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A30    world news
                        Dialuna 25 Juli 2022

                         Pope lands in Canada, set for apologies to Indigenous groups

                                                                      from the First Nations, Me-  Canada's  Truth  and  Recon-  cis  apology  and  the  Tuesday
                                                                      tis and Inuit. Those meetings  ciliation Commission in 2015  gathering  at  Lac  Ste.  Anne,
                                                                      culminated  with  a  historic  had called for a papal apology  long a popular pilgrimage site
                                                                      April  1  apology  for  the  "de-  to be delivered on Canadian  for Indigenous Catholics.
                                                                      plorable"  abuses  committed  soil, but it was only after the
                                                                      by some Catholic missionar-  2021  discovery  of  the  pos-  Both  are  in  rural  areas,  and
                                                                      ies in residential schools.  sible  remains  of  around  200  organizers   are   arranging
                                                                                                   children  at  the  former  Ka-  shuttle  transport  from  vari-
                                                                      The  Canadian  government  mloops  residential  school  in  ous park-and-ride lots. They
                                                                      has  admitted  that  physical  British  Columbia  that  the  noted that many survivors are
                                                                      and  sexual  abuse  were  ram-  Vatican mobilized to comply  now elderly and frail and may
                                                                      pant  in  the  government-   with the request.            need accessible vehicle trans-
                                                                      funded  Christian  schools                                port, diabetic-friendly snacks
                                                                      that  operated  from  the  19th  The  Inuit  community,  for  and other services.
                                                                      century  to  the  1970s.  Some  its  part,  is  seeking  Vatican
                                                                      150,000  Indigenous  chil-   assistance  to  extradite  a  sin-  The  Rev.  Cristino  Bouvette,
                                                                      dren  were  taken  from  their  gle  Oblate  priest,  the  Rev.  national  liturgical  coordina-
            (AP)  —  Pope  Francis  apology.                          families and forced to attend  Joannes Rivoire, who minis-  tor  for  the  papal  visit,  who
            began  a  fraught  visit  to  Aboard the papal plane, Fran-  in  an  effort  to  isolate  them  tered  to  Inuit  communities  is partly of Indigenous heri-
            Canada  on  Sunday  to  cis  told  reporters  this  was  a  from  the  influence  of  their  until he left in the 1990s and  tage, said he hopes the visit is
            apologize  to  Indigenous  "penitential  voyage"  and  he  homes, Native languages and  returned to France. Canadian  healing  for  those  who  "have
            peoples for abuses by mis-   urged  prayers  in  particular  cultures and assimilate them  authorities  issued  an  arrest  borne  a  wound,  a  cross  that
            sionaries  at  residential  for elderly people and grand-  into Canada's Christian soci-  warrant  for  him  in  1998  on  they  have  suffered  with,  in
            schools,  a  key  step  in  the  parents.                 ety.                         accusations of several counts  some cases for generations."
            Catholic  Church's  efforts                                                            of  sexual  abuse,  but  it  has
            to  reconcile  with  Native  Indigenous  groups  are  seek-  Then-Prime  Minister  Ste-  never been served.         Bouvette, a priest in the Dio-
            communities  and  help  ing  more  than  just  words,  phen  Harper  issued  a  for-   Inuit leader Natan Obed per-  cese of Calgary, said the  pa-
            them  heal  from  genera-    though, as they press for ac-  mal  apology  over  the  resi-  sonally asked Francis for the  pal liturgical events will have
            tions of trauma.             cess  to  church  archives  to  dential  schools  in  2008.  As  Vatican's  help  in  extraditing  strong  Indigenous  represen-
                                         learn  the  fate  of  children  part  of  a  lawsuit  settlement  Rivoire, telling The Associat-  tation  —  including  promi-
            Francis  flew  from  Rome  to  who  never  returned  home  involving  the  government,  ed Press in March that it was  nent  roles  for  Indigenous
            Edmonton,  Alberta,  where  from  the  schools.  They  also  churches  and  approximately  one specific thing the Vatican  clergy and the use of Native
            his welcoming party includ-  want justice for the abusers,  90,000  surviving  students,  could do to bring healing to  languages, music and motifs
            ed  Canadian  Prime  Minis-  financial reparations and the  Canada paid reparations that  his many victims.         on liturgical vestments.
            ter Justin Trudeau and Mary  return of Indigenous artifacts  amounted to billions of dol-
            May  Simon,  an  Inuk  who  held  by  the  Vatican  Muse-  lars  being  transferred  to  In-  Asked about the request, Vat-  Bouvette said he's doing this
            is  Canada's  first  Indigenous  ums.                     digenous communities. Can-   ican spokesman Matteo Bru-   work  in  honor  of  his  "ko-
            governor general. Francis had                             ada's Catholic Church says its  ni said last week that he had  kum,"  the  Cree  word  for
            no  official  events  scheduled  Francis'  week-long  trip  —  dioceses and religious orders  no information on the case.  grandmother,  who  spent  12
            Sunday,  giving  him  time  to  which  will  take  him  to  Ed-  have provided more than $50  At a news conference Satur-  years  at  a  residential  school
            rest before his meeting Mon-  monton; Quebec City and fi-  million  in  cash  and  in-kind  day in Edmonton, organizers  in  Edmonton.  She  "could
            day  with  survivors  near  the  nally Iqaluit, Nunavut, in the  contributions,  and  hope  to  said they will do all they can  have  probably  never  imag-
            site  of  a  former  residential  far  north  —  follows  meet-  add  $30  million  more  over  to  enable  school  survivors  ined  those  many  years  later
            school  in  Maskwacis,  where  ings he held in the spring at  the next five years.     to  attend  the  papal  events,  that  her  grandson  would  be
            he  is  expected  to  deliver  an  the  Vatican  with  delegations                     particularly for the Maskwa-  involved in this work."

