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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 23 November 2019
            Washington state deals setback to massive methanol plant

            By GENE JOHNSON                                                                                                     already  been  provided  or
            Associated Press                                                                                                    was beyond what state law
            SEATTLE (AP) — Washington                                                                                           required.
            state dealt a setback Friday                                                                                        Ecology's  decision  Friday
            to efforts to build one of the                                                                                      came  about  a  week  after
            world's  biggest  methanol                                                                                          conservation  and  public
            plants  on  the  Columbia                                                                                           health  groups,  including
            River, saying that five years                                                                                       Columbia Riverkeeper, the
            in, its backers had failed to                                                                                       Sierra  Club  and  Washing-
            provide  enough  informa-                                                                                           ton  Physicians  for  Social
            tion  about  its  greenhouse                                                                                        Responsibility,  sued  in  U.S.
            gas  emissions  and  how                                                                                            District Court in Tacoma to
            they would be offset.                                                                                               invalidate  key  federal  per-
            The $2 billion Northwest In-                                                                                        mits for the project.
            novation    Works   project                                                                                         The  groups  said  the  U.S.
            would  take  natural  gas                                                                                           Army  Corps  of  Engineers
            from  Canada  and  con-                                                                                             did  not  properly  consider
            vert it into methanol, which                                                                                        the huge amount of green-
            would be shipped to China                                                                                           house  gases  the  project
            to  make  olefins  —  com-                                                                                          would  emit  —  more  than
            pounds  used  in  everything                                                                                        1  million  tons  per  year,
            from  fabrics  and  contact                                                                                         an  amount  that  would
            lenses to iPhones and med-                                                                                          increase      Washington's
            ical equipment.                                                                                                     greenhouse  gas  emissions
            Backers,  including  Cowlitz   In  this  2017  file  photo,  Mark  Keely,  of  Kalama,  Wash.,  stands  with  other  protesters  outside  the   by 1%.
            County  and  the  Port  of   Washington Department of Ecology's Vancouver field office in 2017.                     They  also  said  federal  re-
            Kalama,  said  the  proj-                                                                          Associated Press   views  had  failed  to  prop-
            ect  would  reduce  global  ther  review  was  necessary  The  company,  which  is  eral  counsel  of  Northwest  erly  consider  the  project's
            greenhouse  gas  emissions  "to determine the adequa-     backed  by  the  Chinese  Innovation      Works,   said  effects   on    threatened
            by  displacing  China's  use  cy of the proposed mitiga-  government,  has  noted  earlier  this  week.  "It  will  be  salmon runs and on endan-
            of coal to make methanol.  tion for the Project."         that  it  offered  to  mitigate  that those materials will be  gered orcas.
            They  provided  regulators  The  review  is  expected  to  for  all  greenhouse  gas  produced in countries that  Local  officials  have  sup-
            with  a  third-party  analysis  take about a year.        emissions  it  generates  in  do not adhere to the envi-  ported  the  project,  noting
            suggesting  that  over  the  "The  company  continues  the state, and that it was in-  ronmental  and  regulatory  it  would  bring  about  1,000
            project's  life  it  would  re-  to rely on this very dubious  vesting  in  technology  that  standards that Washington  construction  jobs  and  190
            duce  global  emissions  by  claim  that  their  methanol  would  eliminate  all  water  state has."                longer-term positions to the
            at  least  10  million  metric  is  going  to  replace  dirti-  discharge  from  its  facility  Ecology  requested  addi-  region.
            tons per year.               er  methanol  made  from  into the Columbia River.        tional  information  about  Washington  Gov.  Jay  In-
            They called that the single  coal,"  said  Brett  Vanden-  The company says that be-   the  emissions  in  its  com-  slee used to support it, say-
            largest initiative in Washing-  Heuvel,  executive  director  cause  producing  metha-  ments  on  a  draft  environ-  ing it would help clean up
            ton  for  reducing  emissions  of  the  conservation  group  nol  from  natural  gas  costs  mental  impact  statement  China's  plastics  industry.
