a citizen and as a minis- in the government of the of a 8-year-old disabled The implicated manager
The photos were released ter, I am truly shocked with Bosniak-Croat Federation. boy. "We want those re- and some other members
by an opposition lawmak- the facts and implications "That special needs chil- sponsible for wrongdoing of staff were replaced last
er, Sabina Cudic, who said that came to light," said dren were affected makes that has been going on spring. q