                         Mediterranean ships find 5 dead, rescue over 1,100 migrants

            (AP)  —  Italian  vessels  have  re-  cal  treatment  from  a  migrant  boat  34,013 recorded through Friday.  dead  or  missing  at  sea  by  the  U.N.
            covered  five  bodies  and  rescued  in a precarious condition, the Coast                                   refugee agency this year, 823 of those
            674  people  packed  on  a  fishing  Guard said.                        While  still  notably  fewer  than  the  in  the  perilous  central  Mediterra-
            boat adrift in the Mediterranean                                        2015 peak year, the crossings remain  nean.
            off  the  Libyan  coast,  the  Italian  In  separate  operations,  the  German  deadly,  with  1,234  people  recorded
            Coast  Guard  said  Sunday,  while  charity Sea-Watch said it rescued 444
            European charities reported sav-    migrants  trying  to  cross  the  Medi-
            ing more than 500 more.             terranean  on  overcrowded,  rickety
                                                smugglers'  boats.  The  Sea-Watch  3
            Some  of  the  survivors  had  to  be  vessel carried out the five operations
            plucked  from  the  sea  in  the  Italian  over 24 hours, and said the rescued
            operation  Saturday  that  was  carried  included  a  pregnant  woman  and  a
            out  120  miles  (190  kilometers)  off  man who had suffered severe burns.
            the coast of Calabria by a Navy mer-
            cantile  ship,  three  Coast  Guard  pa-  The charity is asking for permission
            trol boats and a financial police boat.  to bring the rescued people to a safe
            All of those rescued were brought to  port, as the rescue ship is unable to
            ports in Calabria and Sicily.       accommodate so many people.

            The causes of death for the five dead  In  addition,  the  European  char-
            were not immediately known.         ity  SOS  Mediterannee  said  its  res-
            The Coast Guard said it was just one  cue ship Ocean Viking have saved 87
            in a series of rescues in recent days in  people, including 57 unaccompanied
            the Italian search and rescue area of  minors, from an overcrowded rubber
            the central Mediterranean, as desper-  boat off the Libyan coast. None had
            ate people fleeing poverty or oppres-  life jackets, the charity said.
            sion seek a better life in Europe. In
            one  case,  a  helicopter  was  called  to  Migrant  arrivals  in  Italy  are  up  by
            evacuate a woman in need of medi-   nearly  one-quarter  from  2021,  with
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