            —  equivalent  to  removing  Columbia       Riverkeeper.  about half what it costs to  last year. The backers then  He  changed  his  mind  last
            more  than  2  million  cars  "There's  just  no  justification  make  from  coal,  it  would  filed  a  supplemental  en-  May  amid  his  short-lived
            from the road.               for that. The Department of  have  a  competitive  ad-    vironmental  impact  state-  presidential   run,   which
            But  environmental  groups  Ecology is doing its job."    vantage  —  as  well  as  an  ment  in  August.  Ecology  centered  on  combatting
            said there was no evidence  In    emailed   statements,  environmental one — over  again  requested  more  in-      climate  change.  He  said
            to  support  that  statement  Northwest Innovation Works  Chinese methanol produc-     formation  in  October  and  that  because  of  the  ur-
            and that the project would  said  Friday  it  was  disap-  tion.                       gave supporters 30 days to  gency  of  the  threat  from
            create huge emissions of its  pointed  but  "prepared  for  "If  this  doesn't  get  built,  produce it.            global  warming,  he  could
            own.  In  its  decision  Friday,  the long haul" and ready to  the  result  will  not  be  less  They  responded  on  Nov.  no  longer  support  launch-
            the  Washington  Depart-     prove its project will reduce  material  produced  in  the  4,  objecting  that  some  of  ing  massive  new  fossil-fuel
            ment  of  Ecology  said  fur-  global emissions.          world,"  Kent  Caputo,  gen-  the information sought had  infrastructure in the state.q
            Students arrested for separate threats at 2 LA-area schools

            By CHRISTOPHER WEBER         high  school  in  Santa  Clar-  multiple   students   over-  out  incident  on  suspicion  has a serial number.
            Associated Press             ita,  where  a  16-year-old  heard  the  13-year-old  say  of making criminal threats.  Villanueva  praised  school
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — Depu-     boy  killed  two  fellow  stu-  Thursday  that  he  would  A  19-year-old  male  rela-  officials  for  quickly  notify-
            ties  arrested  a  13-year-old  dents and took his own life.  carry  out  the  shooting  on  tive  also  was  arrested  on  ing  authorities  about  the
            boy and seized a semi-au-    Since  then,  the  Los  Ange-  campus the following day,  suspicion  of  possessing  an  threat.
            tomatic rifle after he threat-  les County Sheriff's Depart-  Sheriff Alex Villanueva said.  unregistered firearm, Boese  "The  fact  that  people
            ened  to  shoot  other  stu-  ment  has  investigated  at  The students alerted teach-  said.  The  man,  who  was  stepped  forward  and  said
            dents and staff at a Los An-  least  30  school  threats,  ers  and  police  were  noti-  not identified, was held on  what  they  had  heard  led
            geles-area  middle  school,  spokesman Sgt. Bob Boese  fied.                           $35,000 bail, he said.       us to prevent a tragedy to-
            authorities said Friday.     said.                        Deputies   searched    the  Investigators were trying to  day," he said.
            In a separate case, a boy  The  incidents  that  resulted  boy's  home  and  discov-   determine  who  owns  the  The other boy was arrested
            at another school was tak-   in the arrests were the only  ered  an  AR-15-style  rifle,  gun that authorities initially  Thursday in Palmdale, north
            en into custody involving a  ones deemed credible.        100 rounds of ammunition,  called  a  ghost  gun  —  a  of  Los  Angeles.  Villanueva
            planned shooting.            At  Animo  Mae  Jemison  a list of names and a draw-      weapon  without  a  serial  said  the  student  at  Knight
            The  arrests  came  barely  a  Charter  Middle  School  in  ing of the school, Villanue-  number  made  from  parts  High  School  made  threats
            week  after  deputies  were  Willowbrook,  just  south  of  va said.                   from other guns. Villanueva  on social media following a
            frantically  summoned  to  a  downtown  Los  Angeles,  The boy was arrested with-      later  clarified  the  weapon  campus fight.q
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