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A26     OBITUARIO/U.s. news
                        Dialuna 25 Juli 2022

                                                                                                                   Beloved monarch

                                                                                                                butterflies now listed

                                                                                                                      as endangered

              Lagrima y flornan por seca, su recuerdonan y    “Dios ta amor... y amor ta Dios,               (AP)  —  The  monarch  butterfly  fluttered
              tur loke el a haci y significa pa nos, cu lo keda   maske mi no ta na e mundo aki, tur dia lo mi   a  step  closer  to  extinction  Thursday,  as
              graba pa semper den nos mente y curason.        ta banda di boso Curazon, mi por stens di loke   scientists  put  the  iconic  orange-and-black
              “Cerca Dios mi alma ta na paz, ta di DJ’E mi    Señor ta hasi”                                 insect on the endangered list because of its
              salbacion ta bin”                               Salmo 33                                       fast dwindling numbers.
              Salmo 62:1
                                                              Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa      “It’s just a devastating decline,” said Stuart Pimm,
              Cu honda pena pero conforme boluntad            fayecimento inespera di nos ser stima:         an  ecologist  at  Duke  University  who  was  not
              di Dios nos ta anuncia fayecimento                                                             involved in the new listing. “This is one of the
              inesperadamente di nos: mama, wela, tanta y                                                    most recognizable butterflies in the world.”
              ruman stima:
                                                                                                             The International Union for the Conservation of
                                                                                                             Nature  added  the  migrating  monarch  butterfly
                                                                                                             for  the  first  time  to  its  “red  list”  of  threatened
                                                                                                             species and categorized it as “endangered” — two
                                                                                                             steps from extinct.

                                                                                                             The  group  estimates  that  the  population  of
                                                                                                             monarch  butterflies  in  North  America  has
                                                                                                             declined  between  22%  and  72%  over  10  years,
                                                                                                             depending on the measurement method.

                                                                                                             “What we’re worried about is the rate of decline,”
                                                                                                             said  Nick  Haddad,  a  conservation  biologist  at
                                                                                                             Michigan  State  University.  “It’s  very  easy  to
                                                                                                             imagine  how  very  quickly  this  butterfly  could
                                                                                                             become even more imperiled.”
                  Matilda Angela Erasmus
                       cariñosamente yama “Tila”                       Regina E. Tromp                       Haddad,  who  was  not  directly  involved  in  the
                        28-08-1940 / 20-07-1922                     Cariñosamente yama “Tanchi Ina”          listing, estimates that the population of monarch
                    Viuda di Gregorio “Goy” Angela                     *07-09-1960 - †13-07-2022             butterflies he studies in the eastern United States
                                                                                                             has  declined  between  85%  and  95%  since  the
                                                              Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues       1990s.
              Su yiu cu e la stima:    Miriam y Johny                                                        In North America, millions of monarch butterflies
              Nieto y nieta stima:    Rachid, Tamara                                                         undertake  the  longest  migration  of  any  insect
                                                                                                             species known to science.
              Delfina y †Efe Henriquez y fam                                                                 After  wintering  in  the  mountains  of  central
              †Henny y †Ninita Erasmus y fam                                                                 Mexico,  the  butterflies  migrate  to  the  north,
              Alberto y †Mina Erasmus y fam                                                                  breeding  multiple  generations  along  the  way
              †Edhita y †Feli Pereira y fam                                                                  for thousands of miles. The offspring that reach
              †Nemencio y Inchy Erasmus y fam                                                                southern  Canada  then  begin  the  trip  back  to
              †Andres Erasmus                                                                                Mexico at the end of summer.
                                                                                                             “It’s a true spectacle and incites such awe,” said
              Manera yiu:                                                                                    Anna  Walker,  a  conservation  biologist  at  New
              Mary-Ann Pereira y fam                                                                         Mexico  BioPark  Society,  who  was  involved  in
                                                              Those we love…don’t go away.                   determining the new listing.
              Swa y cuñanan:                                  They walk beside us every day.
              †Crismo y †Shonmina Angela y fam                Unseen, unheard, but always near,              A  smaller  group  spends  winters  in  coastal
              †Maca y †Bennie Flanegin y fam                  still loved, still missed and forever dear.    California, then disperses in spring and summer
              Metty y Dian Deluvia y fam                                                                     across several states west of the Rocky Mountains.
              †Olga y †Nemencio Geerman y fam                 Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa      This population has seen an even more precipitous
              †Reina Angela y fam                             fayecimento di nos ser stima:                  decline than the eastern monarchs, although there
              Pedro y †Hilda Angela y fam                                                                    was a small bounce back last winter.
              Maria Angela y fam
              Roy y Ludwina Angela y fam                                                                     Emma  Pelton  of  the  nonprofit  Xerces  Society,
                                                                                                             which monitors the western butterflies, said the
              Su subrino y subrinanan, primo y primanan,                                                     butterflies  are  imperiled  by  loss  of  habitat  and
              ihanan, comer y compernan,.                                                                    increased  use  of  herbicides  and  pesticides  for
              Su amiganan di cas:   Carmen Claro y fam                                                       agriculture, as well as climate change.
                                                 Damaris y fam
                                                                                                             “There  are  things  people  can  do  to  help,”  she
              Demas famia: Angela, Erasmus, Henriquez,                                                       said, including planting milkweed, a plant that the
              Pereira, Boekhoudt, Quaster, Solognier,                                                        caterpillars depend upon.
              Doolabi, Werleman, Dijkhoff, Nuñez,
              Arendsz, George, Flanegin, Deluvia, Geerman,                                                   Nonmigratory  monarch  butterflies  in  Central
              Agumbero, Maduro, Loopstok, Feliciana.                                                         and  South  America  were  not  designated  as
                                                                     Sr. Louis R.F. Pâris II                 endangered.
              Ta invita pa e acto di entiero cu lo tuma lugar         Cariñosamente yama “Chito”
              na Aurora Funeral Home Diamars 26 di juli                *28-11-1941 - †20-07-2022             The  United  States  has  not  listed  monarch
              2022 di 9or pa 11or di mainta y despues pa                                                     butterflies under the Endangered Species Act, but
              santana catolico na Paradera.                   Acto di despedida lo wordo anuncia despues     several environmental groups believe it should be
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