Page 27 - bon-dia-aruba-20200630
P. 27
WORLD NEWS Tuesday 30 June 2020
France, Germany push for rapid EU recovery plan agreement
By DAVID RISING and debt mutualization and a
SYLVIE CORBET package of 500 billion eu-
Associated Press ros in grants that would go
BERLIN (AP) — The leaders to the regions the most af-
of Germany and France fected by the virus crisis.
said Monday they will use He also called on the EU
their influence as European to reinforce its sovereignty
Union powerhouses to help in a broad range of fields
negotiate a rapid agree- including climate issues,
ment on a coronavirus re- the digital economy, food,
covery package for the health, industry and secu-
27-nation bloc that leaves rity. The virus crisis revealed
no country behind. Europe's fragility and de-
In their first face-to-face pendence, he said.
meeting since the start of The group of countries that
the pandemic, German oppose grants, dubbed
Chancellor Angela Merkel the "Frugal Four" — Austria,
and French President Em- Denmark, the Netherlands
manuel Macron stressed and Sweden — benefit
their determination to work from the strength of the EU
together to try and get Eu- single market more than
ropean economies back the recovery will cost them,
on track as Germany takes he argued.
over the the six-month ro- "That's not in their interest to
tating EU presidency on see some members ... be-
July 1. French President Emmanuel Macron talks to German Chancellor Angela Merkel during a meeting ing affected" by the crisis,
at Meseberg Castle, the German government's guest house in Meseberg, Germany, June 29,
Already in May, Merkel and 2020. he said.
Macron together proposed Associated Press Merkel said that whatever
creating a one-off 500 shape the final recovery
billion-euro ($561 billion) with no strings attached. coming months that makes its social consequences package takes, "it has to
recovery fund that would Merkel told reporters at a clear Europe is our future," "a moment of truth" for Eu- be substantial."
be filled through shared EU joint news conference with Merkel said. rope. "We can make this "It needs to remain a fund
borrowing. Macron at a German gov- "The expectations are high moment of truth a moment that helps the countries that
That proposal was expand- ernment villa outside Berlin and we know that when of success," he said, insist- have been much harder hit
ed upon by the European that they hadn't expected Germany and France are ing on the need for a Eu- by the crisis," she said.
Commission, which put their proposal to be adopt- united, Europe is not neces- ropean agreement on an "There is naturally still a lot
forward plans for a 750 ed word for word but that it sarily united. But if Germa- economic recovery plan. of resistance to overcome,
billion-euro fund made up signaled their direction. ny and France are not in "We will do everything, with but I think what is really
mostly of grants. It's fac- "Through our joint propos- agreement, then it doesn't the Chancellor, to get a important for many states
ing resistance from some al for a recovery fund we speak well for the unity of budget deal in July," he that may still be skeptical
countries, however, that have made clear that Ger- Europe." said. today is the desire that we
oppose grants and are re- many and France want to Macron called the virus cri- Macron reiterated that EU come through the crisis
luctant to give out funds play a role together in the sis and its economic and measures should include strong together."q
Iran issues arrest warrant for Trump that Interpol rejects
By NASSER KARIMI simehr said Trump and 35 of the country that requests
Associated Press others whom Iran accuses it. The notices cannot force
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran of involvement in the Jan. 3 countries to arrest or extra-
has issued an arrest war- strike that killed Gen. Qas- dite suspects, but can put
rant and asked Interpol for sem Soleimani in Baghdad government leaders on
help in detaining President face "murder and terror- the spot and limit suspects'
Donald Trump and dozens ism charges," the state-run travel.
of others it believes car- IRNA news agency report- After receiving a request,
ried out the U.S. drone strike ed. Interpol meets by commit-
that killed a top Iranian Alqasimehr did not identify tee and discusses whether
general in Baghdad, a lo- anyone else sought other or not to share the informa-
cal prosecutor reportedly than Trump, but stressed tion with its member states.
said Monday. that Iran would continue Interpol has no requirement
Interpol later said it wouldn't to pursue his prosecution for making any of the notic-
consider Iran's request, even after his presidency es public, though some do
meaning Trump faces no ends. get published on its web-
danger of arrest. However, Alqasimehr also was quot- site. In this Thursday, June 25, 2020 file photo, President Donald
the charges underscore ed as saying that Iran re- Interpol later issued a state- Trump waves as he arrives on Air Force One at Austin Straubel
the heightened tensions quested a "red notice" be ment saying its guidelines International Airport in Green Bay, Wis.
between Iran and the Unit- put out for Trump and the for notices forbids it from Associated Press
ed States since Trump uni- others, which represents "any intervention or activi- Brian Hook, the U.S. special Arabia on Monday.
laterally withdrew America the highest-level arrest re- ties of a political" nature. representative for Iran, dis- "It's a propaganda stunt
from Tehran's nuclear deal quest issued by Interpol. Interpol "would not consid- missed the arrest warrant that no one takes seriously
with world powers. Local authorities generally er requests of this nature," it announcement during a and makes the Iranians
Tehran prosecutor Ali Alqa- make the arrests on behalf said. news conference in Saudi look foolish," Hook said. q