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                                                                                                 u.s. news Dialuna 25 Juli 2022

                         Semiconductor bill unites Sanders, the right — in opposition

            (AP)  —  A  bill  to  boost  trough.
            semiconductor      produc-   Sanders said he doesn't hear
            tion  in  the  United  States  from  people  about  the  need
            has managed to do nearly  to  help  the  semiconductor
            the  unthinkable  —  unite  industry.  Voters  talk  to  him
            the  democratic  socialist  about  climate  change,  gun
            Sen.  Bernie  Sanders  and  safety,  preserving  a  wom-
            the  fiscally  conservative  an's right to an abortion and
            right.                       boosting Social Security ben-
                                         efits, to name just a few.
            The  bill  making  its  way  "Not  too  many  people  that
            through  the  Senate  is  a  top  I  can  recall  —  I  have  been
            priority of the Biden admin-  all  over  this  country  —  say:
            istration. It would add about  'Bernie,  you  go  back  there
            $79 billion to the deficit over  and you get the job done, and
            10  years,  mostly  as  a  result  you give enormously profit-
            of new grants and tax breaks  able corporations, which pay
            that would subsidize the cost  outrageous   compensation
            that computer chip manufac-  packages to their CEOs, bil-
            turers  incur  when  building  lions and billions of dollars in
            or  expanding  chip  plants  in  corporate  welfare,'"  Sanders
            the United States.           said.
            Supporters say that countries  Sanders  voted  against  the
            all over the world are spend-  original  semiconductor  and
            ing billons of dollars to lure  research  bill  that  passed  the
            chipmakers.  The  U.S.  must  Senate last year. He was the
            do the same or risk losing a  only  senator  who  caucuses
            secure  supply  of  the  semi-  with  the  Democrats  to  op-
            conductors  that  power  the  pose  the  measure,  joining
            nation's  automobiles,  com-  with 31 Republicans.
            puters,  appliances  and  some  While  Sanders  would  like
            of  the  military's  most  ad-  the see the spending directed  as  The  Wall  Street  Journal's  help  from  Republicans  to  through  the  House  is  nar-
            vanced weapons systems.      elsewhere, several GOP sen-  editorial board, the Heritage  get a bill over the finish line.  row if progressives join with
            Sanders,  I-Vt.,  and  a  wide  ators just want the spending  Foundation  and  the  tea  par-  Support from at least 11 Re-  Sanders and if most Repub-
            range  of  conservative  law-  stopped,  period.  Sen.  Mike  ty  aligned  group  Freedom-  publican  senators  will  be  licans  line  up  in  opposition
            makers, think tanks and me-  Lee, R-Utah, said the spend-  Works  have  also  come  out  needed to overcome a filibus-  based  on  fiscal  concerns.
            dia  outlets  have  a  different  ing would help fuel inflation  against  the  bill.  "Giving  tax-  ter. A final vote on the bill is  The  White  House  says  the
            take. To them, it's "corporate  that is hurting the poor and  payer  money  away  to  rich  expected in the coming week.  bill needs to pass by the end
            welfare."  It's  just  the  latest  middle class.         corporations  is  not  compet-  Sen.  Mitt  Romney,  R-Utah,  of  the  month  because  com-
            example  of  how  spending  "The  poorer  you  are,  the  ing  with  China,"  said  Wal-  is  among  the  likely  Repub-  panies  are  making  decisions
            taxpayer  dollars  to  help  the  more you suffer. Even people  ter  Lohman,  director  of  the  lican   supporters.   Asked  now about where to build.
            private  sector  can  scramble  well-entrenched in the mid-  Heritage  Foundation's  Asian  about the Sanders' argument  Two   key   congressional
            the usual partisan lines, creat-  dle class get gouged consider-  Studies Center.      against the bill, Romney said  groups, the Problem Solvers
            ing allies on the left and right  ably. Why we would want to  The opposition from the far  that  when  other  countries  caucus and the New Demo-
            who agree on little else. They  take money away from them  left  and  the  far  right  means  subsidize  the  manufacturing  crat Coalition, have endorsed
            are  positioning  themselves  and give it to the wealthy is  that  Senate  Majority  Leader  of high technology chips, the  the measure in recent days,
            as defenders of the little guy  beyond  my  ability  to  fath-  Chuck  Schumer,  D-N.Y.,  U.S. must join the club.  The Problem Solvers caucus
            against  powerful  interest  om," Lee said.               and  House  Speaker  Nancy  "If  you  don't  play  like  they  is  made  up  members  from
            groups lining up at the public  Conservative mainstays such  Pelosi,  D-Calif.,  will  need  play, then you are not going  both parties. Rep. Brian Fitz-
                                                                                                   to  be  manufacturing  high  patrick  of  Pennsylvania,  the
                                                                                                   technology  chips,  and  they  group's Republican co-chair,
                                                                                                   are essential for our national  said  Intel  Corp.  wants  to
                                                                                                   defense as well as our econo-  build its chip capacity in the
                                                                                                   my," Romney said.            United  States,  but  much  of
                                                                                                   The  most  common  reason  that  capacity  will  go  to  Eu-
                                                                                                   that lawmakers give for sub-  rope if Congress doesn't pass
                                                                                                   sidizing  the  semiconductor  the bill.
                                                                                                   industry  is  the  risk  to  na-  "If  a  semiconductor-related
                                                                                                   tional  security  from  relying  bill is brought to the floor, it
                                                                                                   on foreign suppliers, particu-  will pass," Fitzpatrick said.
                                                                                                   larly  after  the  supply  chain  Rep. Derek Kilmer, D-Wash.,
                                                                                                   problems  of  the  pandemic.  said  he  believes  the  legisla-
                                                                                                   Nearly  four-fifths  of  global  tion checks a lot of boxes for
                                                                                                   fabrication capacity is in Asia,  his  constituents,  including
                                                                                                   according to the Congressio-  on the front-burner issue of
                                                                                                   nal Research Service, broken  the day, inflation.
                                                                                                   down by South Korea at 28%,  "This is about reducing infla-
                                                                                                   Taiwan  at  22%,  Japan,  16%,  tion. If you look at inflation,
                                                                                                   and China, 12%.              one-third  of  the  inflation  in
                                                                                                   "My  fear  is  that  more  and  the last quarter was automo-
                                                                                                   more  companies  will  locate  biles, and it's because there's
                                                                                                   their  manufacturing  facili-  a  shortage  of  chips,"  Kilmer
                                                                                                   ties  in  other  countries  and  said.  "So  this  is  about,  one,
                                                                                                   that  we  will  be  increasingly  making sure that we're mak-
                                                                                                   vulnerable,"  said  Sen.  Susan  ing  things  in  the  United
                                                                                                   Collins, R-Maine.            States, and two, about reduc-
                                                                                                   Supporters are confident the  ing costs."
                                                                                                   bill will pass the Senate. The
                                                                                                   window  for  passing  the  bill
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